You’ll be doing a paper to examine the overarching question “What is the Divine Feminine?” Have you ever thought of god in a feminine context? Why? Why not? Does this seem like a dangerous question to you? Think about that. Why would it be dangerous? *Keep in mind while you are reading that you are going to write a 1000-word research paper based on the book and the topic. That is text. Text does not include your Works Cited page or any charts or pictures, should you decide to include those. I will want to see that you have absorbed and thought critically about the book and can discuss it cogently in your paper. You should use an MLA citation style. Be consistent, and remember, you also have to cite the book you’re reading. *You will need at least two outside sources for the paper. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of websites, articles and books about the Divine Feminine in the world. Why do you think that – since the 1960s – this subject has captured the imaginations of literally every kind of human in the world? You can do this paper in any way that you like. From comparisons of certain deities, your choice, to choosing one region or religious pathway that is interesting to you and exploring the Divine Feminine in that region. *You must also use the book ″The Divine Feminine: Exploring the Feminine Face of God around the World.″ by Anne Baring and Andrew Harvey.