A personality disorder characterized by antisocial and psychopathic characteristics Antisocial personality disorder is a form of personality disorder defined by patterns of antisocial conduct that generally begins before the age of twenty-one. Sociopath and psychopath are the two main sub-classifications of antisocial personality disorder, respectively. A biographical crime thriller on the life of serial murderer Ted Bundy, the film is set in the United States (1946 – 1989). A psychotic personality was captured in the film. His ability to manipulate people in order to achieve his goals was captured in the film. He said in an interview, “The feeling of guilt doesn’t help anything…it just makes you feel worse. I suppose I’m in the fortunate position of not having to deal with guilt at this time.” When you’re constantly violating the rules and getting away with it, you lose sight of what is good and wrong. It has no impact on your conduct. An antisocial personality disorder cluster, including manipulation, lack of empathy, a lack of regret, a disregard for rules and regulations, delusions of grandeur, constant changes in physical appearance, being charming and welcoming, and obsessive-compulsive sexual abuse and murder, was successfully depicted in the film. Having a grandiose sense of self-importance and choosing to represent oneself in court, Victims and their families were not shown any remorse. A habit of constantly breaching the law, including evading capture and imprisonment. The most effective treatment for antisocial personality disorder is psychotherapy, often known as talk therapy. Family counseling may also help members of the family have a better understanding of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). In certain cases, mood stabilizers are used to assist stabilize mood fluctuations, while others are used to alleviate disturbing symptoms of the disease, such as excessive aggression and impulsivity.
Abdalla-Filho, E., & Völlm, B. (2020). Does every psychopath have an antisocial personality disorder?. Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), 42(3), 241–242.
Ogloff JR. Psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder conundrum. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2006 Jun-Jul;40(6-7):519-28. doi: 10.1080/j.1440-1614.2006.01834.x. PMID: 16756576.
What MH issues does the film present?
The “Monster (2003)” is the movie that I watched recently. The movie presents borderline personality disorder (BPD), a mental health issue often characterized by episodes of explosive anger, aggressive, self-harm behaviors, impulsive, unstable relationships, and extreme mood swings. The movie is based on the real story of Charlize Theron (Aileen Wournos), a former prostitute who is suffering from BPD (Jenkins, 2003). Wournos turns into a serial killer, who between 1989 and 1990, killed seven men. It is believed that her diagnosis of BPD contributed to her violent, destructive, and unstable behavior.
Did the movie provide a stigmatizing presentation of MH issues? Explain your answer
The movie provides a stigmatizing presentation of BPD by depicting how people, especially healthcare professionals could not tolerate Wournos’s actions, emotional reactions, and thoughts. The movie uses instances where people feared to interact with Wournos to capture how people with BPD are stigmatized. The movie shows how people with BPD are feared, viewed as irresponsible, and helpless.
Did the movie depict the characteristics of the MH illness of the character accurately? If so, what features of the film did you find most persuasive related to the MH presentation? If not, what features of the film did you believe were not persuasive and why?
The movie uses visual features, such as changes in light, motions, physical space, and non-verbal cues like gestures, body movements, and facial expressions to accurately depict the characteristics of BPD presentation. For example, dark light is used to capture instances where Aileen Wournos violently murdered her targets. The film also uses a slow-motion effect to show how Wournos wittingly approached her targets for murder. Further, Wournos’s frown facial expression is used to depict the explosive anger, aggressive, self-harm behaviors, impulsive, and extreme mood swings often exhibited by people with BPD.
If someone you cared about was diagnosed with the same symptoms/mental illness, what treatment options would you advocate for?
For a patient with BPD, I will advocate for the following treatment options; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), schema-focused therapy (SFT), and mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants, such as Carbatrol (carbamazepine), Depakote (valproate), Lithobid (lithium), and Lamictal (lamotrigine). CBT, which is a type of psychotherapy, assists the patient to change the basics of what he or she believes about self and others. SFT is essential in reframing the patient’s negative thoughts into positive ones (Guilé et al., 2018).
References; Guilé, J. M., Boissel, L., Alaux-Cantin, S., & de La Rivière, S. G. (2018). Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: Prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 9, 199.10.2147/AHMT.S156565