- Develop a website version of the portfolio that includes all the final project components from Weeks 1–4. (1) The website should be supported by a design strategy to achieve your goal of showcasing your accomplishments, (2) its content should be readable, (3) its style should complement the content you are trying to showcase, and (4) it should be usable where it is easy to locate information. It is left up to you to select the website design tool.
- Prepare a short recording to highlight the important elements of your portfolio using the Snagit tool. Using TechSmith Snagit free trial version (https://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.html), a tool for preparing screencasts, prepare a 5-minute clip to present all key elements of your showcase portfolio. Your clip should include a visual recording of your screen and your voice commenting on your screen. Once your clip is ready, add the link to your clip into this assignment’s report. Use the subtitle: Screencast Link.
- Develop your showcase portfolio as one document that includes all the elements from Weeks 1–5. The developed document should be in PDF format.
Information Systems
Institution Affiliation
Information Systems
Over the years, there has been an increase in information and technology systems. The widespread use is attributed to the increased internet use and web-based services. An information system is a collection of interconnected components that collect, process, store and distribute data to assist organizational decision-making and control. Information systems can also solve issues, visualize complicated concepts, and develop new products within an organization. Information entails facts, data, and figures shaped into meaningful information that humans can use. Individualized IS addresses the specific preferences and wants of those that interact with the system. Individuality in information systems implies that identity, preferences and constraints are key personalization aspects. There is a link between the individualized information systems, performance, the operating systems and value-adding to job positioning.
The use of an individualized IS system ensures that tasks and behaviors that an individual undertakes add value to their job positioning. These behaviors include the activities that an individual undertakes to perform a task and contribute to a company’s growth. Job positioning is the functions that one serves within a company and entails the individual’s actions to add to the outputs of an organization that help the company reach its goals. Recruiting, selecting wage ranges and levels or grades, establishing job titles, creating employee job goals and objectives, and performing performance reviews can all be done with job positions (Grover, Chiang, Liang, and Zhang, 2018). They can also be utilized for career planning, making appropriate accommodations, auditing and complying with legal obligations. As a result, having formal job descriptions that accurately reflect the employees’ current job duties and responsibilities. An individualized information system can be used to collect and gather data on the needs of a company, the job requirements, skills and knowledge hence can be utilized to add value to a job position. It is essential to have access to the correct data and information that aids in accurate planning to ensure that the employee feels heard and are valued. The data might come from either an internal or external source, which results in the development of big data. The company can either purchase its software or customize the software to the company’s requirements; it can also lease software or create its software. Organizations require information on their human resources and their functioning to ensure that the organization’s needs are addressed.
When creating a job position, the company can tailor the job position to meet the company’s needs. In addition, using individualized information systems, the company can filter the job positions to cater to their needs, culture, and commitment to growth and add value by clearly indicating the roles and responsibilities and filtering those applications to the relevant areas and managers. This will ensure that the company has access to the right people, cutting costs and time. Opportunities to automate onboarding processes to free up time for branding and analytics by automating activities (van der Voordt, and Jensen, 2018). For example, adopting an applicant tracking system allows a company to track and measure each step of the recruitment process. An ATS collects and maintains information about candidates, such as where they were sourced and in the application process, to ensure that the company can recruit the proper people for the job. It also ensures that the organization provides feedback to the candidates.
Individualized information systems play an essential role in organizations and help in the smooth running of the organization and ensure that each individual is working towards the set goals. Companies can also use individualized information systems to reward their employees and determine their performance level concerning job positioning. This ensures that the employee stays motivated and works towards the success of an organization. The availability of data ensures that the company has access to customer and employee information; hence there can cater to the customers’ needs and preferences.
Grover, V., Chiang, R. H., Liang, T. P., & Zhang, D. (2018). Creating strategic business value from big data analytics: A research framework. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 388-423.
van der Voordt, T. J., & Jensen, P. A. (2018). Measurement and benchmarking of workplace performance: Key issues in value-adding management. Journal of Corporate Real Estate.
Reflection paper 1
MSIS Reflection paper
Name of student
Institutional affiliation
My career vision was to blend my technical expertise from a computer engineering undergraduate degree with a broader understanding of Information technology’s commercial and business side. Early on, I realized that I was very excited about leveraging technology to address business problems, especially in a customer-centric job where I could empower my consumers through technology simplification. After realizing my abilities and passions, I had a clear vision of where I wanted to be.
The MSIS program presented me with the ideal courses to further my education and attain my career objective. The courses allowed me to approach IT strategically, seeing it as a business enabler while maintaining the technical sophistication expected of a graduate school. The course’s practical aspects have provided be helpful in the long term of my career. Case competitions and capstone projects were included in the coursework, allowing me to work on real-world IT problems with significant corporations. I spent almost a year as a business analyst as part of the internship option. This was precisely the type of hands-on experience I was looking for to achieve my career objectives. The MSIS program is designed to reflect the issues that businesses face. I took advantage of this by using it as a sandbox, following the motto “fail fast, learn fast” and not being scared to make mistakes as long as I learned from them.
My job entails acting as a subject matter expert for internal stakeholders to improve the company’s product supportability and robustness. MSIS classes helped me to prepare for my present and future jobs. IT architecture, cloud computing, and IT strategy were tremendously useful in teaching me the fundamentals of cloud computing and positioning IT in large, globally scattered organizations. Instructors during the program encouraged students to voice their thoughts in class, which helped me build critical thinking and communication skills that will serve me well in any field.
In developing a framework for writing a resume and cover letter, I identify that the world of technology has grown, and there is a need to catch the eye of the prospective employer, including their automated systems, which have very few seconds to scheme through the resume. For this reason, there is a need to develop a language that will outstand. For applications for a java-based job, the following terms should be part and parcel of the resume and the cover letter; J2EE, which stands for Java Enterprise Edition, and its subset J2SE and the most popular framework for developing applications in Java, spring. While considering data jobs, there is a need to consider the two major data job categories: data scientists and big data developers. However, some Big Data positions overlap with data scientist positions; the emphasis should be on designing software that manages large datasets rather than mining such information for strategic insights. For the data scientist my resume will have to emphasis on my education qualifications including master degree. The following will also have to be emphasized in my resume and cover letter, artificial intelligence, communication skills, data science, deep learning, decision making and leadership. For web developer jobs, the following will be very essential to be highlighted in the resume and the cover letter; Typescript. JavaScript, Angular, and react.
Assignments to be conclude in completing my portfolio as an IT expert include;
i) Showcase portfolio to highlight my greatest achievements and best works
ii) Progress portfolio demonstrating the development of skill and knowledge over time
iii) process/product portfolio is used to show stages in the development of one particular project
iv) Reflective portfolio to document my personal responses to experiences and artifacts.
v) Teaching portfolios presenting a portrait of my teacher philosophy
Student’s name
Course name and code
Preparing of a cover letter and Resume
A resume is a document written formally by a job applicant to list various qualifications for a particular position. A resume is often accompanied by a cover letter. Applicants use a cover letter to express their interests in a particular position in an organization. The cover letter thus gives attention to the relevant specifications of a resume. Resumes and cover letters are usually the first steps of hiring managers to identify candidates who might be invited for an interview for the applied position. For a resume or a cover letter to be successful, it should highlight accomplishments that applicants have made achievements on in their former positions. These accomplishments include; increasing profits to the organization, giving transcend of sales and thus the achievement of a goal, cutting costs, team building, and others. There are various considerations in the preparation of resumes and cover letters. This includes;
First is the development of a good strategy. For a resume and cover letter to be effective, it should present important information about the applicant as a professional most concisely and clearly (Epstein, 2018). First, one should understand the information they are trying to pass before going into the resume or cover letter (Thomson & Sternberg 2021). Doing this will develop a sound strategy that will pass the required information to the employer, thus increasing the chances of being selected for an interview.
Another factor is focusing on the thing that is important to the employer. Before coming up with a cover letter or resume, one should ask themselves what a reason for it is and try to think from the employer’s point of view (Thomson & Sternberg 2021). One should try and know exactly what the employer needs from the applicant. Having this information will make one focus on relevant things to the employer (Thomson & Sternberg 2021). Focusing on this factor will draw the attention of the employer.
Apart from that, one should tailor a resume to a role. It is essential to make sure one tailors resume or cover letter to suit every job being applied for a particular given time, even if general requirements are being targeted (van et al., 2019). Qualifications should also be adjusted to match the job description. By doing this, one puts together what is essential to every employer. In some instances, one can try and match language to of job description (Epstein, 2018). Matching the language is done to shift the employer’s terminologies to the point that they can relate to you as the applicant (van et al., 2019). Tailoring of resume is thus of importance in creating a good atmosphere for the employer.
Additionally, one should ensure that the resume and cover letter are presented easy to read, short, and designed. Making a resume easy to read includes organizing the sections with a clear font, and the document should not be cramped (van et al., 2019). A resume and cover letters that are easy to read create a good impression and communicate important information being passed in a short period. On the other hand, simple design means that resume and cover letter should have been easily comprehended (van et al., 2019). Lastly, on length, a resume should be one page unless on cases where one has more than ten years of experience (van et al., 2019). Considering these factors will make a resume to be presentable for the employer.
Furthermore, one should get feedback, especially from people who know their work. Once one completes writing a resume or cover letter, they can get someone to proofread it (Ameri et al., 2018). Employers often discard resumes and cover letters with typos even if everything needed is provided (Ameri et al., 2018). One should try and ask a few people those trusted, especially those that are pretty familiar with the work and ask them to provide feedback. Feedback received from the person who proofread the resume or cover letter should be incorporated (Ameri et al., 2018). Asking for feedback and working on them will ensure a quality resume is built.
Lastly is that one should not over-optimize. This is a situation where one overwork on the resume. This includes overworking on systems, design, and others. Because of situations that one try’s to generate the best resume a cover letter, one goes ahead and overdo the required (Hussin, 2018). This is primarily on the design; one can put too many unnecessary requirements (Hussin, 2018). putting many designs will make the resume or cover letter look exaggerated. One should try as much as possible only to insert the requirements.
To summarize, resumes and cover letters are essential documents for employers and employees. They are working on them as required gives an employee a higher chance of being selected for an interview. Working on cover letters and resumes avoids pitfalls and joint problems. Resumes and cover letters are living documents, and revisions need to be made over time, depending on the feedback. As much as trying to be as perfect as possible, over-optimization should always be avoided. One should always try and focus on experience and skills. Apart from that, one should always present themselves in the best way possible and be optimistic by getting ready to get the role.
Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P., & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-364.
Epstein, H. A. B. (2018). Reach out yourself: Resumes, cover letters, and interviewing. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 18(1), 75-80.
Hussin, A. A. (2018). Education 4.0 made simple: Ideas for teaching. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(3), 92-98.
Thomson, T. J., & Sternberg, J. (2021). Journalism Employability in the Modern Newsroom: Insights From Applicant Resumes and Cover Letters. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 10776958211032856.
Van Esch, P., Black, J. S., & Ferolie, J. (2019). Marketing AI recruitment: The next phase in job application and selection. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 215-222.
Information Systems
Institution Affiliation
Security Models
There is a direct relationship between security models, performance, and the functioning of the entire operating system. The purpose of selecting this topic is because, without a good security model in place, companies cannot be in a position to keep their private information safe. Acquisition and implementation of a proper security model is the first step towards having a successful company. There are three commonly used models: the Biba model, the Bell-LaPadula model, and the Clark Wilson model. This topic will make non-governmental organizations understand that they can also employ security models in their operations since they are not met for government departments only. Although there is no security model best over the others, the Clark Wilson model is the most preferred since it deals with integrity. With integrity in place, an organization is assured of confidentiality and security (McLean, 2018). The other purpose for this assignment is to make companies and organizations understand that there is no security model which is superior to the other. The functions and operations carried out in an organization determine the kind of security model which accompany should adopt.
Big Data and Social Networks
The topic is meant for companies to understand that they require data to meet their long-term or short-term needs. The data can either be from an internal or external source through outsourcing that leads to the generation of big data. The presence of big data helps a company to solve so many problems that it could be experiencing. It is applicable in marketing intelligence to assist in answering questions such as the impact of management on performance. Big data helps a company develop new marketing strategies that will help attain a significant market share by satisfying the needs of the target market segment (Fu, Liu & Srivastava, 2019). Big data is also used in cloud business intelligence to ensure a company’s information security. Although, when big data and cloud intelligence are not used appropriately, they could lead to fraud, causing disappointments for the customers.
IT Acquisition and Implementation
Due to technology advancements, IT acquisition and implementation are becoming a primary concern for several companies. I have chosen this piece to ensure that companies are aware of what to do to ensure the successful acquisition and implementation of information technology. For companies to ensure they do not source the technology from outside, they can hire employees who are well equipped with knowledge on IT in terms of application and implementation. There are four primary methods that a company or an organization can use to acquire and implement IT successfully. The first method is purchasing software in its original form (Abd Rahman, Brookes & Bennett, 2019). The second one is purchasing software and making modifications for personalization in that it caters to your specific needs. The third one is leasing software to use on the company’s operations. The last method is developing individual software and later using it.
Data Governance Plan
Due to the significant and essential amount of data collected, a data governance plan is of great importance. Companies should understand that the more data is collected, the more it is likely to have insecurity issues. I have selected this topic to ensure that anyone who comes across this paper understands data governance and data governance plan. An organization should only collect data when a need arises to avoid data overload that cannot be governed. All the stakeholders should be allocated their duties to ensure a successful data governance plan. The governance board should ensure that all the set standards are met when transmitting data to customers. The managing director ensures the preparation of an annual business plan to ensure the goals and objectives of the organization have been met cost-effectively and in a feasible manner (Cheong & Chang, 2017). For a sound data governance plan, a program should be installed so that data can be restored into the system. There should be agency continuity for financial stability to cater to catastrophes.
MSIS Reflection Paper
Although my last goal was to blend my expertise in information technology with engineering in computer studies, I am now more interested in how technology can help solve customers’ problems. Companies can increase a product’s supportability and robustness to ensure they increase customer satisfaction and job satisfaction for employees. IT architecture, cloud computing, and other strategies developed in IT can be manipulated, especially if the company is customer-centric. With the information on the five topics discussed above, I will be more focused on what is required of me to ensure that IT is implemented in business and leads to success in most companies. Technology is also essential when presenting ourselves to our future employers by writing a cover letter or a resume. This is vital to graduates looking forward to seeking employment. A cover letter and a resume should catch or attract the eye of the employer before even reading.
Abd Rahman, A., Brookes, N. J., & Bennett, D. J. (2019). The precursors and impacts of BSR on AMT acquisition and implementation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(2), 285-297.
Cheong, L. K., & Chang, V. (2017). The need for data governance: a case study. ACIS 2007 proceedings, 100.
Fu, W., Liu, S., & Srivastava, G. (2019). Optimization of big data scheduling in social networks. Entropy, 21(9), 902.
McLean, J. (2018). Security models. Encyclopedia of software engineering, 2, 1136-1145.