300-word response 2 references
Discuss proofreading a research paper and discuss any recommendations you may have to offer your classmates to ensure your paper is ready for grading. In other words, what if anything did you catch that needed attention when you doubled checked your paper that you suggest your classmates also check to ensure is correct.
Human trafficking is one of the crimes that have been termed as very degrading and is
reported in almost all parts of the world. Women and children have been labeled the most at
risk when it comes to this vice of human trafficking, and the efforts made have not been
completely effective in addressing the problem. The crime involves activities related to sex
forced labor, among other activities that the victims are compelled to do in the hands of the
human traffickers. It is never easy to completely eradicate this crime, and one, it requires
every available person to be on board in fighting human trafficking. This paper would
critically address human trafficking comprehensively and how creating awareness in society
and education among women would help solve this problem.
In the early years of humanity, and when various people figured out how they would
effectively handle the economic, social, and political issues, slavery was termed as one of the
inhuman activities. Many fights were introduced to help eradicate slavery, and in some way,
it worked out. The problem is that slavery has crept in the form of a vice called human
trafficking. Human trafficking can be defined as the illegal act of transporting people and
benefiting from their physical labor, services, or sexual exploitation. When addressing this
subject, it is important to note that human trafficking comes in two major forms, which could
include sex trafficking and forced labor. Most of the human trafficking are exploited
sexually, which makes up what is termed sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is when people are
abducted or coerced for recruitment transportation for commercial sexual activities. Human
trafficking is an international crime, and sometimes the victims are transported to other
countries far from their countries of origin. The reports from the United States indicated that
the number of convictions for people on human trafficking offenses had increased globally.
Different efforts have been made to address the problem, and one of the issues that come out
is that the strategies have failed, although there are countries that no longer report cases of
human trafficking (Gibbs et al., 2018). One of the approaches that can be used to ensure this
vice is addressed effectively is ensuring that the vulnerable groups are made aware. The
promotion of public awareness and education of women on human trafficking is one of the
weapons that can address the persistent problem of human trafficking in the current
Types of Human Trafficking Reported Globally
The definition of human trafficking clarifies that the issue is so broad, and society
needs to look at it from all dimensions. Knowing the various forms of human trafficking
makes it easy to address the problem and even effectively solve the problems related to
human trafficking. The first form of human trafficking is when one is forced to work to
facilitate a debt that they inherited, or that was part of the employment agreement (Jaleel,
2016). This form of trafficking is referred to as bonded labor human trafficking. This can also
be termed as exploitative when the labor the worker provides is extreme and goes against
their personal rights, and in some cases, it goes beyond the value of the debt.
The next common form of human trafficking is forced labor. On many occasions, it is
the most commonly reported; in this case, the victim is needed to work against their will. The
victims are normally threatened, and they cannot be allowed to stop the work until the
instruction comes from the person who leads them or the one in control. People are mainly
subjected to these forms of human trafficking because they lack education, corruption,
political conflict, among others.
Children are the other set of the group that is highly victimized by the cases of human
trafficking. Being young and somehow defenseless makes them an easy target. The common
form of human trafficking that resonates with children is exploitative child labor. In these
forms, the children are exposed to extreme working conditions that deprive them of their
These forms, among others, are the scale that legal professionals use to gauge the
nature of human trafficking and define the extent of human trafficking in society. They
change based on various factors. The others include forced marriage of child soldiers, where
children are actually forced into military activities like taking the soldier responsibilities.
Most of the militia groups are the ones well known for this kind of human trafficking, termed
the child soldier form.
Factors That Lead to Increasing Human Trafficking Cases
Human trafficking is illegal and goes against general human rights. Despite the legal
stand being clear, people still find themselves as convicts and victims of this act. Many
factors have been pointed out to push the increasing cases of human trafficking globally. The
first cause of factor is poverty in some parts of the world. There are people who live in
extreme poverty levels globally; these people are vulnerable and can be convinced easily into
human trafficking. According to reports from the world health organization and other related
bodies, it has been reported that human the major reason that makes most of the people
victimized by human trafficking criminals is poverty. Poverty makes many people struggle to
pay for food, rents among other basic human wants. These limitations make them an easy
target for human traffickers. The poor are therefore easily lured as they are promised a better
way to make a living before they are actually taken in as victims of
Lack of awareness of human trafficking is the other factor that has been mentioned by
different researchers on the subject. Despite the evil nature and the threat human trafficking
makes the society exposed to, there has not been clear creation of awareness for the people to
ensure they are fully informed of human trafficking and how to prevent it (LE, 2019). Even
some countries have no well-established systems to address the problem. It is, therefore, right
to say that the lack of awareness has been another key factor that has made the cases of
human trafficking increase globally. Lack of awareness on human trafficking, therefore,
makes so many people
Inadequate appropriate education is the next factor that makes people vulnerable to
human traffickers. It is important to note that society needs a proper system that would ensure
that the graduates secure jobs. The problem is the education system in many countries does
not provide immediate or faster employment opportunities. An inappropriate education
system makes society vulnerable, and so they lack the opportunity to secure jobs. This is one
of the major problems that make human traffickers see potential victims in them. They lack
jobs because of not having a proper education system that informs and make them fully
baked and ready to take the job opportunities available in the market.
The poor security measures or the government protection strategies allow the victims
to be shipped to other countries. It is clear that human trafficking is a global issue, the
governments which are meant to control movement across the border and protect their people
are sometimes made to look the other way when their people are actually taken and sold as
victims of human trafficking. So, the leaking government system that has corruption and
security issues make it easy for the offenders to make it through with the victims.
Response to Human Trafficking
The adversity of human trafficking and the general impact it has on the victims means
there needs to be a way of responding to it. First, it is important to note that human trafficking
causes so much pain to the family, and it also prevails because of some weaknesses in the
security system put in place by the government (Zimmerman et al., 2021). The main focus of
the paper was to cover the education of women and create awareness of the situation to help
address the problem. Before going deeper into that area, it would be important to also have
some time to look into the entire subject of the human trafficking response mechanism. The
response is implemented in several ways; they include a concept that brings into play what is
referred to as the 4Ps of response to human trafficking. The 4Ps would mean that an action is
taken from all the areas, which include the nations of origins of the victims.
The first P is about prevention. This is where measures are put in place to prevent
human trafficking before it actually happens. Prevention would help to reduce the chances of
people being victims of human trafficking (Nazer & Greenbaum, 2020). At the prevention
stage of this voce, the specific elements that make the people vulnerable to human trafficking
are identified and eliminated. The first response would therefore be the prevention
mechanism that would involve bringing into play the law enforcement officers and training
them on how to deal with the case.
The second P of response is about protection. The vulnerable community or groups
should be kept safe from the potential traffickers or people who seem to have the motive of
making them victims to the activities (Greenbaum et al., 2018). The victims can actually be
removed from the situation that exposes them to any form of exploitation. The protection
response also involves developing strategies that would help minimize the chances of the
human trafficker’s opportunists from taking advantage of the people they have identified to be
The third P is about prosecution. Human trafficking practice has been branded illegal,
and it is a great trespass to human rights. It is important, therefore, to ensure that any victims
who have been exposed to this kind of malpractices are served justice, and the best way to
ensure that justice is served is through ensuring that the perpetrators are brought to book
(Naik, 2018). Prosecution response, therefore, helps to serve the victims justice and even
prevent the convicts from taking advantage of other people.
The final P comes after the prosecution has done its work, and it is connected to the
prevention; it is the policy. Most of these trafficking activities are successful because there
are no proper policies to control the activities of different individuals or groups (Beeks &
Amir, 2006). These Ps are considered the response mechanism that could be used in ensuring
that the relevant authorities have in place the measures or protocols that would help deal with
human trafficking.
The Challenges Faced in Fighting Human Trafficking
It is clear human trafficking is a serious crime that affects people globally; the
problem is when it comes to fighting and eradicating it completely. Several challenges have
come up in the efforts to try to fight human trafficking in society. The first major challenge is
the identification of the victims. Most of the victims are kept from the public domain, and
they are not allowed to interact with other people; it is therefore not easy to identify. The
victims are also threatened, making them afraid to expose the people behind the human
trafficking syndicate in different parts of the world (Ahn et al., 2013). So the identification of
both the victims and the perpetrators becomes one of the major challenges when it comes to
dealing with the human trafficking issues in society.
The other issue that has been cited to be a major obstruction in dealing with crime and
a challenge faced by so many people and organizations is dishonesty or corruption. The
traffickers happen to corrupt their way through different countries and get connections to the
powerful governments, which makes it hard for them to be brought to book (McCarthy,
2020). This simply means that the fight against human trafficking is challenging because it is
covered by some of the powerful individuals in different areas of power or authority.
The cost of launching and implementing the fight against human trafficking is the
other one that has been reported to be a major issue. The financial resources needed to fight
human trafficking are quite huge, and most governments are not in a position to use a very
large amount of the taxpayer’s money to curb the threat (Donahue et al. 2019). This means
that inefficient resources and funds are put in the fight that cannot match the power and the
force the traffickers put to remain in the illegal business.
Public Awareness and Human Trafficking
One of the major weapons that can be put in line to help in the war against human
trafficking to combat the challenges is the creation of public awareness. Lack of knowledge
and general awareness of this vice is what has increased the number of victims over the years.
There are three groups of people that need awareness on human trafficking to ensure the
battle is won and the vice eradicated. The general public, who are mainly targeted by these
individual human traffickers, are the ones that would be informed of the problem (Ndolu &
Pello, 2020). Awareness creation would include making the public aware of the strategies the
human traffickers use to get their victims. Most of the victims are not aware of the various
approaches used by the traffickers that is why they mostly fall victims. When the public is
informed, they are actually given the ability to protect themselves from the perpetrators.
When creating awareness, the most at-risk population is also informed so that they be
on absolute watch. The public also needs to be made of their rights; there are some forms of
human trafficking where the perpetrators take advantage of the fact that most of the victims
are not aware of their rights (Honeyman et al., 2016). Awareness would inform these people
of their rights as well as how to ensure they speak up whenever they come across cases that
relate to human trafficking. The government alone may not be able to identify all the cases of
human trafficking. Creating public awareness would ensure that more people are put on alert,
and the various individuals combine forces. It is important to ensure that the public gets
involved in the response, identification, and prevention mechanism.
Public awareness on human trafficking would be a more effective weapon in this fight
because more people would be kept on alert that would help them to come up with more
effective ways of sporting and unraveling the human trafficking activities that are hidden
(Cockbain & Bowers, 2019). When something gets to the public attention, it is not easy to
hide. It would be, therefore, easy to take action on the various issues on this problem.
Benefits of Using Public Awareness in the Fight against Human trafficking
One of the major challenges being cited to affect the fight against human trafficking is
the fact that most of the human trafficking prevention moves require the use of serious
resources. Involving the public through awareness will reduce the cost of the fight because
many people would be on the watch. The government would not need to use so many
resources in the fight.
The target victims would be prior informed about the type of fight they need to expect
and the entry points of the human traffickers into their lives. Prevention is one of the most
effective strategies for anything that may cause problems to an individual. It is easier to
counter the traffickers when one has knowledge or information about their activities and the
methods they may use to get to the unsuspecting public (Peck, 2020). The human traffickers
and the potential victim’s situation is a predator-prey form of scenario. When the prey is
informed of the tricks of the predator, it is not easy for it to be trapped or tricked by the
Awareness is therefore considered one of the most effective weapons that can be used
to eradicate human trafficking in society. Different stakeholders should therefore focus more
on the public awareness of the human trafficking vice; it will help enrich the public with
knowledge that would help them counter human trafficking tactics or the snares (Jones &
Winterdyk, 2018). The government, non-governmental organizations, and the global nations
should focus more on the creation of awareness to launch a serious fight against human
trafficking prices.
Education of Women and Human Trafficking
Education is the second tool that would help in the eradication of human trafficking in
society. One of the main factors pointed out to cause human trafficking is lack of education;
women have also more vulnerable when it comes to human trafficking as compared to their
male counterparts. One of the problem-solving techniques in identifying the source and
developing an effective way of addressing the problem. Women and lack of education make
one at higher risk of becoming a target for human traffickers.
There are cultural practices that have made women be portrayed as a weaker group in
the society which is not even valued. It is this kind of perspective that makes the women to be
profiled or to be at higher risk of being subjected to human trafficking. Educating women
would help empower them and give them a voice in society. Education would enhance
women’s power and their general value in society. When they are educated, the women stop
becoming easy targets for the traffickers.
Data from various sources indicate that women make up the majority of human
trafficking victims. When a group that appears to be an easy target is given the ability to
resist any forces of the human traffickers, it will make the efforts to get victims a little
challenging, which will be the first step in eradicating this vice in the society (Kim et al.
2018). Educating women on their rights will help prevent human trafficking in several ways.
When women are educated on their rights, they are empowered. Education on rights
helps women to effectively understand the law and their rights as human beings. Some of the
people made victims of human trafficking because they are not informed of their rights.
Educated women will be able to make sound and good decisions and become safe as far as
human trafficking is concerned.
Education also gives women the ability and qualification to secure employment.
When they have jobs, they will be able to provide for their families, which will remove the
poverty element from the equation. Most of the women are normally manipulated into human
trafficking because they lack options and are so desperate. The human traffickers take
advantage of the fact that the women are so desperate for work and are not able to effectively
reason and look into the details of the offers they are given (Konrad, 2019). Most of the
human traffickers come with the offer of giving the women jobs, which in many cases is what
the women are desperately looking for. When the women are educated, they not only become
able to make good decisions, but they also get to a position where they can secure
Education is a tool that would help avoid so many problems in the current generation
or era. Prevention of problems requires the use of data-driven mechanisms that cannot be
employed effectively without proper education. Women who are educated would easily
understand the data and make a good decision on the provided data. When women are
educated, they become well placed to make decisions that would also affect the men and
children. It would be more effective to come up with ways of preventing human traffic by
working with the people who are educated.
When women are educated, they are able to sort solutions to the various problems
they may have to deal with in relation to human trafficking. It is greatly important to have the
most vulnerable have the best knowledge about how they can keep safe from human
traffickers. Human traffickers, on many occasions, find it a little easier to take on the female
victims. This is what women’s education is meant to solve. Women’s education would simply
make the women who are more threatened by the human traffickers to be the main trap to be
used in getting the criminals (El Khoury, 2020). One of the ways to get control of this kind of
people would simply involve identifying the prey or the target and arming them.
Educating women, some of who could be victims, allows them to fight strongly
against human trafficking. When the women who are the most vulnerable become an
ambassador for change, it becomes easy to change the situation. Educated women can also
help their fellow women to understand the entire subject. When the human trafficking topic is
presented by the women, it makes them be keener and take the issues seriously. Education,
therefore, intensifies the campaigns against human trafficking, which is critical in the fight.
Effects of Human Trafficking that Make Public Awareness and Women Education
The introduction of public awareness and education of women is due to the disastrous
effects of human trafficking on individuals and society. The victims have given very
disturbing information about human trafficking. An in-depth evaluation of this problem
makes one understand why every effective and promising effort should be made to ensure the
crime is completely eradicated. The effects are so frustrating, and all needs to be done to
ensure that the public is in a position to be safe and all the vulnerable groups are kept safe.
One of the major effects is the mental trauma associated with the trafficking
experience. Reports from the humanitarian organizations indicate that most of the traffickers
treat the victims like objects. They are dehumanized and harshly treated; it is not easy going
through hard times. Most of these victims escape and get to struggle with serious trauma
because of the physical and emotional abuse. The devastating psychological effects are
experienced both during and after the experience.
Public awareness and women’s education would also help them out of some sexual
frustration that they would go through in the hands of the traffickers. Women receive even
worse treatment at the hand of the traffickers, which explains why they should be involved in
the creation of awareness and education to ensure they are safe (Butler, 2015). Post-traumatic
stress has been reported to be a common condition among human trafficking survivors.
Ostracism is the other common effect of human trafficking. Most of the people who
are taken are normally isolated from their friends and families, which affects their mental
state. Slavery is modern-day slavery, and women are some of the main targets. People have
families where they belong, and most of the women even have children; when they are
separated from the children and families, it becomes disturbing, and the women are not in a
position to relate with the other people in the community when they survive.
From this research, several issues come up in relation to human trafficking. First,
women and children are the main targets of the human traffickers, which, the fight should
focus more on ensuring that the women and children are kept safe. Educating women would
help expand their knowledge on human trafficking. Educating women will also enhance their
qualifications and chances of securing job opportunities. Education should therefore focus on
enhancing the safety and ability of women. Poverty is one of the major threats, which human
traffickers seem to capitalize on greatly. Women should be educated on their rights so that the
traffickers do not manipulate them easily because of their lack of proper knowledge of their
rights. The public should be informed of their rights and critical approaches to the traffickers
to manipulate the victims. The education system that creates employment should help
eradicate poverty and illiteracy (Latzman et al., 2019). Being global issues, the governments
and countries should join efforts to try and address the crisis that comes from global
trafficking. Most of the victims are taken cross border. When the governments work together,
it becomes easy to set a trap and capture the traffickers. Global efforts could help expose the
adversity of human trafficking. Corruption should be addressed in the fight against human
Human Trafficking is a global problem that is more of the upgraded slave trade. The
fights to try to eradicate it have not been successful since the channel is so long, and the
perpetrators seem to be quite swift in the way they handle efforts to eradicate the crime.
Public awareness and women’s education seem to be an effective way of dealing with the
problem by focusing on the vulnerable people who make the target groups for the human
traffickers. When his public is made aware, they cannot be manipulated easily by the human
traffickers, which will make them a little safer. Unemployment has been pointed out to be a
cause; this means that when women are educated and secure employment opportunities, they
will become qualified to secure employment and not easily lured by human traffickers.
Education also makes women know their rights, which will ensure the human traffickers do
not subject them to so much humiliation through their lack of knowledge. The approach that
focuses on public awareness and education of women seems to target the vulnerable people
that the traffickers prey on. These two methods are the most effective ones that would help
address the problem of human trafficking effectively by removing the vulnerability element
in the process.
Ahn, R., McGahan, A., Konstantopoulos, W. M., Harp, H., Alpert, E., & Burke, T. F. (2013).
The fight against human trafficking. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 11, 17-18.
Beeks, K., & Amir, D. (2006). Trafficking and the global sex industry. New York: Rowman
& Littlefield.
Butler, C. N. (2015). The racial roots of human trafficking. UCLA Law Review, 62(6).
Cockbain, E., & Bowers, K. (2019). Human trafficking for sex, labor and domestic servitude:
how do key trafficking types compare and what are their predictors?. Crime, Law and
Social Change, 72(1), 9-34.
Donahue, S., Schwien, M., & LaVallee, D. (2019). Educating emergency department staff on
the identification and treatment of human trafficking victims. Journal of emergency
nursing, 45(1), 16-23.
El Khoury, J. (2020). Combatting Human Trafficking in Lebanon: Prosecution, Protection,
and Prevention. The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, 1205-
Gibbs, D. A., Henninger, A. M., Tueller, S. J., & Kluckman, M. N. (2018). Human
trafficking and the child welfare population in Florida. Children and Youth Services
Review, 88, 1-10.
Greenbaum, V. J., Titchen, K., Walker-Descartes, I., Feifer, A., Rood, C. J., & Fong, H. F.
(2018). Multi-level prevention of human trafficking: The role of health care
professionals. Preventive medicine, 114, 164-167.
Honeyman, K. L., Stukas, A. A., & Marques, M. D. (2016). Human trafficking: Factors that
influence willingness to combat the issue. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
46(9), 529-543.
Jaleel, R. M. (2016). The wages of human trafficking. Brooklyn Law Review, 81(2), 563-
625. Morello, C. (2016). Human trafficking survivors recommend changes in U.S.
policies. The Washington Post.
Jones, J., & Winterdyk, J. (2018). Introduction: Human Trafficking: Challenges and
Opportunities for the 21st Century. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 8(1).
Kim, H. W., Park, T., Quiring, S., & Barrett, D. (2018). The anti-human trafficking
collaboration model and serving victims: Providers’ perspectives on the impact and
experience. Journal of evidence-informed social work, 15(2), 186-203.
Konrad, R. A. (2019). Designing awareness campaigns to counter human trafficking: An
analytic approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 67, 86-93.
Latzman, N. E., Gibbs, D. A., Feinberg, R., Kluckman, M. N., & Aboul-Hosn, S. (2019).
Human trafficking victimization among youth who run away from foster
care. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 113-124.
LE, T. P. (2019). Prevention of human trafficking through community awareness-raising in
McCarthy, L. A. (2020). A gendered perspective on human trafficking perpetrators: evidence
from Russia. Journal of Human Trafficking, 6(1), 79-94.
Naik, A. B. (2018). Impacts, causes and consequences of women trafficking in India from
human rights perspective. Social Sciences, 7(2), 76-80.
Nazer, D., & Greenbaum, J. (2020). Human trafficking of children. Pediatric Annals, 49(5),
Peck, J. L. (2020). Human trafficking of children: Nurse practitioner knowledge, beliefs, and
experience supporting the development of a practice guideline: Part two. Journal of
Pediatric Health Care, 34(2), 177-190.
Zimmerman, C., Mak, J., Pocock, N. S., & Kiss, L. (2021). Human trafficking: results of a 5-
year theory-based evaluation of interventions to prevent trafficking of women from
south Asia. Frontiers in public health, 9, 400.
Human trafficking is one of the crimes that have been termed as very degrading and is
reported in almost all parts of the world. Women and children have been labeled the most at
risk when it comes to this vice of human trafficking, and the efforts made have not been
completely effective in addressing the problem. The crime involves activities related to sex
forced labor, among other activities that the victims are compelled to do in the hands of the
human traffickers. It is never easy to completely eradicate this crime, and one, it requires
every available person to be on board in fighting human trafficking. This paper would
critically address human trafficking comprehensively and how creating awareness in society
and education among women would help solve this problem.
In the early years of humanity, and when various people figured out how they would
effectively handle the economic, social, and political issues, slavery was termed as one of the
inhuman activities. Many fights were introduced to help eradicate slavery, and in some way,
it worked out. The problem is that slavery has crept in the form of a vice called human
trafficking. Human trafficking can be defined as the illegal act of transporting people and
benefiting from their physical labor, services, or sexual exploitation. When addressing this
subject, it is important to note that human trafficking comes in two major forms, which could
include sex trafficking and forced labor. Most of the human trafficking are exploited
sexually, which makes up what is termed sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is when people are
abducted or coerced for recruitment transportation for commercial sexual activities. Human
trafficking is an international crime, and sometimes the victims are transported to other
countries far from their countries of origin. The reports from the United States indicated that
the number of convictions for people on human trafficking offenses had increased globally.
Different efforts have been made to address the problem, and one of the issues that come out
is that the strategies have failed, although there are countries that no longer report cases of
human trafficking (Gibbs et al., 2018). One of the approaches that can be used to ensure this
vice is addressed effectively is ensuring that the vulnerable groups are made aware. The
promotion of public awareness and education of women on human trafficking is one of the
weapons that can address the persistent problem of human trafficking in the current
Types of Human Trafficking Reported Globally
The definition of human trafficking clarifies that the issue is so broad, and society
needs to look at it from all dimensions. Knowing the various forms of human trafficking
makes it easy to address the problem and even effectively solve the problems related to
human trafficking. The first form of human trafficking is when one is forced to work to
facilitate a debt that they inherited, or that was part of the employment agreement (Jaleel,
2016). This form of trafficking is referred to as bonded labor human trafficking. This can also
be termed as exploitative when the labor the worker provides is extreme and goes against
their personal rights, and in some cases, it goes beyond the value of the debt.
The next common form of human trafficking is forced labor. On many occasions, it is
the most commonly reported; in this case, the victim is needed to work against their will. The
victims are normally threatened, and they cannot be allowed to stop the work until the
instruction comes from the person who leads them or the one in control. People are mainly
subjected to these forms of human trafficking because they lack education, corruption,
political conflict, among others.
Children are the other set of the group that is highly victimized by the cases of human
trafficking. Being young and somehow defenseless makes them an easy target. The common
form of human trafficking that resonates with children is exploitative child labor. In these
forms, the children are exposed to extreme working conditions that deprive them of their
These forms, among others, are the scale that legal professionals use to gauge the
nature of human trafficking and define the extent of human trafficking in society. They
change based on various factors. The others include forced marriage of child soldiers, where
children are actually forced into military activities like taking the soldier responsibilities.
Most of the militia groups are the ones well known for this kind of human trafficking, termed
the child soldier form.
Factors That Lead to Increasing Human Trafficking Cases
Human trafficking is illegal and goes against general human rights. Despite the legal
stand being clear, people still find themselves as convicts and victims of this act. Many
factors have been pointed out to push the increasing cases of human trafficking globally. The
first cause of factor is poverty in some parts of the world. There are people who live in
extreme poverty levels globally; these people are vulnerable and can be convinced easily into
human trafficking. According to reports from the world health organization and other related
bodies, it has been reported that human the major reason that makes most of the people
victimized by human trafficking criminals is poverty. Poverty makes many people struggle to
pay for food, rents among other basic human wants. These limitations make them an easy
target for human traffickers. The poor are therefore easily lured as they are promised a better
way to make a living before they are actually taken in as victims of
Lack of awareness of human trafficking is the other factor that has been mentioned by
different researchers on the subject. Despite the evil nature and the threat human trafficking
makes the society exposed to, there has not been clear creation of awareness for the people to
ensure they are fully informed of human trafficking and how to prevent it (LE, 2019). Even
some countries have no well-established systems to address the problem. It is, therefore, right
to say that the lack of awareness has been another key factor that has made the cases of
human trafficking increase globally. Lack of awareness on human trafficking, therefore,
makes so many people
Inadequate appropriate education is the next factor that makes people vulnerable to
human traffickers. It is important to note that society needs a proper system that would ensure
that the graduates secure jobs. The problem is the education system in many countries does
not provide immediate or faster employment opportunities. An inappropriate education
system makes society vulnerable, and so they lack the opportunity to secure jobs. This is one
of the major problems that make human traffickers see potential victims in them. They lack
jobs because of not having a proper education system that informs and make them fully
baked and ready to take the job opportunities available in the market.
The poor security measures or the government protection strategies allow the victims
to be shipped to other countries. It is clear that human trafficking is a global issue, the
governments which are meant to control movement across the border and protect their people
are sometimes made to look the other way when their people are actually taken and sold as
victims of human trafficking. So, the leaking government system that has corruption and
security issues make it easy for the offenders to make it through with the victims.
Response to Human Trafficking
The adversity of human trafficking and the general impact it has on the victims means
there needs to be a way of responding to it. First, it is important to note that human trafficking
causes so much pain to the family, and it also prevails because of some weaknesses in the
security system put in place by the government (Zimmerman et al., 2021). The main focus of
the paper was to cover the education of women and create awareness of the situation to help
address the problem. Before going deeper into that area, it would be important to also have
some time to look into the entire subject of the human trafficking response mechanism. The
response is implemented in several ways; they include a concept that brings into play what is
referred to as the 4Ps of response to human trafficking. The 4Ps would mean that an action is
taken from all the areas, which include the nations of origins of the victims.
The first P is about prevention. This is where measures are put in place to prevent
human trafficking before it actually happens. Prevention would help to reduce the chances of
people being victims of human trafficking (Nazer & Greenbaum, 2020). At the prevention
stage of this voce, the specific elements that make the people vulnerable to human trafficking
are identified and eliminated. The first response would therefore be the prevention
mechanism that would involve bringing into play the law enforcement officers and training
them on how to deal with the case.
The second P of response is about protection. The vulnerable community or groups
should be kept safe from the potential traffickers or people who seem to have the motive of
making them victims to the activities (Greenbaum et al., 2018). The victims can actually be
removed from the situation that exposes them to any form of exploitation. The protection
response also involves developing strategies that would help minimize the chances of the
human trafficker’s opportunists from taking advantage of the people they have identified to be
The third P is about prosecution. Human trafficking practice has been branded illegal,
and it is a great trespass to human rights. It is important, therefore, to ensure that any victims
who have been exposed to this kind of malpractices are served justice, and the best way to
ensure that justice is served is through ensuring that the perpetrators are brought to book
(Naik, 2018). Prosecution response, therefore, helps to serve the victims justice and even
prevent the convicts from taking advantage of other people.
The final P comes after the prosecution has done its work, and it is connected to the
prevention; it is the policy. Most of these trafficking activities are successful because there
are no proper policies to control the activities of different individuals or groups (Beeks &
Amir, 2006). These Ps are considered the response mechanism that could be used in ensuring
that the relevant authorities have in place the measures or protocols that would help deal with
human trafficking.
The Challenges Faced in Fighting Human Trafficking
It is clear human trafficking is a serious crime that affects people globally; the
problem is when it comes to fighting and eradicating it completely. Several challenges have
come up in the efforts to try to fight human trafficking in society. The first major challenge is
the identification of the victims. Most of the victims are kept from the public domain, and
they are not allowed to interact with other people; it is therefore not easy to identify. The
victims are also threatened, making them afraid to expose the people behind the human
trafficking syndicate in different parts of the world (Ahn et al., 2013). So the identification of
both the victims and the perpetrators becomes one of the major challenges when it comes to
dealing with the human trafficking issues in society.
The other issue that has been cited to be a major obstruction in dealing with crime and
a challenge faced by so many people and organizations is dishonesty or corruption. The
traffickers happen to corrupt their way through different countries and get connections to the
powerful governments, which makes it hard for them to be brought to book (McCarthy,
2020). This simply means that the fight against human trafficking is challenging because it is
covered by some of the powerful individuals in different areas of power or authority.
The cost of launching and implementing the fight against human trafficking is the
other one that has been reported to be a major issue. The financial resources needed to fight
human trafficking are quite huge, and most governments are not in a position to use a very
large amount of the taxpayer’s money to curb the threat (Donahue et al. 2019). This means
that inefficient resources and funds are put in the fight that cannot match the power and the
force the traffickers put to remain in the illegal business.
Public Awareness and Human Trafficking
One of the major weapons that can be put in line to help in the war against human
trafficking to combat the challenges is the creation of public awareness. Lack of knowledge
and general awareness of this vice is what has increased the number of victims over the years.
There are three groups of people that need awareness on human trafficking to ensure the
battle is won and the vice eradicated. The general public, who are mainly targeted by these
individual human traffickers, are the ones that would be informed of the problem (Ndolu &
Pello, 2020). Awareness creation would include making the public aware of the strategies the
human traffickers use to get their victims. Most of the victims are not aware of the various
approaches used by the traffickers that is why they mostly fall victims. When the public is
informed, they are actually given the ability to protect themselves from the perpetrators.
When creating awareness, the most at-risk population is also informed so that they be
on absolute watch. The public also needs to be made of their rights; there are some forms of
human trafficking where the perpetrators take advantage of the fact that most of the victims
are not aware of their rights (Honeyman et al., 2016). Awareness would inform these people
of their rights as well as how to ensure they speak up whenever they come across cases that
relate to human trafficking. The government alone may not be able to identify all the cases of
human trafficking. Creating public awareness would ensure that more people are put on alert,
and the various individuals combine forces. It is important to ensure that the public gets
involved in the response, identification, and prevention mechanism.
Public awareness on human trafficking would be a more effective weapon in this fight
because more people would be kept on alert that would help them to come up with more
effective ways of sporting and unraveling the human trafficking activities that are hidden
(Cockbain & Bowers, 2019). When something gets to the public attention, it is not easy to
hide. It would be, therefore, easy to take action on the various issues on this problem.
Benefits of Using Public Awareness in the Fight against Human trafficking
One of the major challenges being cited to affect the fight against human trafficking is
the fact that most of the human trafficking prevention moves require the use of serious
resources. Involving the public through awareness will reduce the cost of the fight because
many people would be on the watch. The government would not need to use so many
resources in the fight.
The target victims would be prior informed about the type of fight they need to expect
and the entry points of the human traffickers into their lives. Prevention is one of the most
effective strategies for anything that may cause problems to an individual. It is easier to
counter the traffickers when one has knowledge or information about their activities and the
methods they may use to get to the unsuspecting public (Peck, 2020). The human traffickers
and the potential victim’s situation is a predator-prey form of scenario. When the prey is
informed of the tricks of the predator, it is not easy for it to be trapped or tricked by the
Awareness is therefore considered one of the most effective weapons that can be used
to eradicate human trafficking in society. Different stakeholders should therefore focus more
on the public awareness of the human trafficking vice; it will help enrich the public with
knowledge that would help them counter human trafficking tactics or the snares (Jones &
Winterdyk, 2018). The government, non-governmental organizations, and the global nations
should focus more on the creation of awareness to launch a serious fight against human
trafficking prices.
Education of Women and Human Trafficking
Education is the second tool that would help in the eradication of human trafficking in
society. One of the main factors pointed out to cause human trafficking is lack of education;
women have also more vulnerable when it comes to human trafficking as compared to their
male counterparts. One of the problem-solving techniques in identifying the source and
developing an effective way of addressing the problem. Women and lack of education make
one at higher risk of becoming a target for human traffickers.
There are cultural practices that have made women be portrayed as a weaker group in
the society which is not even valued. It is this kind of perspective that makes the women to be
profiled or to be at higher risk of being subjected to human trafficking. Educating women
would help empower them and give them a voice in society. Education would enhance
women’s power and their general value in society. When they are educated, the women stop
becoming easy targets for the traffickers.
Data from various sources indicate that women make up the majority of human
trafficking victims. When a group that appears to be an easy target is given the ability to
resist any forces of the human traffickers, it will make the efforts to get victims a little
challenging, which will be the first step in eradicating this vice in the society (Kim et al.
2018). Educating women on their rights will help prevent human trafficking in several ways.
When women are educated on their rights, they are empowered. Education on rights
helps women to effectively understand the law and their rights as human beings. Some of the
people made victims of human trafficking because they are not informed of their rights.
Educated women will be able to make sound and good decisions and become safe as far as
human trafficking is concerned.
Education also gives women the ability and qualification to secure employment.
When they have jobs, they will be able to provide for their families, which will remove the
poverty element from the equation. Most of the women are normally manipulated into human
trafficking because they lack options and are so desperate. The human traffickers take
advantage of the fact that the women are so desperate for work and are not able to effectively
reason and look into the details of the offers they are given (Konrad, 2019). Most of the
human traffickers come with the offer of giving the women jobs, which in many cases is what
the women are desperately looking for. When the women are educated, they not only become
able to make good decisions, but they also get to a position where they can secure
Education is a tool that would help avoid so many problems in the current generation
or era. Prevention of problems requires the use of data-driven mechanisms that cannot be
employed effectively without proper education. Women who are educated would easily
understand the data and make a good decision on the provided data. When women are
educated, they become well placed to make decisions that would also affect the men and
children. It would be more effective to come up with ways of preventing human traffic by
working with the people who are educated.
When women are educated, they are able to sort solutions to the various problems
they may have to deal with in relation to human trafficking. It is greatly important to have the
most vulnerable have the best knowledge about how they can keep safe from human
traffickers. Human traffickers, on many occasions, find it a little easier to take on the female
victims. This is what women’s education is meant to solve. Women’s education would simply
make the women who are more threatened by the human traffickers to be the main trap to be
used in getting the criminals (El Khoury, 2020). One of the ways to get control of this kind of
people would simply involve identifying the prey or the target and arming them.
Educating women, some of who could be victims, allows them to fight strongly
against human trafficking. When the women who are the most vulnerable become an
ambassador for change, it becomes easy to change the situation. Educated women can also
help their fellow women to understand the entire subject. When the human trafficking topic is
presented by the women, it makes them be keener and take the issues seriously. Education,
therefore, intensifies the campaigns against human trafficking, which is critical in the fight.
Effects of Human Trafficking that Make Public Awareness and Women Education
The introduction of public awareness and education of women is due to the disastrous
effects of human trafficking on individuals and society. The victims have given very
disturbing information about human trafficking. An in-depth evaluation of this problem
makes one understand why every effective and promising effort should be made to ensure the
crime is completely eradicated. The effects are so frustrating, and all needs to be done to
ensure that the public is in a position to be safe and all the vulnerable groups are kept safe.
One of the major effects is the mental trauma associated with the trafficking
experience. Reports from the humanitarian organizations indicate that most of the traffickers
treat the victims like objects. They are dehumanized and harshly treated; it is not easy going
through hard times. Most of these victims escape and get to struggle with serious trauma
because of the physical and emotional abuse. The devastating psychological effects are
experienced both during and after the experience.
Public awareness and women’s education would also help them out of some sexual
frustration that they would go through in the hands of the traffickers. Women receive even
worse treatment at the hand of the traffickers, which explains why they should be involved in
the creation of awareness and education to ensure they are safe (Butler, 2015). Post-traumatic
stress has been reported to be a common condition among human trafficking survivors.
Ostracism is the other common effect of human trafficking. Most of the people who
are taken are normally isolated from their friends and families, which affects their mental
state. Slavery is modern-day slavery, and women are some of the main targets. People have
families where they belong, and most of the women even have children; when they are
separated from the children and families, it becomes disturbing, and the women are not in a
position to relate with the other people in the community when they survive.
From this research, several issues come up in relation to human trafficking. First,
women and children are the main targets of the human traffickers, which, the fight should
focus more on ensuring that the women and children are kept safe. Educating women would
help expand their knowledge on human trafficking. Educating women will also enhance their
qualifications and chances of securing job opportunities. Education should therefore focus on
enhancing the safety and ability of women. Poverty is one of the major threats, which human
traffickers seem to capitalize on greatly. Women should be educated on their rights so that the
traffickers do not manipulate them easily because of their lack of proper knowledge of their
rights. The public should be informed of their rights and critical approaches to the traffickers
to manipulate the victims. The education system that creates employment should help
eradicate poverty and illiteracy (Latzman et al., 2019). Being global issues, the governments
and countries should join efforts to try and address the crisis that comes from global
trafficking. Most of the victims are taken cross border. When the governments work together,
it becomes easy to set a trap and capture the traffickers. Global efforts could help expose the
adversity of human trafficking. Corruption should be addressed in the fight against human
Human Trafficking is a global problem that is more of the upgraded slave trade. The
fights to try to eradicate it have not been successful since the channel is so long, and the
perpetrators seem to be quite swift in the way they handle efforts to eradicate the crime.
Public awareness and women’s education seem to be an effective way of dealing with the
problem by focusing on the vulnerable people who make the target groups for the human
traffickers. When his public is made aware, they cannot be manipulated easily by the human
traffickers, which will make them a little safer. Unemployment has been pointed out to be a
cause; this means that when women are educated and secure employment opportunities, they
will become qualified to secure employment and not easily lured by human traffickers.
Education also makes women know their rights, which will ensure the human traffickers do
not subject them to so much humiliation through their lack of knowledge. The approach that
focuses on public awareness and education of women seems to target the vulnerable people
that the traffickers prey on. These two methods are the most effective ones that would help
address the problem of human trafficking effectively by removing the vulnerability element
in the process.
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