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Why post-secondary education should be free
Pluto interlinks the issue of Justice with a design for the integration of knowledge of the individual and society while Aristotle regards Justice as being important for in some sense Justice is the most complete among the virtues.
In his opinion, Plato views political Justice as easy to achieve especially within a city and then from which it is reflected a specific individual thereby creating a stability in the method of governance which is possible to achieve using education and reason.
Pluto classification of society is in layers using layers of professions to classify society. In contrast, Aristotle classifies society mainly using only three layers lower middle and high this Aristotle classification based on the wealth with little regard on the ills affecting the society. Plato’s main idea and +drive is to implement transformative politics that aim at ensuring that he transforms the local politics. On the other hand, Aristotle aim is to study the existing political systems. Plato believes that the political systems can be transformed and made better while Aristotle believes this the existing political systems is impossible to change. Plato opinion about politics and Justice is that it has to be ideal; however, this is disputed by Aristotle who views Justice and politics as real and impossible to become ideal.
Amanjot Kaler
Sheridan College
Annotated Bibliography
Amanjot Kaler, Sheridan College
Free Post-Secondary Education. (2018, December). Retrieved November 16, 2020, from https://cfsontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Factsheet-FreeEducation
This article talks about free education in many countries worldwide; countries in Western Europe- Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland all have free post-secondary education where no one pays for tuition. This article also talks about how free education can reduce financial barriers and help promote individuals to pursue post-secondary education after high school. This article also shows how post-secondary education can be achieved which will be through the existing tax system income. Only about 30% of people in Ontario have completely finished their post-secondary education. The high cost of education is preventing a lot of people to go and finish their post-secondary education. This article is very useful as all the information on this article actually refers to things that are happening in Ontario and not worldwide. All the information that is given in this article is information that was put together for statistics and results in Canada- specifically Ontario.
Author, N. (2020, November). College and University Should Be Free For All Canadians. Retrieved November, 2020, from https://www.publicboard.ca/school/beaton/Documents/Emmas%20Persuasive%20Essay
This article was actually written by someone who is potentially in school to raise their own opinion. The article talks about and states how essential free education is in terms of people not being in debt. The opening statement of the article shows that the most powerful weapon can be education which can also be used to change the world. In order to help change the world it is a possibility that a lot of good things that can happen in the world is prevented by not enough people having a good education to make it happen. The article talks about how expensive post-secondary education really is and how much students can go to debt after finally finishing their diploma/degree education. They have advised that maybe taxpayers can potentially help cover the cost of tuitions for students. This article helped explain the con side of how the cost of post-secondary education can be covered.
Kigotho, W. (2015, January 16). Higher education boosts job opportunities. Retrieved November 17, 2020, from https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20150116110024170
This article discusses that free post-secondary can help students that are low to middle class families get the education they need. A lot of times people who have potentially to get a good education get restricted by having to take on warehouse/general labour jobs for the sake of money and think that they can save up for an education. With the help of free post-secondary option students can work while getting their education as well. Free post-secondary can give individuals to finally get a job in the career they really wish to do instead of going to programs with smaller fees to get their education. This article is helpful because it shows how doing something as simple as free post-secondary can help promote better education for people who do wish to go to school but due to circumstances cannot.
1. My essay is going focus on why post-secondary should be free.
2. What positivity will free post-secondary options bring to people?
3. Thesis statement:
In this generation- having a good job is essential to sustain a good personal and professional life. In order to sustain a good lifestyle, it is important that you have a good career- in order to get a good job, you need the right type of education. Having free education will allow a vast majority population to push themselves for a better education and not fearing debt. In this essay, I will be talking about why free post-secondary will promote a lot of people to strive for a better education which will eventually lead them to getting a good job.
4. 1. NO more student debt
2. People will actually decide to pursue college
3. People would get to finally choose whatever they feel like doing in post-secondary without thinking how they will pay
5. Where will post-secondary tuition money come from then?
Final Research Essay (25%)
Due date: December 9th | Folder: Final Essay on SLATE
This essay is the final stage of a research and writing process that incorporates your work on the
Annotated Bibliography and the Oral Presentation. You must use the same topic that you have chosen for
your annotated bibliography and presentation. You must discuss your topic and analyze your evidence in
this research paper – it should not just be a presentation of information that you have gathered from your
sources. You may choose one of the two following styles for your essay:
Style 1: Complexity Essay
The goal of a complexity essay is to explain what makes your chosen topic a complex one. Rather than
defending one particular side, you will aim to explain why the topic as a whole is a difficult one.
Typically, complexity essays will be a sophisticated and evidence-based response to the following
question: what makes [topic X] a complex one? For example: what makes the legalisation of marijuana a
complex topic?
You will develop a handful of arguments that support the overall idea of complexity for your topic. Each
individual argument will then be supported with evidence from the sources you have gathered.
For example: the legalisation of marijuana in Canada is a complex topic because of arguments A, B, C, D,
and E. These arguments are supported with evidence.
Style 2: Argumentative Essay
The goal of an argumentative essay is to explain why one particular position is better than another. Rather
than simply (1) comparing or contrasting or (2) listing information you have found, you must demonstrate
an awareness of the two or more perspectives on your chosen topic and support one perspective with
evidence. If you provide only points you agree with and support them with evidence, you are producing
an overwhelmingly biased essay. Therefore, you must also provide an argument or two that you disagree
with and use your evidence to refute that/those argument(s).
For example: the government of Canada should legalise marijuana because of arguments A, B, C, and D.
These arguments are supported with evidence. Argument E goes against my position, but I will refute it
with evidence I have gathered.
Construct a paper that contains the following elements:
1. APA style cover page
2. Title
3. Introduction (one paragraph or two, at the maximum)
4. Main discussion section
a. 5-10 body paragraphs of discussion and analysis, which include:
i. well-defined argument, normally one per body paragraph
ii. evidence (facts, statistics, examples, professional/scientific opinion) that supports
or refutes the arguments
iii. visuals, if needed (graphs, charts, tables)
5. Conclusion (one paragraph or two, at the maximum)
6. APA style reference page that includes:
a. a minimum of 5 research sources:
i. at least 2 must be academic
ii. others may be academic or non-academic
7. 1,500 to 2,100 words excluding content from the title page and reference page—you may not
exceed 2,100 words without approval from the instructor first (in person or by email)
Your paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines, meaning:
1. Times New Roman, introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion at 12 font size
2. Double-spaced
3. 1” Margins
NOTE: No more than 30% of the essay can be another author’s referenced words or ideas – if an essay
simply reassembles sources from elsewhere without the addition of your own thoughts, then this
constitutes a breach of academic honesty/integrity and could potentially result in a mark of 0. Your essay
will be scanned by a software that scans the content in the essay against everything that is available on the
Final Paper Research Rubric
Worth 25%
Introduction 5
5 4 3 2 1 0
The introduction provides context for the paper. It includes
adequate background information, explains the purpose of the
paper (research question), discusses the scope and limitations
of the research, and previews the major sections of the paper
(optional). The thesis statement is clearly written and
includes specific mention of research and arguments which
form the body of the paper. The thesis statement is
argumentative and grammatically correct. It flows naturally
from the background information presented.
More detail is required when introducing
background information. Some further explanation
of the purpose of the paper and description of its
major sections may be needed. The student must
make the purpose/scope clearer. The thesis may be
present, but it may lack the detail or sophistication
necessary for a research paper. The research
question/purpose of the paper needs to be clarified.
Some background information is present but is insufficient.
The thesis statement is absent, unfocused, or unclear.
The student needs to work on developing a clearer thesis and
stronger arguments; as well as seek better means to outline
and preview a research paper.
15 14
13 12 11
10 9 8
7 6 5
Needs Improvement
4 3 2
1 0
The body contains 4-6
coherent supporting
paragraphs. Paragraphs are
written in the 3rd person.
Research and attribution to
sources is managed with a
high degree of skill.
The paper flows well and all
ideas link back to the thesis or
research question.
The text’s ideas or arguments
are fully developed and are
supported by various forms of
evidence. Paper develops
discussion and analysis with a
high degree of sophistication.
APA citation and referencing
is near flawless. Visual data is
present and utilized in the
The body contains 4-6
supporting paragraphs.
An attempt has been made
to write in the 3rd person,
however, there are errors.
The essay flows capably
and most ideas link back
to the thesis or research
question. Ideas or
arguments are developed
but could use further
of discussion/analysis.
APA citation and
referencing is used with a
degree of skill. Visual
data is present but is not
incorporated into the
paper effectively.
The body contains only 2-3
supporting paragraphs.
Organization and paper
structure are evident, but is
convoluted. Some ideas are
linked cohesively, but not all
relate to the thesis or research
question. Ideas or arguments
are developed, but require
further explanation.
Discussion/analysis is
present, but inconsistent.
Further evidence may be
needed for support. APA may
not be used properly, but
consistent effort is made
throughout the paper to
reference and cite.
Visual data is present, but is
not discussed, addressed,
The body contains some
problems in organization
and paragraph structure.
The composition and
outline for a paper need
At times the paper may
seem to lose focus. Only
some headings are present.
Ideas or arguments are
only partially developed –
paper is mostly summary
with little discussion or
analysis. Further evidence
is needed for support.
Frequent and careless
errors are made with APA
citation, but effort has been
made to cite and reference.
Paragraph structure and
organization are weak.
Ideas or arguments are
present but not
developed. Ideas are not
adequately supported
by evidence. Paper
lacks analysis or
discussion, and more
than 30% of the paper
is others’ ideas or
words. Sources are not
properly cited, and
referencing is largely
incorrect. Paper may be
written in
argumentative essay
style as opposed to the
expository style.
Paragraph structure and
organization are lacking.
Only some ideas or
arguments are present.
Paper lack logic and flow.
No quotations or
paraphrases have been used.
In text citation or reference
page are absent. Little to no
content of the paper is the
student’s own work/words
or ideas
Please note that failure to
provide in text citations or a
reference page constitutes
plagiarism and is subject to
Sheridan academic honesty
and/or relevant to the
5 4 3 2 1 0
The conclusion contains effective topic, supporting, and
closing sentences. The thesis is restated. Suggestions or
recommendations for future research/investigation are stated
and explained.
The conclusion lacks some form of paragraph
structure (topic, supporting, or closing sentences).
The thesis is restated, but is unclear. Suggestions
or recommendations are not fully developed.
Conclusion is weak or not present. Paragraph structure may
be lack, thesis may not be present. Suggestions for future
research/investigation are not present.
APA Title Page and other formatting issues /5
Reference Page – five (5) sources minimum in proper APA style /5
1 mark deducted per error
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Sentence Structure /10
1 mark deducted per error
In-Text Citation for “quotes” and paraphrases in proper APA style /15
1 mark deducted per error
TOTAL: /60
Steps for Improvement (If Necessary):
☐Review the thesis writing process ☐Consult an APA/MLA handbook regarding referencing
☐Work of flow between paragraphs ☐Work on communicating ideas concisely and continuously connecting those ideas to the thesis
☐Work on grammatical/spelling issues ☐Work on using/incorporating evidence more effectively
☐Discussion and analysis need development ☐Paper relies too heavily on evidence/ideas of others
☐Work on structure and organization of the paper ☐Other: _____________________________________
Professor Recommendations (If Necessary):
☐Consult the Library ☐Consult the writing center
☐Tutoring recommended ☐See me for further discussion