Please see the attchment
Final Examination:
Assignment Based Assessment
Semester: II A. Y.: 2019 / 2020
Diploma I and II Year
Start Date: 16-5-2020 Time: 9:00AM
Due Date: 18-5-2020 Time: 9:00AM
Student Name
Student ID
Level Diploma –I – Year
Course Name Principles of Microeconomics
Course Code BAEC1203
For official Use Only
Question No. Max.
Question No.
1 5 1 5
2 5 2 5
3 5 3 5
4 5 4 5
5 5 5 5
6 5 6 5
7 5 7 5
8 5 8 5
9 5 9 5
10 5 10 5
Grand Total
Marks 50 50
First Marker: Second Marker:
Date: Date:
Guidelines for Students to Submit the Assignment:
1) The final assessment for semester 2, 2019-20 will be done through comprehensive
assignment for a maximum of 50 marks. The schedule of the final assessment is
available in the college website.
2) All the students are expected to have only one assignment at one time. In case, if the
students have more than one assignment on the same day, please report to the exam
committee through the following mail id. as soon as possible.
3) All students are given 48 hours to complete and submit each assignment from the day,
date and time the assignment is uploaded. Students are advised not to wait till the last
moment of the deadline to submit the assignment.
4) The students can check the assignment anytime and any number of times from the
opening of the assignment. The answer to the assignment need to be uploaded in e-
learning within 48 hours.
5) The answer to the assignment can be uploaded only one time. No requests for
resubmission of the assignment will be entertained.
6) In case students face any difficulties while uploading the assignment in e-learning,
they can contact ETC helpdesk.
For Academic related support :
Business Courses
For Technical Writing 1
For Technical Writing 2
For Technical Communication
For issues related to e-mail
accounts and Microsoft Teams
Any issues related to E-Learning
Any other IT Troubleshooting
7) Student may contact their respective lecturer through email (within the 48-hour period
given) if they have any doubts and clarifications on the assignments.
8) Student should be aware that this assignment is an independent assessment. Students
are not allowed to get help from any other person during the assessment period.
9) Students assignment will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin software. This
assignment will be assessed as per the College Assessment Policy. Student will be
investigated in case of plagiarism as per the College policy and procedures.
10) In case the students face any technical issues regarding the submission of assignment,
the answer to the assignment can be mailed to the concerned lecturer within the 48-
hour period.
11) Any assignment submitted after the 48-hour period will not be considered for
12) The assignment should be submitted only the file in MS Word document. No other
format is acceptable at all (e.g. pictures, JPEG, PDF, etc.)
13) The students need to answer the assignment in the prescribed number of words as
mentioned in the assignment.
14) The students need to follow the following format while preparing the assignment :
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point for body and 14 point for Headings
Line Spacing: 1.5
Margin: 2.54cm (One inch) on all the sides
Page Number: At the bottom right hand corner of each page
Colour: All words should be in black colour
15) Students who will fail to submit their assignment as per the deadline given are
required to make an online appeal along with the valid excuses as the guidelines
which will be announced through the college website or e-learning portal.
Main Instructions:
16. At the time of answer papers submission in the E-Learning, Students have to follow
the two things importantly:
i) When you are submitting the answer paper through e-learning, Students have
to delete all instructions points from the answer sheet (1-16) (Guidelines
for Students to Submit the Assignment):
ii) When you are submitting the answer sheet, delete questions from the answer
sheet. Mention question numbers with the answers.
These are the above two instructions, students have to be followed strictly. Then
only it will show less plagiarism percentage, if students are not followed, it shown
more plagiarism, due to that you marks may be low.
All the Best
(Suggested time: 48 hours)
Answer all the questions given below the case studies. For every question
given, it should be answered with minimum fifty hundred (50) words and
maximum hundred (100) words per question.
Management of Parking Space in the College
In major cities, as the development goes on, the parking generation rate increases rapidly
which leads to major parking problems.
Same is the case with our college over the years as the college is growing in size student’s
strength has also increased manifolds. One of the issues often discussed among the student is
the Parking problem
Assume that the college calls on private companies to submit a proposal to manage the
parking. You are taken as an adviser to the company to help them draft a proposal. Following
are the questions to be answered to finalise the proposal.
1. How will you define the Demand for your service and what will be the
approximate demand on daily basis? Base your answer on approximate
calculation of the demand expected on daily basis. (2+3 Marks)
2. Will the law of demand apply in this case? If yes give reasons and if no give
reasons. (2+3 Marks)
3. What is being supplied in this case and what will be approximate number
available to be supplied. Will the law of supply apply in this case? (2+3 Marks)
4. Show the variation in Demand and Supply related to peak hours and seasonal
fluctuation (holiday period, exam period) . answer needs to be justified with a
Table.( 2.5+ 2.5 Marks)
5. In terms of costing what will be your Factor of production and factor payment to
be used in the running of the company. (2.5+ 2.5 Marks)
6. Based on the Factor of production used what will be your approximate TFC,
TVC, TC. The answer needs to relate to the estimated Supply of your service
provided on daily and monthly basis with fluctuation taken into consideration.
Elaborate with a table. (Elaboration of the cost 3+ table 2 Marks).
7. What will be the basis of fixing the Price of the parking space? Show how the
pricing will change with the fluctuation in traffic related to Peak hours and
seasonal effect.(2+ 3 Marks)
Government has introduced public transport to help people commute. This new means of
transport is a choice for the students to commute. Now advise the company in terms of its
effect of the alternate means of transport on the on the demand of the Parking lot.
8. How will the less cost public transport effect elasticity of demand of parking
space in the college? Mention the type of elasticity and give justification.
(Effect 2.5+2.5 type of elasticity Marks)
Over the time assume that the college decides to divide the Parking of the college in two parts
and give it to two different companies to manage. One company to manage the parking in
front of the college, other company to manage the parking in the Backside of the college. So
now the company has to face a competition in the market. Assume that the company you are
advising is given the parking in front of the college to manage.
9. As an adviser explain to your company on kind of competition it will face and
how it will affect the profit of the company?
Draw a table and show the effect on the profits in relation to the Cost and
pricing mentioned in the earlier question. (Explanation of the competition 2.5+
table to show the effect on profit 2.5 Marks)
10. What is the kind of market they are operating in now and how is it different
from the market they were operating in before the competition came in? Answer
needs to in related to the business they are operating in. ( 2.5+2.5 Marks)