Cross-CulturalPaperandPresentation xInterculturalExperiencePaperRubric x
For this assignment, you will observe some facet of interpersonal communication within a specific culture (Tanzania) describe correlations between specific communicative behaviors and other factors within the culture (economic forces, gender, social class, etc.), and consider how this culture differs from your native culture. (United States).
Narrative Description:
This global studies module allows the student to apply various interpersonal communication concepts to a different culture. In doing so, the student will be able to discern key differences and similarities in communicative behaviors between his or her native culture and an unfamiliar culture. Furthermore, students will be able to discover underlying reasons for differences in communicative behavior between cultures thereby underscoring the interconnected nature of communication and the larger cultural context.
Cross-Cultural Communication Analysis Report:
For this assignment, you will observe some facet of interpersonal communication within a specific culture, (TANZANIA) describe correlations between specific communicative behaviors and other factors within the culture (economic forces, gender, social class, etc.), and consider how this culture differs from your native culture. (UNITED STATES)
Your report will consist of the following components:
1. An introduction with a thesis statement
2. An explanation of the historical context of the country
3. A current economic profile of the country
· Natural resources
· Industry
· A very brief overview of public finances
4. Description of the role of social class
5. Description of the role of religious institutions
6. Description of Gender roles and norms within society
7. Explaining your tools of analysis
· Your chosen concept(s) from our text
· Cultural perceptions of the “self”. Collectivistic or individualistic culture
· High or low context culture (inferences from language)
· Nonverbal communication norms (emblems, proxemics, etc.)
· Cultural norms guiding emotional expression
· Gender roles and communication norms
8. Analysis
· Using your chosen concept as a lens (from the text), examine the communication of your subject
· Describe correlations between your background research findings and specific communication behaviors
· Compare and contrast the communication of your subject culture vs. your native culture.
9. A brief conclusion summarizing your main points
This project will be presented as an essay in MLA format (roughly 1,000 words)
Intercultural Experience Paper Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion of Chosen Country
25 to >20.0 pts
Focused, clear, accurate and specific discussion of the chosen country. Includes relevant history and economic background.
20 to >17.0 pts
Discussion of chosen country may be clear, but somewhat unfocused, inaccurate or unspecific. Includes both history and economic background.
17 to >14.0 pts
Discussion of chosen country is unclear. Ambiguous, inaccurate and/or lacks focus. Includes at least relevant history or economic background.
14 to >0.0 pts
Lacks focus, clarity, accuracy and specificity of connection to chosen country. Does not discuss both history and economic background.
0 pts
No Marks
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion of Chosen country Cultural Background
25 to >20.0 pts
Focused, clear, accurate and specific discussion of the chosen country. Includes relevant social class, roles of religious institutions, and gender norms.
20 to >17.0 pts
Discussion of chosen country background may be clear, but somewhat unfocused, inaccurate, or unspecific. Includes relevant social class, roles of religious institutions, and gender norms.
17 to >14.0 pts
Discussion of chosen country is unclear. Ambiguous, inaccurate and/or lacks focus. Includes relevant information about one or two of the areas.
14 to >0.0 pts
Lacks focus, clarity, accuracy and specificity of connection to chosen country. Includes relevant information of at least one area.
0 pts
No Marks
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion of Tools of Analysis/Analysis section
50 to >44.0 pts
Discussion of the tool to be used in analysis is clear, specific, and focused. Includes enough information that readers not familiar with the textbook would be able to understand. Analysis is focused, specific, and relates specifically to the material given in the background sections. Conclusions drawn make sense. Original conclusions are made.
44 to >38.0 pts
Discussion of the tools used might be inaccurate or unspecific. Includes enough detail that readers not familiar would understand generally what is being talked about, but may not fully understand. Analysis is adequate but may not follow from material previously presented. Conclusions drawn may not make complete sense based on background information given, but common sense says they are accurate. Some original conclusions are drawn.
38 to >34.0 pts
Discussion of tools is limited, inaccurate, or unspecific. Does not include enough information that a reader unfamiliar will be able to understand. Analysis is lacking. May not be accurate or may not make sense based on the information presented in background sections. Original conclusions are lacking – information is all from other sources.
34 to >0.0 pts
Discussion of tools is lacking and may not be clear or accurate if included. Analysis is unoriginal if included. May not make sense based on other information presented.
0 pts
No Marks
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics
20 to >17.0 pts
Minimal grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
17 to >14.0 pts
Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Readability not hindered by minor mistakes.
14 to >12.0 pts
A few grammatical spelling or punctuation errors. Portions of the writing are unclear because of mistakes.
12 to >0.0 pts
Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Readability severely hindered by excessive mistakes.
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Adherence to Assignment
20 to >17.0 pts
Paper includes an introduction and conclusion. Information is organized with well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. Clearly addresses requisite items. Allows for thoughtful reflection. Paper utilizes MLA format correctly throughout. Paper is roughly 1000 minimum.
17 to >14.0 pts
Paper includes introduction and conclusion. Information is somewhat organized with well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. Does not thoroughly address requisite items and provides superficial reflection. Paper utilizes MLA format throughout with minimal errors. Paper is at least 750 words.
14 to >12.0 pts
Paper includes introduction and conclusion but they do not successfully fulfill the functions. Information is somewhat disorganized. Paragraphs are not well-constructed. Writing is hard to follow because of structure. Questions might be left unanswered. Paper utilizes MLA format in-text or on bibliography. May not be correctly cited. Paper is at least 500 words.
12 to >0.0 pts
Paper does not include both introduction and conclusion. The information is quite disorganized. Large parts of the writing display a lack of thoughtful response. MLA is not used correctly in-text and/or on the bibliography or bibliography is missing. Paper is at least 500 words.
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome In-Class Presentation
10 to >6.0 pts
Presentation is effective. Information shared over each section of the paper. Able to discuss with confidence and authority and answer any questions as they arise.
6 to >4.0 pts
Presentation is adequate. Information shared over the majority of the sections of the paper. Able to discuss with sufficient ability. Answers most questions as they arise.
4 to >2.0 pts
Presentation is lacking. Some information from paper is shared. Timid or unsure of self and information presented. Unable to answer all questions asked.
2 to >0.0 pts
Presentation lacking in information. Unable to share most of the information that was required by the paper. Delivery of information is suspect – does not have confidence or authority over the subject. Is unable to answer questions about the topic.
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 150