NURS 500
Research Proposal: Data Collection Methodology Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your understanding of how the process portion of a research proposal is constructed. In this assignment you will focus on the following elements: study setting, sampling, and data collection. For the study setting, a description of where the study will take place. This description will need to be very specific. The sampling and data collection sections should be congruent with the research design that was chosen and explained in the research design section.
1. This paper includes
a. Study setting
b. Sampling processes and procedures
c. Data collection
2. Write a 3 – 5-page paper, excluding the title and reference pages,
3. Current APA format.
4. Include a minimum of 2 – 3 scholarly references (excluding the textbook and Bible).
Study Setting
Describe where the study will take place, i. e., institution, geographical location, population, etc. For example, if your study setting is a unit in the hospital, you would briefly describe the institution, patient population, acuity level, and so on. Avoid use of proper names when discussing setting or specific information that would allow identification of the identity of participants.
Sample and Sampling Procedure
Describe what kind of sample will be obtained with the sampling procedure. How will you obtain subjects including how you plan to access subjects, the projected number of participants needed for the study and the sample type (convenience, cluster probability etc.). Do you need a power analysis? Inclusion/exclusion criteria must be addressed as well. What criteria subjects must meet to be included in the study. For example, should the participants be nurses with 2 years or less experience between the ages of 22 – 30, or those patients who have had coronary bypass surgery in the ICU? The exclusion criteria would be nurses who did not fit those parameters or patients in the ICU who did not have coronary bypass surgery. You determine the inclusion/exclusion criteria for your study based on the research question and design.
For a qualitative study, describe how you will recruit participants. For example, will you use snowball technique, or focus groups?
Data Collection
The data you propose to collect is the information you need to answer your research question or to test/support your research hypothesis. Provide a description of the type of measurement data you will be using.
The variables in the study need to be measured. The type of measure is determined in part by the type of study (qualitative vs quantitative) How you will measure your variables? Are you proposing to study depression in children? There are a few scales or measures of depression such as the Beck Depression Inventory. This is a quantitative measure. If you use a scale or questionnaire include a copy in the appendix if possible. Some scales require purchase. You are not required to purchase a scale. You will need to provide the link for the scale in the paper. You could also develop your own scale. If so, this would need to be included in the appendix. However, for most research proposals for this class, measures that is already developed and testes is usually best. The last issue related to measurement is reliability and validity. Are these addressed with the scale you are using?
You would not have a questionnaire or scale in a qualitative study. But you must describe how you will be collecting data. Will this be done in focus groups, one to one interviews or observation. This will need to be explicit. You will not identify variables in a qualitative study.
How will you collect the data? Discuss methods and your procedures for collecting data. For example, if you plan to send out a mailed questionnaire, will you include a self-addressed stamped envelope? How much time will you allow subjects to respond? If you are using patients what is the procedure for collecting data from them? This is especially true if you are using biological measures such as blood pressure, weights, lab information (blood sugar, A1C,) etc.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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Criteria Ratings Points
Sampling 35 to >31.
0 pts
The setting is well
described. The sampling
plan is detailed and
specific. It includes all the
following elements:
1. Access to the
2. Recruitment of
participants. 3. Projected
sample size and how is
that determined.
4. Inclusion and exclusion
criteria are clear
31 to >28.0 pts
The sampling plan is only
partially described and
lacks specifics in some
areas. It does include all the
following elements:
1. Access to the
2. Recruitment of
participants. 3. Projected
sample size and how is that
determined. 4. Inclusion
and exclusion criteria are
28 to >0.0 pts
The sampling plan is
poorly described. It
lacks one or more of the
following elements:
1. Access to the
2. Recruitment of
3. Projected sample
size and how is that
4. Inclusion and
exclusion criteria are
0 pts
35 pts
Measurement 35 to >31.0 pts
Level of measurement is
provided. Measurement of
all variables is discussed
in depth including
instruments. Reliability
and validity information is
31 to >28.0 pts
Level of measurement is
provided. Measurement of
all variables is partial
discussed with some detail.
i instruments are provided.
Reliability and validity
information lacks detail.
28 to >0.0 pts
Level of measurement
is not provided.
Measurement of all
variables is poorly
discussed, and
instruments are no
provided. Reliability and
validity information is
0 pts
35 pts
25 to >22.0 pts
The collection of data is
well outlined and includes:
1. Time frames 2. Privacy
concerns 3. Process of
obtaining data
22 to >20.0 pts
The collection of data is not
well outlined but includes:
1. Time frames 2. Privacy
concerns 3. Process of
obtaining data
20 to >0.0 pts
The collection of data is
poorly outlined and fails
to include all the
following: 1. Time
frames 2. Privacy
concerns 3. Process of
obtaining data
0 pts
25 pts
Research Proposal: Data Collection Methodology Grading Rubric |
Criteria Ratings Points
Sources 10 to >9.0 pts
All sources (information
and graphics) are
scholarly, current, and
appropriate for the topic.
9 to >7.0 pts
Some sources (information
and graphics) are scholarly,
current, or appropriate for
the topic.
7 to >0.0 pts
Sources (information
and graphics) are not
scholarly, current, or
appropriate for the
0 pts
10 pts
Factors (APA,
45 to >40.0 pts
There are minimal or no
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Sources are documented
in current APA format. A
minimum of 3 scholarly
references is included.
The paper is 3-5 pages
40 to >37.0 pts
There are a few
grammatical, spelling, or
punctuation errors. Some
sources are documented in
current APA format. There
are 1-2 scholarly references
included. The paper is at
least 2 ½ pages long.
37 to >0.0 pts
There are many
grammatical, spelling,
or punctuation errors.
The sources are not
documented in current
APA format and/or there
are 0-1 scholarly
references included.
The paper is 2 pages or
0 pts
45 pts
Total Points: 150
Research Proposal: Data Collection Methodology Grading Rubric |
Data Collection: Telehealth
Nikita Chapman
Liberty University
Author Note
Nikita Chapman
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Nikita Chapman. Email:
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Remember to use bold font
Data Collection: Telehealth
Every day people need to travel to access health care. With the help of telehealth, instead of
accessing health care, health care can access them in their homes. Telehealth is the delivery of a
health service across a distance. An example of telehealth maybe if a patient has a video
conference appointment from their home or a regional hospital directly to a specialist at the main
city hospital. Telehealth can also be delivered using the simple telephone by sharing information.
An example of this can be sending a digital image by email or through cellphones is an
excellent example of telehealth. It is a method of supporting people in remote rural, or remote
areas that cannot have access to specialists or experienced doctors for complex or higher degree
diseases (Jennett & Andruchuk, 2001). Telehealth can be beneficial for a range of appointments,
such as follow-up appointments.
Many of these conventional hurdles to telemedicine adoption have been broken down by the
quick popularity of telehealth in reaction to the severe social distancing regulations related to
COVID-19 (Hirko, 2020, p. 1817). For many health care organizations or clinics, a quick change
to this alternative is seen as the only way to earn revenue and provide assistance to patients. For
several healthcare organizations or clinics, a quick change to this alternative is seen as the only
way to earn revenue and provide assistance to patients (Hakim et al., 2020, p. 48). While many
of these organizations took a cautious and deliberate response, others have not.
Many have adapted to this strategy without considering its impact and whether this approach
is capable in the long run and is productive for both parties (Hilty, 2018, p. 819). It is undeniable
that doctors’ and patients’ direct experiences with telehealth will change their minds, either
constructively or destructively, regarding this model of care provision. In order to check the
effectiveness of the approach, a study needs to be conducted, and a methodology needs to be
outlined. This methodology importantly includes the main three steps that are: study setting,
sampling process, and the procedure, and finally, the data collection.
Research Design
A research design needs to be outlined and constructed to determine the possible impact and
implications of the approach. The need for this approach is already identified because the rise
and new pandemic waves of Covid-19 variants highlight the importance (Hirko, 2020, p. 1818).
Due to lockdowns and social distancing restrictions, it is hard for people to attend medical
appointments or consultations and difficult for doctors to manage the patients for face-to-face
consultations or appointments. Therefore, present-day it is the need of time. The competency of
this approach needs to be evaluated, for which further study needs to be conducted.
Study Setting
The study needs to be conducted essentially at hospitals. For using this strategy, clinical
variables may need to be considered. These characteristics are to be taken into account on a
service-by-service basis, with clear documentation to assist physicians in selecting people who
could benefit from a telehealth session.
Patient information: The variable that should be considered are age, any comorbidities,
communication barriers, the urgency to provide medical care because of the disease, possible
sensory impairment, and whether they are qualified for the
use of telehealth.
Accessing type of delivery: It can be provided in a “hybrid” approach, with some
consultations taking place in person and others taking place over the phone. Patients with
complex or advanced-stage diseases will need in-person consultations or appointments to access
their condition by the doctors, and then their subsequent consultations or follow-up appointments
can be conducted with the help of telehealth service.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
where? Describe your study population
Donna Washburn (Donna)
This is where you paper appears to begin??? – the previous information was not required for this assignment.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Please re-word for clarity – its not clear what part of data collection methodology you are describing here.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
See instructions and rubric for information required including inclusion exclusion criteria
All these points need to be consulted with the doctors first, and it is vital to take their point of
view. Similarly, patients and people also need to be consulted to take their point of view
regarding this approach. Furthermore, the patients who have already used this approach can
provide more insight into the effectiveness as this approach is more importantly about patients. It
is essential to understand the effectiveness of this approach and whether it aided in tackling the
problems patients were facing.
Sampling Processes and Procedure
Many people belonging to a different line of fields, for example, a specialist in bioinformatics,
medical health assistance, policymaking, and public policy, need to be interviewed to understand
this approach and tackle it effectively from every aspect. The representatives or experts are
brought in to contribute information and comments but are not considered the study’s writers,
neither are responsible for its accuracy, and the study may not necessarily represent their
perspectives. Representatives are given chances to respond to the preliminary study “as part of
the peer-review process,” in addition to the previous discussion. Conducting interviews and
discussion with them is to understand any loophole or the issues with the policies based on the
use of telehealth.
The representatives will highlight the scope of this approach and provide their view on
tackling the issues with the stakeholders. They will also be given a questionnaire covering
questions regarding communication, doctors’ consultation, and disease management on their
behalf. Moreover, whether they would be more comfortable directly using a telephone as a
means of communication or software that would help them connect with their choice of expert or
specialist to help them with their medical conditions. Accessing their answers will help identify
the mode of delivery people will be more comfortable using the approach.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
It is unclear how this relates to your research proposal?
People who have used this strategy during or before the pandemic will be provided with
different questionnaires; they will cover their experience and effectiveness. The changes they
would want to see in the strategy and the problems they came across.
Data Collection
The survey of people and patients and the interviews of representatives will be collected and
analyzed. The questionnaires will be evaluated, and their contents will be analyzed. The results’
significance can be calculated using various software, and this software will aid in representing a
small set of possibilities and estimations that are not very accurate. Similarly, the interviews of
representatives will also be evaluated, and combining the suggestions and requirements or
problems that patients faced will be put together to make telehealth effective, efficient, and cost-
effective. Lastly, chi-square will be performed to look for links between systematic review
findings and possible outcomes, whether the reviews utilized statistical analysis, and if the
reviews included quality of data evaluation in their results (Totten et al., 1995).
Combining these steps and following this research model will aid significantly in
understanding the scope and effectiveness of telehealth for the patients and the doctors. The
ethical consideration should also be evaluated. Patient consent is vital because their information
will be taken for this approach, and there is a difference between in-person and Telehealth
appointments or consultations. Furthermore, during a telemedicine consultation, the same level
of privacy and confidentiality must be maintained during an in-person session (Cottrell &
Russell, 2020).
This approach can be helpful not only in a pandemic but also in accessing medical care for the
people living in the country or remote areas. As a result, it should not be taken as a temporary
Band-Aid but a long-term solution for people to securely receive health services.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Donna Washburn (Donna)
I do not see a description of variables and how each will be measured. More importantly, how will you collect the data? What instruments will be used? Much info missing here.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Outdated reference
Donna Washburn (Donna)
You must be specific with your methodology, including naming the specific software that you plan to use.
Cottrell, M. A., & Russell, T. G. (2020). Telehealth for musculoskeletal
physiotherapy. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 48, 102193. https://doi-
Hakim, A. A., Kellish, A. S., Atabek, U., Spitz, F. R., & Hong, Y. K. (2020). Implications for the
use of telehealth in surgical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American
Journal of Surgery, 220(1), 48-49.
Hilty. (2018). The Need to Implement and Evaluate Telehealth Competency Frameworks to
Ensure Quality Care across Behavioral Health Professions. Academic Psychiatry Official
Journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and
the Association for Academic Psychiatry., 42(6), 818–824.
Hirko. (2020). Telehealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for rural health
disparities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA., 27(11),
Jennett PA, Andruchuk K. Telehealth: ‘real life’ implementation issues. Comput Methods
Programs Biomed. 2001 Mar;64(3):169-74. doi: 10.1016/s0169-2607(00)00136-x.
PMID: 11226614
Totten, P. L., King, B. J., & Chatterji, J. (1995). U.S. Patent No. 5,458,195. Washington, DC:
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Same here – too outdated.
Donna Washburn (Donna)
Need resources that are less than 5 years old