20180323203555learning_objectives_ x20180323203637i___ignition_part_1___virtual_laboratory_v01 x20180323203644ii___ignition_part_2___virtual_laboratory_v01_2 x
Write a 3 page (double spaced, 12 point times new roman font, 1in margin)Â summary of the virtual laboratory experiments that cover the following topics:
the results you observed
the analysis that you conducted in the virtual laboratories
how these activities relate to the course objectives found in section 14 of the syllabus.
I will upload 1 syllabus file, 2 files of the virtual labs that include my observations, so you don’t need to write your own observations.
It is for a fire safety class so put that into consideration.
Upon completion of this course, students should:
1. Identify physical properties of the three states of matter.
2. Categorize the components of fire.
3. Recall the physical and chemical properties of fire.
4. Describe and apply the process of burning.
5. Define and use basic terms and concepts associated with the chemistry and dynamics of fire.
6. Describe the dynamics of fire.
7. Discuss various materials and their relationship to fires as fuel.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of water as a fire suppression agent.
9. Articulate other suppression agents and strategies.
10. Compare other methods and techniques of fire extinguishments.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
· Write a technical report that presents the laboratory background, results and acceptable conclusions
· Independently research issues related to fire behavior and combustion
· Utilize industry standard software and equipment for fire tests
I – Ignition part 1
Fire Science Virtual Laboratory
The virtual laboratory is located on the
Here is a direct link to the virtual laboratory.
Each of the six sections should take around 20 minutes to complete.
If any of the videos do not play for some reason, make a note on the sheet and move on to the next one.
Electrical Ignition
This experiment involves using an apparatus to determine the DC electrical current required to ignite steel wool. The power supply is 12V direct current. Using ohm law (V=IR) to determine the current necessary to heat the steel wool to ignition.
Does the steel wool ignite during the experiment? ______yes_______ (yes / no)
At what maximum resistance does the steel wool ignite? ______10_________ (ohms)
To determine the current needed to ignite the steel wool you will increase the resistance in the system until the wool no longer ignites. Using ohms law the current can be calculated by dividing the voltage by the resistance (I = V/R)
At what current does the steel wool ignite? _____________1.2___________ (Amps)
Fire Plunger
The fire plunger uses adiabatic temperature increase to ignite cotton. For some compression systems the temperature increase can be estimated by the combined gas law (P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2). Cotton is found to auto-ignite at 530K. The inside diameter of the tube is 0.01m, and the open volume is initially 8cm tall. The initial pressure is 298K, and 14.7 psi.
What is the initial volume inside the plunger? ______6.28_cm^3_________
Based on the video, what is the volume of the gas when the cotton ignites? _______0.78_cm^3________
(it will be something very small)
Can you estimate the pressure inside of the plunger based on the reduction in volume shown in the video and the ignition temperature of cotton?
P = 31 psi
The limits of the combined gas law are hard to define. Some researchers have said that the ideal gas law, which is used to derive the combined gas law, should not be used with systems over 10 atmospheres. One atmosphere is 14.7psi, is the calculation you just did a reasonable calculation based on this limit? _________yes______________
Surface ignition
This experiment uses a variable temperature soldering iron to estimate the autoignition temperature of materials. This is not a particularly good estimation due to the characteristics of the iron tip and the energy limitations of the soldering iron. The temperature is increased by 50F after each test.
What temperature does the nitrocellulose ignite? ________500________ (F)
What temperature does the match head ignite? _______650_________(F)
What does this tell you about the hazards associated with different materials and how they need to be stored?
Surface ignition should be taken in consideration as some materials can catch on fire when touching high temperature surfaces.
d. Ignition of
magnesium ribbon
magnesium shavings
Magnesium ribbon ignited; sparks, diffusion flame, and a premixed torch are used as potential ignition sources. What method ignites the magnesium ribbon? _premixed propane flame______________
Magnesium shavings are ignited. What method is able to ignite the shavings? ___spark____________
What is the cause of the difference between the two configurations of the magnesium metal? _____The form or shape of magnesuim _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ignition of dust (Lycopodium dust)
Does the pile of dust burn well? _____no__________________
Does the spray of dust burn well? ____yes____________________
What does this tell you about the hazards of dispersed dusts in industrial settings? __It could rapidly spreed the fire__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
f. dust vs gas
flash fire
Watch the gas vs dust flash fire and confined explosion videos
Does the dust flash fire look similar to the gas flash fire? ___yes________
Does the confined dust explosion produce an overpressure in the box? _yes______
It should be noted that the air fuel ratio and the total amount of fuel was not matched inside of the box so the severity of the fire ball cannot be compared directly.
Van de Graff generator ignition
The minimum ignition energy for most hydrocarbon mixtures is 0.25 mJ, the static spark produced by the human body is can be 10- 15J [ref]. If we assume energy of an electrical flow can be calculated by multiplying the power times the duration, i.e. combining Ohms law and equations for electrical power: If we assume that for the Van de Graff generator, the voltage is 200,000, the duration of the spark is 300 nanoseconds (0.3×10-6sec), and the resistance of air is 1.3×1016 ohms/m, the energy in the spark created by the Van de Graff generator can be estimated.
What is the distance between the two steel spheres? _________0.025_____________(m)
What is the total resistance of the air between the spheres? _______10______________(ohms)
What is the energy of the spark created by the Van de Graff generator? _______25_________(J)
The minimum ignition energy for most hydrocarbon mixtures is 0.25 mJ, should the spark created by the Van de graff have enough energy to ignite a propane air mixture? yes
Does the spark ignite a propane air mixture coming out of a Bunsen burner? _______yes_________ (yes/no)
II – Ignition part
Fire Science Virtual Laboratory
The virtual laboratory is located on the
Here is a direct link to the virtual laboratory.
Each of the six sections should take around 20 minutes to complete.
If any of the videos do not play for some reason, make a note on the sheet and move on to the next one.
a. Ignition of hydrocarbon fuels
Watch videos of the ignition of
isopropyl alcohol
, and
Which fuel is easiest to ignite? Gasoline
Using your internet resources, which fuels are combustible liquids and which are flammable liquids?
The covered liquids include ethanol, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, fuel oil, or any other flammable or combustible liquid that is stored, sold or kept in any location, in an amount exceeding 30 gallons. A “combustible liquid” is defined as a liquid having a flash point at or above 100ºF and below 200ºF.
What do these tests tell you about the hazards of combustible vs. flammable liquids at room temperature?
They behave differently
What method is required to ignite kerosene? Premixed tourch
What does this tell you about the hazard of storing Gasoline vs kerosene in an industrial setting?
They can not be treated the same, as each one has its own characterstics
b. Spark ignition of solids
Watch the videos of igniting
steel wool
, and a
using a flint and steel.
Which fuels ignite? ______lint_________________________________________________
Why does the candle not ignite from a spark? ______sparks do no not touch the candle
c. Spark ignition of
candle smoke
Watch the video of candle smoke being ignited by a spark and the
trick birthday candle
Why does the smoke ignite while the candle without smoke did not? ____________cant understand the question
Watching the trick candle video in the slow motion reply it can be seen that the smouldering front itself is not enough to ignite the smoke. There are small metal flakes of magnesium in the wick. What does this tell you about the temperature of the burning magnesium compared with the smouldering wick? _____Magnesium is highly flamable_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Re-ignition of Candle smoke
Using the long candle provided ignite the wick and let the candle burn for 30 seconds. Blow the candle out and use the long stem lighter place a flame in the smoke that remains after the flame is out. Repeat the process 5 times, and estimate the maximum distance which the flame will reignite.
Trial 1:__2 inches______________________
Trial 2:___2.5 inches_____________________
Trial 3:__1.5 inches______________________
Trial 4:___3 inches_____________________
Trial 5:____3 inches____________________
Maximum Re-ignition Distance _______3 inches_______________________
Discuss why you think there is a maximum reigniting distance.
______smoke temperature varies ____________________________________________________________________________________
e. Ignition of various types of matches:
Watch the videos of igniting
safety matches
strike anywhere matches
water proof matches
storm proof matches
Do the safety matches ignite when struck on steel? ___no________
Do the Strike anywhere matches ignite when struck on steel? ___yes________
Can the strike anywhere matches be ignited after getting wet? ___no___________________
Do the water proof matches ignite after getting wet? _______yes_______________
Do the storm proof matches ignite after getting wet? _____yes_________________
Using your resources on the internet, what is the difference between the chemicals contained in the head of the safety match and the head of the strike anywhere match? A match requires a mix of chemicals in order to ignite, including phosphorus. On a strike-anywhere match, all the chemicals are contained in the head. On a safety match, the phosphorus is not on the match head, but rather on a special striking surface. It is only when you draw the match against that surface that you have the correct combination of ingredients. A strike-anywhere match can be lit against any surface with enough friction; a safety match needs a strike plate containing phosphorus.