Review your work over the course of this term. Create a short PowerPoint that you could deliver as professional development to a new group of online teachers. Be sure to use the new skills that you have acquired and the new ideas that you’ve encountered to teach other instructors how to teach online. As a presentation, your PowerPoint should represent your cumulative understanding of the course content and include best practices that each online faculty member should follow when communicating with students. Use the notes area of the PowerPoint to include your script, and make sure the slides are visually dynamic. This professional development presentation should provide a new online teacher with solid, actionable recommendations gathered from the media, readings, and resources that you’ve engaged with over the term.
Attached all 5 MODULES during course
Effective and Ineffective Online Instruction
Online teaching being quite different from in-person teaching requires some essential expertise to effectively communicate and impart knowledge to the students. The three most important characteristics of an effective online instructor are as under:
Communication Skills and command over language:
Since the teacher is not directly facing the audience (students) in the case of online teaching, the use of expressions and gestures is almost nullified. The instructor must have complete command of the language so that effective communication is ensured. The instructor should also be aware of the possible modes that might be used to serve the purpose of teaching. For example, if during a class, the students are not able to understand the instructions, the teacher should understand that the communication may be improved by sending some written instructions to students or recording a short audio or video message which may better explain all the instructions.
2)Ability to engage students
Maintaining the interest of the students has always been a challenge for the teachers in conventional as well as in the online mode of teaching. The teacher must be equipped with the skillset to keep the students engaged in the class through their creativity and inclusive way of teaching. In the conventional method where there was direct interaction between students and teachers, and the teacher could directly always look at all the students, it was convenient for the teacher to know which student needs more attention, but in the online mode of teaching different skills are required by a teacher to make sure that the students are properly involved.
3)Supportive Personal Qualities
An effective online teacher is always encouraging and adaptable. Lack of encouragement may result in the students not being able to ask the questions freely and with the suppressed state of mind, the whole purpose of imparting education will fade away. For instance, a student may not be confident or comfortable enough to ask a certain question if the teacher has not been able to build a sound relationship with the student. The student may end up asking the question from his fellow students instead of asking the teacher. In such situations the teacher should make sure to address individual students as well as the whole class to let them know that there are several questions asked by different students, to let them know that they are not alone who could not understand some parts properly.
Lister, M. (2014). Trends in the design of e-learning and online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(4), 671.
Module 2 Discussion 1 Successful Online Communication
There are different methods and tools that can be used for successful communication with diverse learners that have become significant for the online classrooms from which the three most important include project-based learning, giving alternative learning options, and using ed-tech learning tools. There is no doubt that all these methods are effective for the learning of the students but one of the most significant include project-based learning that can be used for different classes and students which showed that there is no age limit. The students can work together by this method by using various social media applications. One of the most important and most used social media applications is zoom.
The students can work in collaboration in this method so that they become able to solve real-life problems by finding the solutions. It can be said that this method needs the involvement of the students as well as teachers so that more positive effects can be gained. There are different things that are used for this type of learning from which some of which include poster boards and glue. While on the other hand, the real ingredients that can be used for project-based learning for teaching students in the diverse situation include academic content itself so that the students become able to find that topic that they are going to learn in the class, real-world scenarios that can make the entire material-efficient and relevant, 21st-century skills related to online learning such as using social media and other applications, sense of purpose that can also be known as the end goal, and opportunities for the self-reflection.
All these ingredients are needed for enhancing the learning of the students that have become important at this age of learning. It has been determined from the research that there are different advantages of online learning and project-based learning from which one of the most important include it can improve the learning concept. The students are facing some problems due to online classes such that they are not aware of the handling of the online system and don’t have 21-century skills, but it has been found that they can gain the learning of this system by giving importance to the project-based learning. One other benefit includes it gives enhancement and learning to the entire group instead of focusing only on some students. Therefore, it has become concluded that teachers and students should give importance to project-based learning (Alalshaikh, 2015).
Alalshaikh, S. (2015). Cultural impacts on distance learning, online learning styles, and design.
Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(3), 67.
Module 3 Discussion -Online Communication Skills
Communication plays a vital role in establishing relations with other crucial elements. With the dynamics of modern working environments, it becomes crucial for individuals to have a proper way of articulating their desires and agendas through means that can be easily understood. For example, an individual aspiring for an online teaching position can have helpful communication skills that can enable them to attain success in their endeavors. For instance, the most crucial communication skill in such an instance has a timely feedback mechanism. Proper feedback after a communication process helps ensure that both parties understand and fulfill their end of the communication bargain. For instance, an individual will have the ability to confirm any crucial need of the communication while being able to relay their opinion back.
The strength of having to relay proper feedback as an effective communication tool is making the entire communication process complete. A complete communication process makes it easier for both parties. According to Plante and Asselin (2014), having a social presence in communication ensures that there is engagement between the communicating parties. The second strength of having feedback in communication is that it saves you the time of correcting someone’s work. through a proper feedback mechanism, a teacher or an instructor can know what a learner actually desires or mean as opposed to them having to constantly get clarification from the learners. The third strength is that the feedback mechanism reduces errors caused by miscommunication to a minimum. It ensures that the element of clarity in the communication process is maintained.
How can we effectively improve feedback relaying as a form of effective communication? The element of feedback can be easily improved only through having a system that makes everyone exercise their honest opinions and stands about a particular matter. Secondly, we can make feedback a crucial element of communication to be effective by harnessing the advantages of social media. Thirdly, feedback as a form of online communication can be improved by focusing on the strengths of communication. For example, a teacher can ensure that she improves online communication with the students by focusing on those aspects which make the students feel comfortable in the communication process.
Plante, K and Asselin, M. (2014). Best Practices for Creating Social Presence and Caring Behaviors Online.
Nursing Education Perspectives, July/August 2014.
Module 4 Discussion-Scaffolding and Shaping Student’s Learning
The last decade has witnessed an increase in the online student population due to several factors, such as the covid-19 pandemic and an increase in the number of working professionals as students. The increase in online education has increased diversity among the learners in terms of age, work experience, and educational background. However, the challenge with online education is that educators will have challenges identifying areas where the students are struggling, making it difficult to support each student. One of the ways to address these challenges is through contextualized learning, where scaffolding is used or shaping, which can be used to allow the student to solve problems and understand what is being taught in classrooms. This essay describes situations in which shaping and scaffolding will be the most appropriate for online students and explain what they would do and why.
Shaping is an instructional approach used in online education by breaking down information or skills into smaller components. It entails reinforcing behaviors closer to the desired behavior, often referred to as successive approximations
(“Scaffolding Vs. Shaping”, n.d.). An example of a situation where shaping would be most appropriate with online students is when an educator is teaching mathematical concepts such as calculus. Calculus entails the study of continuous change and is divided into differential and integral calculus. The majority of calculus concepts are complex, and it can be difficult for students to grasp this concept if it is not taught well during online classes.
When teaching calculus, I start with the smallest and simplest calculus concepts, such as finding limits where the students will be taught how to examine numerical and graph approaches. It will then be followed with the concept of continuity, where they will be taught stepwise function. The students will be provided with weekly mathematical exercises related to calculus to master calculus concepts as they advance to more complex calculations such as double integration and application of integration in real-life scenarios. I will ensure that I have clearly defined the objectives and goals that the students are supposed to achieve at the end of the learning period. I will also ensure I know when to deliver or withhold the reinforcement needed to master the integration concept. I will do this to ensure that all the online students can learn and understand calculus and its applications, which will result in them succeeding academically.
Scaffolding is a teaching method that allows the student to increase their independence and understanding during the learning process. This strategy allows the teacher to use a supportive structure to help the students with learning outcomes. The supports often used include continuous assessments and feedback to help students gain and understand the expected learning outcome (Jančařík, n.d.). A situation where scaffolding can be used is when an educator teaches evidence-based practice in healthcare. In this case, the educator should teach the student the steps used in evidence-based practice, how they can incorporate it in healthcare, and demonstrate verbally and visually how to use evidence-based practice. The students will then be shown the thought process involved in using an evidence-based practice that they are required to familiarize themselves with to use in nursing practice successfully. The educator will then start by giving the students assignments that they will be required to complete to show their progress and provide feedback as he continuously reduces the feedback with time. The students will then know how they can use evidence-based practice independently. These steps will ensure that the students understand the concept of evidence-based practice and can carry it out independently on their own.
Scaffolding and shaping are some of the strategies educators can use in eLearning sessions. Shaping breaks down information or skills into smaller components, while scaffolding increases the independence of students and their ability to understand and understand during the learning process. Shaping and scaffolding ensure that students understand what is being taught and apply these concepts.
Jančařík, A. Scaffolding in e‐Learning Environment. Retrieved 9 January 2022 Scaffolding Vs. Shaping. Star. Retrieved 9 January 2022, from
Module 5 Discussion-Time Management
· In what ways could your personal responsibilities and your work as an online instructor interact, overlap, or conflict?
Because of the nature of my work as an online instructor, my personal responsibilities may conflict with my work. As an online instructor, it means I’ll be conducting most of my virtual classes from home, where I also carry out my personal responsibilities such as washing dishes, cooking, feeding my dog, and other household chores. The intersection of work and personal life connects my work and personal responsibilities. Many aspects of my personal life, such as family, pleasure, and health, may also intersect with my profession as an online instructor. For me, work-life interaction is bidirectional; for instance, work may interfere with my personal life, and personal life may interfere with my work (Skinner & Pocock, 2018). As an online instructor, my personal responsibilities could overlap with my work because of stringent rules, a hostile work environment, excessive workload, lack of job security, and time pressure. When it comes to my personal responsibilities conflicting with my work, several explanations could cause. Work demands is perhaps the most obvious predictor of work-life conflict. Other work demands connected with work-life conflict include unexpected or compulsory overtime, job pressure, excessive work, shift work, and having many interruptions.
· What challenges do you expect to face?
As an online instructor, I expect to face the following challenges: (a) Crashing systems and Gadget shortage. Not every learner has a personal gadget for online classes. Many of them share computers and laptops with their parents and siblings. Another problem that has become quite consistent in recent years is computer crash, which usually occurs at the most unanticipated moment. This challenge could significantly interfere with my lesson plan. (b) Connectivity. In recent times, thousands of people have been experiencing technical hitches because of the high usage rate of online learning systems and video streaming software, among other tools. This leads to overloading, which may result in poor-quality audio and video. (c) Isolation. It might be lonely to teach and study from home. It’s no surprise that without the bustle of the classroom and the companionship of friends, some students might develop a strong feeling of isolation, which steadily erodes their motivation to study (Gillett-Swan, 2017). Many crucial instructional tactics for learners, such as group work, class discussion, and collaborative activities, may also be undermined. (d) Lack of interaction. Without the instructor’s physical presence and face-to-face touch, keeping students interested during online courses is difficult. Furthermore, certain areas of learning are hard to put into practice without in-person training, which is a major worry.
· How will you set and enforce boundaries?
As an online instructor, I will set and enforce boundaries by (a) sticking to the rules. I will set clear and reasonable rules upfront and simply follow them. This will mostly apply to ethical and expected behaviors during all sessions. (b) treating all students with dignity and respect. As an online instructor, I will show no favoritism or preferential treatment to any student. (c) Immediately address any breach of rules and policy. As an instructor, I will immediately address issues that may jeopardize the safe learning environment, including verbal abuse between students or any other form of indiscipline.
· How can you ensure that you maintain a comfortable work-life balance?
It’s vital to strike a healthy work-life balance since it benefits not just our physical, emotional, and mental health but also our careers. I plan on implementing the following strategies to maintain a comfortable work-life balance; (a) prioritize time. Like any other person, I will have a to-do list that will probably seem endless. Therefore, I will prioritize my work into two groups- urgent and important, important but not urgent. (b) Plot some personal time (Sudibjo & Suwarli, 2020). It is possible for one to bury themselves in their work if they do not have activities to do during their personal time. (c) Set goals and priorities. By using time-management tactics, reviewing my to-do list, and eliminating chores that are of little or no value, I will create attainable objectives. (d) Set work hours and stick to them. I intend to set my own work hours and do all in my ability to keep to them.
· Describe your plan for completing your workload as an online instructor in a timely and professional manner each week.
I plan on completing my workload in a timely and professional manner by (a) Creating a daily planner. Every morning, I will list down the jobs I want to accomplish before the day ends. (b) Keep a time limit for each task. I’ll put a time restriction on each assignment in my daily calendar so that I can equally attend to all my duties. (c) Block out distractions. To have a better focus, I will block out any form of distraction, including my email, TV, phone, and, if needed – doors and windows.
· What changes might you need to make to your current priorities?
Some of the changes that I might need to make to my current priorities include (a) organizing my tasks. Evaluating my to-do list of initiatives and determining their influence on the scope of work, timeline, or budget will assist me in completing my assignments on time. (b) Be open to change. As an online instructor, I will need to be open to new technology and other online teaching tools to maximize my output. (c) Prioritize my student. Being an online instructor calls for more commitment and dedication to my learners so that they can grasp and understand my content. Therefore, I will have to make a few adjustments to my priorities so that I can create more time for my students.
· What strategies can you employ to position yourself for success?
As an online instructor, I am optimistic about my new venture’s success; nevertheless, this will not be possible without a set of strategies to guide me. Some of the strategies I can employ to position myself for success include (a) Embrace my strengths. By identifying and embracing my strengths, I will have a better understanding of myself and how to best operate (Natalie Kaweckyj et al., 2021). Knowing my strengths will also increase my self-awareness, giving me a new appreciation for traits that I previously undervalued in myself. (b) Embrace change. Throughout my career, I have always embraced change. Although change can be scary at times, it often leads to greater success. (c) Keep a long-term focus. By thinking about where my actions may lead or what future benefits current relationships may bring, I can position myself for success in the long term.
Gillett-Swan, J. (2017). The challenges of online learning: Supporting and engaging the isolated learner. Journal of Learning Design, 10(1), 20-30.
Natalie Kaweckyj, L. D. A., RF, C., CDPMA, C., COMSA, C., & CRFDA, M. (2021). Setting Yourself Up for Success in Your New Career. Dental Assistant, 90(3), 14-15.
Skinner, N., & Pocock, B. (2018). Work-life conflict: Is work time or work overload more important? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 46(3), 303-315.
Sudibjo, N., & Suwarli, M. B. N. (2020). Job Embeddedness and Job Satisfaction as a Mediator between Work-Life Balance and Intention to Stay. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change, 11(8), 311-331.