Hello ,
Can you please look into this assignment document.
Remember for Problem 3(Hands-On Experiments (Individual)) you need to login details which I will provide. Click on the link
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Please look into the attached assignment in word document and complete it in the word document itself
Thank You
ISEM540:Homework 2 —- Exam2 Preparation (100 points)
TOPIC: “How Did I Learn to Love Web, XML and System Integration”
· Note: This is an individual assignment
· This assignment will be the basis of a Quiz (Exam2) as explained below
OVERVIEW AND EXPLANATION: Completion of HW2 Assignment involves the following steps:
· Post your HW2 Report to the
Discussion Forum
on Date Specified. This is worth small percentage (less than 20%)
· Review the posted HW2 Reports and comment on about 2 Reports (this will earn you some extra points). The purpose is to learn from your colleagues
· Appear in a Quiz (EXAM1) that is based on HWK2. The quiz is worth almost 80% points. You will fail the Quiz if you have not done the HW2 .
The purpose of this homework is to prepare you for Exam1.
Problem 1: Middleware Concepts
a) Search the Internet and identify a definition of Middleware that you like. Compare and contrast the definition you found with the definition in the course text/slides
b) According to this definition, which ones of the following are considered as middleware (put an * next to all that apply)
Router, Web Services, Payment system, HTTP, antivirus software, cookies, proxy servers, Ajax, email, operating system, Java, inventory management system, RPC, C#, CRM system, SOAP
c): Given the architectural client/server configurations in Figure 1 that show how applications can be split across computer1 (client) and computer2 (server), use the following table to answer the following questions:
· Show the middleware for each configuration .
· Which configuration will be most secure
· Which configuration will give best performance
· Which configuration will minimize the network traffic
· Which configuration is best for retail store
· Which configuration is best for mobile apps
· Supposing Computer1 is your organization’s main computer and Cmputer2 is in the cloud. Which configuration will you use and why (one sentence)?
· Which architecture is best for a retail store chain such as Walmart and why (one sentence)
· Which architectures are best for cheaper cell phones with limited capabilities (thin client or thick client)
· Which architecture is best for bank with many ATMs (bank is the server, ATMs are clients)
· Which architecture is best for a hospital system in an underdeveloped country with a very weak network and many Telemedicine centers (Hospital is the server, telemed centers are clients)
Figure 1: Architectural Configurations
Conf a |
Conf b |
Conf c |
Conf d (business logic split in middle ) |
Conf e (the data is duplicated) |
1.Middleware used (e.g., RPC, RSQL) |
2. Security (Low, Medium, High) |
3. User Performance at Computer1 (Low, Medium, High) |
4. Network traffic generated between computer 1 and computer2 |
Problem2: XML, Web 2.0 and Semantic Web
a) Develop a simple XML representation of a service proposed in your Project1. The objective is to show main features of your service (servicer name, location, and few other important “EA” features of this service). This document should have about 10 elements and not more than 30 statements. You should be able to exchange this information with other team members.
b). Create an XSL that shows the XML document as a table or a graphical view (e.g., a simple EA diagram) on your web browser.
c) Show an example of how RSS is being used in industry. Show a simplified version of the RSS in question.
d) Add semantics to the XML document that you have created. Which technology (RDF, OWL, others) will you use and why.
e) Give a short example of how OWL can be used to represent enterprise architecture of a Center that consists of 3-5 services (this “service bundle” may be your Team Center.
f) Create a JSON representation of the XML document you created in Problem 2a
g) Compare and contrast XML with JSON. Can you represent semantics in JSON? Which one do you prefer and why
h) Give two real life examples of how semantic web is being used in industry.
i) Intro to Python: Please goto
and go through Module1 and Module2 to get a basic idea of Python (a highly popular language at present for AI applications)
Problem 3:Hands-On Experiments (Individual)
3A): Play the Digital Transformation Game available at
Digital Transformation Game (ngespace.com)
and take the Quiz at the end of it. Please display your final certificate (You must score more than 80% to get full credit). How can this game be used in business process automation? (please explain briefly)
3B) SPACE Experiment: Please goto SPACE ePlanner Learning Corner, go through Stage2 and Stage3 materials and answer the following questions:
· In SPACE, what is a “Bundle” and how is it used in enterprise integration.
· In SPACE, create a bundle that resembles your center, just list your user ID and the Scenario Name you generated (pls do not cheat on this).
· How long did it take you to create the portal for your center.
· What were the main 5-6 steps that you went through
· What materials are needed in Stage3
Problem 4: Understanding Project2
Carefully read Project2 description and answer the following questions:
· Each team must submit one deliverable file (you need to zip multiple files into one, if needed) (True/False)
· Project2 is a continuation of Project1 in ISEM540 and requires some knowledge of SOA (True/False)
· Project2 has two deliverables (A and B) – (True/False)
· Deliverable A primarily concentrates on SOA-based Portal Design and flow of information within the portal (True/False)
· Deliverable A also requires some knowledge of Web Services (e.g., AWS) and Mobile Apps to populate the portal (True/False)
· Deliverable B requires Self Assessment by using SPACE with your login ID is required in Project2 (True/False)
· For Deliverable B, each team member will build a Service Bundle (a collection of at least two services) that represents a Unit/Section of their center by using SPACE. (True/False)
Deliverable: Upload your assignment files for all of the tasks (in .zip format) to the HWK2 Dropbox. You should include screen shots of your demos where appropriate.
provides a great deal of information on Web, XML, JSON and other web technologies.
Voice Annotated Short Tutorial on Web-XML and Semantic Web Duration = 1 hour, URL = |