Identify the Hart City service user(s) you are working with, and then develop 3–4 questions that would help you assess their needs. Explain how these questions would be effective in ascertaining the information that you need from the service user(s).
I uploaded the Hart City Case to use for this discussion
I also included the last discussion on the case I’m using.
Human services social work
Case Study: Discussion
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Case Study: Discussion
The case I selected is the case study relates to Jade, who is in her early 30s and married for eight years. She has had a miscarriage and is currently abused physically, sexually, and emotionally by her husband. The rationale for selecting this case study related to the Jade and Malcolm family is that this family presents situations that would help implement multifaceted approaches. It is essential to acknowledge that Malcolm is battling significant anger and substance dependence issues, alongside other psychological problems identified in the case. On the other hand, Jade struggles with grief for miscarriage and psychological problems. Besides, Malcolm and Jade experience interpersonal and intrapersonal issues making this selection appropriate to adopt interprofessional or multi-disciplinary approaches. Therefore, this family provides an opportunity to research and recommend multi-disciplinary approaches that would help in academics and professional practice as a tool for developing interprofessional skills.
There are numerous areas of support identified in this case. A central area of needed support is the emotional and psychological area, with both Malcolm and Jade struggling with psychological and emotional issues. Notably, Malcolm is exhibiting anger issues, and he is into drugs; on the other hand, Jade feels depressed and lonely. It is crucial to acknowledge that addressing these needs would help enhance their emotions and the overall outlook on life. Additionally, this couple needs communication support to build trust and manage interpersonal conflict. Notably, after the miscarriage, Malcolm has had excessive drinking, and he accuses Jade of infidelity, which escalates their fights. Thus, addressing their communication needs, they can point out their feelings and make their wishes known to each other. By addressing the areas where support is needed, it is possible to build a better and functional environment for the couple by understanding the situations and collaboratively addressing problems.