In Week 3, you found two of the articles two of the articles that support your f inal project. You should continue to find additional articles in your topic. This week, you will now begin to write the Results section of your f inal project.
The results section provides an explanation of your findings in the experiment detail. It is important to present the results in “plain English” and accompany those results with statistics.
In your synopsis, you will include:
- Organize the results: What are the results stating and how do they fit in with the experiment? What was your hypothesis? Is it being supported? Consider the most important results and tell their story.
- Preliminary Discussion: Identify any group differences and speak to the meaning or importance of this experiment and why you chose it.
- Provide Data: Describe statistics you are using and present their results.
attached is week 6 week, on the Methods section of your final project.
Midweek Assignment
Running Head: SYNOPSIS
Students were selected to observe and predict their behavior using signal detection theory for this study. As the literature review has revealed that SDT can be efficiently used to protect the behavior of individuals; therefore, this theory can be used for the production of academic achievements of the students based on their previous academic achievements. For this purpose, the high school students were selected with the aim of predicting their choices in accordance with SDT and chances of admission and respective colleges.
For this purpose, the students of high school were selected through a simple random sampling technique to avoid any biases. This technique allows the researchers to create equal opportunities for all the samples to be selected from a population (Acharya et al., 2013). Students having different backgrounds were elected as there was no specification of a particular ethnicity or an area; therefore, the students were randomly selected irrespective of their association with a particular culture or ethnicity.
For the conduction of this study, questionnaires and interviews were elected as the most appropriate research tool. The question includes questions related to the students’ previous achievements. It also included the questions related to their interest and participation in different events, which can depict their interest in different areas and disciplines. Predicting their career choices necessitates their previous achievements and their current status in the academic session. The administration of the questionnaires was done through online sources, including email. It was necessary to consider the schedule of the students and current conditions, which necessitate social distance. Therefore, email was chosen as an appropriate alternative for the administration of the questionnaire.
Another tool used for the conduction of this research included the interview. Due to current circumstances, the interview was conducted through video calls and telephone calls. The structure of the interview question was closely related to the questionnaire; however, the interviews were conducted to observe the behavior of the students. The interview was conducted to understand the future perspective of the students so that their choices and possible careers can be predicted.
The students were selected from the high school as the participants of this research. The students voluntarily participated in this research. After the selection of the students, they were briefed about the research, its objectives, and its purposes. They were also given the consent forms according to which the students voluntarily participated in this research, and they were willing to withdraw. After the confirmation of selected participants, the participants were asked to fill out the questionnaires, which were sent to them through email. As the students were aware of the electronic clearing system, it was convenient to involve them in the research while maintaining social distance. The students were asked to choose the most probable option following the question, which was shared with them through email with the help of Google Forms. The students had to choose an option, and the response at the end was submitted. During the conduction of the questionnaire, I was available for them to remove their doubts or issues regarding the questions. After one week of conducting the questionnaire, the series of interviews started, which lasted for 15 to 20 minutes per student. The interview questions were formulated to observe the students’ perspectives and plans regarding their college admission and career.
After the questionnaire administration and conduction of the interview, the data was collected and sorted in accordance with the student’s responses. The data were then subjected to further data analysis to summarize the response of the students. During the conduction of the research, ethical considerations were kept under consideration (Roth & von Unger, 2018). The students were kept in complete anonymity in accordance with the confidentiality and privacy obligations for the conduction of research. The participants were also informed regarding the purpose and objective of the research. After the completion of the data collection procedure, the data was organized, and the questionnaire responses were separated into defined categories for further analysis. Similarly, the interview themes are also determined under the chosen categories.
Acharya, A. S., Prakash, A., Saxena, P., & Nigam, A. (2013). Sampling: Why and how of it. Indian Journal of Medical Specialties, 4(2), 330-333.
Roth, W. M., & von Unger, H. (2018, September). Current perspectives on research ethics in qualitative research. In Forum qualitative sozialforschung/forum: Qualitative social research (Vol. 19, No. 3)
Influence on the Serial Position.html
Influence on the Serial Position
The von Restorff effect is the increased likelihood of remembering unique or distinctive events or objects instead of those that are common in a list. The von Restorff effect is primarily the result of the increased attention given to the distinctive items in a set, such as a list of words, the number of objects, a sequence of events, or the names and faces of people (Lidwell, Holden, & Butler, 2003).
If an item in a list is distinctive, it typically will be remembered regardless of its position on the list. This phenomenon of memory in which noticeably different things are more likely to be recalled is known as the von Restorff effect. It is also known as the isolation effect or the novelty effect.
Items can be made different by either manipulating their perceptual features or identifying their conceptual differences.
Perceptual Features: An item can be made distinctive by changing its font color and size.
Conceptual Differences: An item can be made distinctive by presenting it in a list of dissimilar words.
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PSY3002_Cognitive Lab
© 2009 South University
The Von Restorff Effect
If an item in a list is distinctive, it typically will be remembered regardless of its position on the list.
This phenomenon of memory in which noticeably different things are more likely to be recalled is
known as the von Restorff effect. It is also known as the isolation effect or the novelty effect.
Items can be made different by either manipulating their perceptual features or identifying their
conceptual differences.
Perceptual Features: An item can be made distinctive by changing its font color and size.
Conceptual Differences: An item can be made distinctive by presenting it in a list of dissimilar
The Serial Position Experiment.html
The Serial Position Experiment
The serial position effect explains why individuals tend to remember items better when they appear at the beginning or at the end of a list rather than when they appear in the middle of a list.
Remembering items appearing at the beginning of a list is known as the primacy effect. The primacy effect may be due to the greater rehearsal that is allocated to the first few items on a list. Moreover, at the beginning of a list, short-term memory (STM) has only a few items to process. Therefore, it has more time to process the early items. If items are rehearsed in the STM, there are greater chances of the items or stimuli being encoded or transferred to long-term memory. Remembering items appearing at the end of a list is known as the recency effect.
The serial position effect occurs with different stimuli and in a variety of situations. The effect can be both positive and negative. For instance, you would have probably heard the phrase “Make a good first impression,” which relates to the primacy effect.
Hedwig von Restorff came up with techniques using which words appearing in the middle of a list could also be remembered. Next, let’s discuss the von Restorff effect.