Week one cled 780
Read: Kotter: Chapters 1 – 2
Watch: The Essence of Leadership
Watch: The Essence of Leadership
Watch: Qualities Of Leadership
Watch: Qualities Of Leadership
Watch: Invictus (2009) – What is your philosophy of leadership?
Watch: Invictus (2009) – What is your philosophy of leadership?
Discussion Thread: Leaders and Managers
This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible
due Jan 16
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Dr. Bredfeldt said that leadership involves defining reality, defining a preferred future and creating a strategy to get from current reality to a preferred future. This means change must occur and leaders are people who are able to help individuals and organizations make the required change.
· What do you believe is the best explanation of what makes a leader a leader?
· Identify a person you respect as a leader and discuss with the class the reasons you believe this person is effective as a leader.
· How would you distinguish your selected leader from a manager?