- What is natural selection? How was it derived from artificial selection
- What are the implications of natural selection (hint: see discussion in the Stein and Rowe text on directional natural selection and watch closely Dawkins’s discussion just after Falwell makes his Watchmaker metaphor in Origins of Species.
- Give examples of natural selection (hint: Darwin’s finches on the Galápagos Islands; look for that discussion in the Stein and Rowe. text. How did the 1977 study by the Grants test that theory regarding finches on Daphne Major? What did they find out in a later study in 1982?
- What is the other side of the equation of natural selection that Darwin could not have conceived of, given knowledge at the time? In other words, what is the real origin of species? Describe the mechanisms of this process, based on your readings of .genetics and mutation. Look it up in the Stein and Rowe. text and in the Power Point lectures.
- Why is mutation often regarded as a genetic error?
- On the creationist/intelligence design issue, what arguments of the evolutionary model would the advocates of ID have to address? see instances in the Stein and Rowe. text.)
Learn the basics of cell structure, mitosis and meiosis, replication and mutation, and translation and transcription and explain how the tie into the evolutionary process. You may look these up in your text or in You Tube (15 points)
What roles do gene flow and genetic drift play in evolutionary change? Again, you may look these up in your text or You Tube
Reference: Stein, P. L., & Rowe, B. M. (1993). Physical Anthropology. McGraw-Hill.