20190213021923w2_infraguard_assignment1 x
Write business memo to your boss (Instructor) explaining what INFRAGuard is, when the local chapter is meeting next and what is the process to join.
Remember that memos are to the point and do not include tons of information just to include information. Make you memo brief yet contain all the required info.
Considering joining now that you are aware of the organization.
Wiki’s are not acceptable as an academic reference.
Please make sure No plagiarism
Weekly Assignment
INFRAGuard Assignment
Write business memo to your boss (Instructor) explaining what INFRAGuard is, when the local chapter is meeting next and what is the process to join.
Remember that memos are to the point and do not include tons of information just to include information. Make you memo brief yet contain all the required info.
Considering joining now that you are aware of the organization.
Wiki’s are not acceptable as an academic reference.
W2_Assignment Page 1