Please see attachment. Answer each question. If you cite anything, please cite in APA.
1. List five active plays either in the United States or Internationally?
1. List the producers that are currently active in the areas? If you target the United States look at 10k reports, using an internet search. (You need to only list five producers, if there is less than five that is fine too).
2. What is the most sought-after target formation in the active play areas?
3. How many barrels of oil, gas and water has each area produced?
4. What are the completion methods being used in each area?
5. What method of transporation is being used to transport the produced oil, gas and water from the locations? Also, try to find transportation cost for each option.
1. Trucking?
2. Pipeline?
3. Rail transportation?
4. Cargo ships?
2. Identify five midstream companies in the United States or Internationally?
1. Use 10k reports to identify assets of the corporation.
2. Is the corporation an MLP, LLC or something else?
3. What is the business model of the five midstream companies identified?
1. Are they a single service company or multiple service company? (i.e. do they move only oil, or do they move oil, gas and water etc.)
3. What is the current market outlook for the oil and gas industry?
1. Determine future oil, gas and water prices using any financial tool at your disposal. (i.e. yahoo finance)
1. Determine futures for oil, gas and water for the current year.
2. Determine using any search tool or resources, the perspective outlook for next two years as it pertains to the oil and gas industry.
1. What are the current challenges with our industry? (A big one is produced water disposal and transport)