You should write ~150 words describing how each of the principles apply. A strong entry will provide detailed description and an evaluation of whether this is a good or bad application of a principle and why.
so total of 450 words
check the pdf carefully . if you have anything unsure , just let me know
I think I already provided all information you need to know
Assignment instruction:
Applying Usability Principles For TikTok
applying three of Nielson’s heuristics(I already choose three as shown below):
User control and freedom
Error prevention
Consistency and standards
You should write between ~150 words describing how each of three principles
apply. A strong entry will provide detailed description and an evaluation of
whether this is a good or bad application of a principle and why.
Images are good but do not let them speak for themselves (they rarely do).
Annotations or cropped images that focus on a specific feature can help a lot.
Even with edited images, rich description is always a good idea. Instead of
something like “As can be seen in the screenshot the website is consistent,”
try to be specific: “The orange square on the left side of figure 2 is an example
of consistent design as it appears on every page of the site always serves the
same function, as a link to an orange page.”
Nielson’s heuristics reading link:
Rubric check:
Student explicitly names principle and describes or explains it in their own
words (~1-2 sentences). Student contextualizes the specific design
example/characteristic of the system chosen for the principle (~2-4 sentences).
Student describes how the principle applies to this example/characteristic
(~2-4 sentences). Student provides a summation (~1 sentence).