Week 06b What Will You Bring? (Outside References) –
This is later final paper remember this
As we begin the second half of this course and start descending our mountain hike, we will take more and more time to focus on your final paper. Remember that for your final paper you are writing a 3000-word autobiography that includes at least 3 of the 5 identities that we have discussed in this class; at least 5 stories connected to these identities that include context, change, and drama; and at least 15 APA references and citations.
We have spent this quarter reflecting up on these identities at both the individual and systemic level, and at this point we have discussed four out of the five identities we will cover. This means that you should know at least two of the identities you want to take up in your final paper. What two identities that we have covered so far do you know that you want to include in the final paper?
We have been developing and sharing stories all quarter long through your pres, discussion boards, and the posts. Given that you now know at least two of your identities for the final paper, what stories connected to those identities do you want to share?
Finally, for your 15 or more references, remember that the point of these references is for you to demonstrate that you are a scholar of your self and the shelf. As such, use references to link your story to our shared world to demonstrate that your story connects you to broader social trends and systemic dynamics. Remember that at least 10 of your references must come from class. This includes any of the resources shared in the pre assignments and any resources shared in-class during our discussions (including music videos and activities and things classmates and teaching team members have said).
Remember that at least 5 of your references must come from outside of class. These sources can include:
· resources from other courses you have taken that connect to the identities we have discussed
· other resources from the authors in our class – other articles, books, videos, etc. that you can find that they have authored
· conversations with people in your life from outside this class
· media such as children’s books, song lyrics, and shows or movies that have been influential in your understanding of your identities
Now that we have demonstrated how we can use social class as a lens through which we can listen to music and read children’s book, reflect on your own life and share a song, children’s book, television show, or movie that you might use to discuss social class, gender identity, racial identity, sexual identity, or age and life stage in your final paper. Practice creating an APA reference for that source.
Last name, First initial. (Year of publication). Name of media source. Location of publication: Company/organization that published it.
And write one sentence using an APA in-text citation explaining which identity you would connect it to and how this resource has influenced that identity.
Post as you are ready, read and respond to others respectfully.
Please note, that this discussion board post is a precursor to your Week 09b post assignment in which you need to share all five of your outside sources for your final paper and include references and a sentence with an APA citation explaining how you will use the resource.
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