/22, 11:30 AM Discussions List – HIST222 B002 Winter 2022
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W5: Discussion on Required Material for Week 5
Essay-Week 5
Choose one of the below for your main post. Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. Respon
times as you wish. Your best two responses will be graded. The answers should come from your textbook, the lectures, videos, an
research you conducted in the APUS Library. The initial post with well referenced facts is due by Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. ET and 2
responses are due by Friday, 11:55 p.m. ET. Do not research on the Internet.
Women welders, 1943; from artstor.org.
1.) What did the New Deal do for Blacks? Even though there were no significant gains made in civil rights during the 1930’s, there seemed to be an o
view among the black community. African-Americans were able to find help in the 1930’s through the hope they viewed in the Roosevelt administra
inclusion within the CIO, and the Popular Front. What did each of these offer the African-American community? The black press said that the Nation
Recovery Administration (NRA) actually stood for “Negro Run Around” or “Negroes Ruined Again.” Why did they write this? What examples can you
support or refute these slogans?
2.) Historians recognize the importance of model figures. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, which African Americans were model figures for African America
did they influence white Americans to see African Americans differently? Make sure that you go beyond just listing important African Americans and
accomplishments. The second question is by far the most important one. In other words, go beyond biography and narration. Go beyond politics her
about sports or entertainment as well.
3.) What effect did the World War II wartime experience have on African Americans? Did their experiences help or hinder the progress toward equa
America? How were they treated during World War II? Did the government take any effective steps to ease discrimination against African American
The Double V Campaign of World War IIThe Double V Campaign of World War II
In essay format
Syllabus States:
Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class.
1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Friday …Research must be done in the library using JSTOR database o
sources that are creditable.
2. Also 2 peer responses that make a contribution to the historical discussion with at least 100 words for each required response due Sunday. Resea
done in the library using JSTOR database or other sources that are creditable.
3. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designated style: MLA, APA, CS, Kate L. Turabian’s Manual, and the C
Manual of Style (CMS). YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES! (See syllabus for links to the Style websites to learn how to cite and references)
Citations/references use your major degree’s style. See the link for your major’s style:
Citation Styles by Major: https://apus.libguides.com/programstyleguides
APA Style: https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/apa-style-guide-info.html
BLUE BOOK: https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/bluebook-style-guide-info.html
Chicago Style: https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/chicago-style-guide-info.html
Chicago part 2: https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/chicago-style-info-continued.html
1/30/22, 11:30 AM Discussions List – HIST222 B002 Winter 2022
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MLA Style: https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/mla-style-guide-info.html
Pick one historical figure or group listed below- each of these people or groups are connected to African American Military History from 1877 to 2017
This essay is about African Americans in the United States MILITARY and the history should focus on the military service of the units, regiments and
The essay is due Friday by 11:55 pm ET and your 2 peer responses are due Sunday by 11:55 p.m. ET. Post your essay as early as possible so students h
respond. They are both graded with the essay grading rubric. Therefore, do not use your textbook or an encyclopedia. Research in the library or from t
bibliography. You use at least one academic source. You may research on the internet, but if you do, you must use credible sources only (Wikipedia, Ab
blogs etc are not credible sources, for example). The following links can help you determine which sources are credible or non-credible during your
research: Credible vs non-credible sources, Getting Started With Research, Why I Shouldn’t Use Wikipedia and Identifying your Resources.
Remember that this is a formal essay and you need an introduction (with a thesis statement), body, and conclusion paragraphs. You must also use at le
academic source and you must respond to a minimum of two classmates. Because students must respond, please post your essay as soon as possible.
Tell the class the history of this person(s) as it relates to African American Military History and remember to cite where you found your information.
Pick wisely!!!..These are first come, first serve. Points will be deducted for repeating material already covered and you must label your Discussion hea
the key figure’s name or group’s name.
***You can label your heading prior to writing your Discussion response- go back after you label your post and edit it to add the information. This way
claim the person before someone else does. An example of Discussion heading title is: Retired 4-star General Colin Powell.
Pick one from the list below of African American Military figures.
1. Dorie Miller
2. James Stone
3. Harlem Hellfighters-369th Infantry
4. James Reese Europe
5. Henry Johnson
6. Needham Roberts
7. 1918 Army Nurse Corps
8. 78th Tank Battalion
9. 24th Infantry Regiment
10. Charles B. Hall
11. Triple Nickels -555th Parachute Infantry Company
12. Harriet M. Waddy
13. Nancy Leftenant-Colon
14. William Henry Thompson
15. Clotilde Dent Bowen
16. Fred Moore
17. Milton L. Olive III
18. Benjamin L. Hunton
19. Frederic E. Davidson
20. Clara Leach Adams-Ender
21. Hazel Winifred Johnson
22. Roscoe Robinson Jr.
23. Sherian Grace Cadoria
24. Henry Doctor Jr.
25. Freddie Stowers
26. Larry Jordan
27. Imam Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad
28. Gene C. McKinney
29. Vernon Baker
30. Erroll M. Brown
31. Samuel A. Woods Jr.
32. Wesley A. Brown
33. Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr.
34. Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.
35. Ruth Lucas
36. Juanita Bell
37. Lloyd W. “Fig” Newton
1/30/22, 11:30 AM Discussions List – HIST222 B002 Winter 2022
https://myclassroom.apus.edu/d2l/le/50194/discussions/List 12/19
Week 6 Discussion
38. Daniel H. “Chappie” James Jr.
39. Marcelite Jordan Harris
40. Virgil and Sheldon Starkes
41. Carlette “CJ” Jones
42. James E. Johnson
43. Frederick C. Branch
44. Frank E. Peterson Jr.
45. James Anderson Jr.
46. Alford McMichael
47. Denise H. Hoover
48. Gilda Jackson
49. Henry Ossian Flipper
50. Walter E. Gaskin Sr.
51. Jeannette Winters
52. Vertner W. Tandy
53. Irene Trowell-Harris
54. Bernard Whitfield Robinson
55. “The Fighting Eight” Army Regiment of Chicago
56. William Baldwin
57. USS Harmon
58. Samuel Lee Gravely Jr.
59. 1944 WAVES-Negro division
60. Phyllis Mae Dailey
61. Carl Maxie Brashear
62. Jesse Leroy Brown
63. Michelle Howard
64. Donnie Cochran
65. Henry McNeal Turner
66. Henry Vinson Plummer
67. Buffalo Soldiers (after 1877)
68. Charles Young
69. Allen Allensworth (after 1877)
70. Fort Des Moines, Iowa
71. Leo Pinckney
72. 370th Infantry Regiment
73. Lillian Elaine Fishburne
74. J. Paul Reason
75. Eugene Bullard
76. 51st and 52nd Defense Battalion
77. 51st Composite Defense Battalion
78. Ronald Bailey
79. 92nd Infantry unit
80. 332nd Fighter group of the Tuskegee Airmen
81. Battle of Bamber Bridge
W6: Debate 0
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