Interpersonal Relations Case 15.1 – The One Cent Ethical Dilemma, p. 375.
Complete the case study by showing your understanding of the content in addressing the questions and directives in two to three pages, including a title page and reference page. The title and reference pages do not count toward the total page requirement.
Answer the Case Questions at the end of the case on p. 375. In addition, answer the following directives to complete your case study:
1. What actions do you recommend Rajah take about his concerns with respect to the new one-cent-in-change policy?
2. Explain whether you think Rajah should blow the whistle on his employer.
3. What is your opinion of the ethics of the new policy about withholding one-cent-in-change?
4. Is there a need for ethics training? If so, why?
5. How often should ethics training take place? Why?
6. By having ethics training, what can the employer and employees learn?
Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and reference provided.
The use of teams can bring about great change within an organization; however, effective outcomes often depend on how teams are assembled and incorporated. A key component to the assembly of a team is the level of diversity that will be included. As discussed throughout this unit, the presence of diversity can provide an advantage for a team but can also create some difficulties that must be overcome. The essay topic is the advantages and disadvantages of diverse teams within an organization. The following questions should be addressed:
1. What are some advantages to utilizing diverse teams within an organization?
2. What are some potential difficulties that might need to be overcome in order for a diverse team to be successful?
3. What are some methods and tactics that can be utilized to overcome the potential difficulties?
4. As a conclusion, is it worth the effort to attempt to overcome the difficulties in light of the potential advantages of a diverse team?
Your essay should be at least three pages in length, including an introduction, a body of supported material, and a conclusion. The reference and title pages do not count toward the total page requirement. A minimum of three scholarly references are required. Please use the CSU Online Library to locate the supporting references to write this essay.
Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and references provided.
As discussed in the unit lesson, resolving conflict in the workplace requires using interpersonal skills, management skills, and techniques. Interpersonal skills can consist of understanding individual differences, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, cultural relations skills, motivation skills, customer service skills, ethical behavior skills, and stress management skills. Management skills focus on the type of management skill applied such as collaborating, accommodating, forcing, avoiding, and compromising. As a member of the workforce, you must be able to effectively resolve conflict, either with the use of interpersonal skills, management skills, or by applying the recommended ways of responding to tension in the workplace (e.g., overcoming defensiveness, accepting of the tension, and resolving the tension).
For your Unit VI Assignment, please reflect on your knowledge of resolving conflict that you have experienced or observed in the workplace. Please analyze what you have learned. Describe how your learned knowledge can be used. Also, identify how this information can be used to resolve conflict in the workplace in your current job or from a past incident you have experienced. What steps/methods were used in resolving the conflict?
Your reflection paper should be at least three pages in length, including an introduction, a body that supports your reflection, and a conclusion. Be sure to include a title page. The title page does not count toward the total page requirement.
Developing Your Human Relations Skills
Interpersonal Relations Case 15.1
The One-Cent Ethical Dilemma
Rajah majored in business administration and marketing at college, and looked forward to a career in retail management. While attending community college, he worked an average of 30 hours per week at retail stores, thereby taking him an additional year and one half to attain his degree. Still only 23 years old, Rajah received a job offer as the manager of a branch of a discount general store. He thought this would be a fine opportunity to begin his career in retail management. Although the store was referred to as a dollar store, the prices of individual merchandise ran as high as $30.
About three months into the job, his regional manager Lauren explained that cashiers were from here on not to give customers back change of only one cent. For example, if a customer’s bill were $2.99 and he gave the cashier a $5.00 bill, the cashier was supposed to give the customer change of $2.00 and smile at the same time. Yet if the customer demanded the penny in change, the cashier should grant the request.
Rajah asked Lauren, “Why should our store do something that nasty? It’s like stealing pennies from customers.” Lauren replied, “We have approximately 1,200 stores across the country, and all our stores are busy. Few customers care about one penny, but if we add up all those pennies, the company’s profit for the years has a nice bump up.”
Rajah was not happy with the new policy, but agreed to go ahead and encourage his cashiers to withhold the penny change unless a customer objected. Yet after a week, this new policy began to disturb Rajah. He felt he was forcing his cashiers into unethical if not illegal behavior. He did not want to lose his job by complaining about or not complying with company policy.
Case Questions
1. What actions do you recommend Rajah take about his concerns with respect to the new one-cent-in-change policy?
2. Explain whether you think Rajah shuld blow the whistle on his employer?
3. What is your opinion of the ethics of the new policy about withholding one-cent in change?