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This week we were asked to pick three different types of co-teaching models we would use, or like to use. I chose alternative co-teaching, parallel teaching, and lead and support. Though, I could make an argument for a combination of these in a big enough class setting.
The biggest factor for why I chose alternative teaching is simple, not everyone learns at the same pace. As was mentioned in our readings for this week sometimes children fall behind and sometimes children need more of a challenge. I make the argument that both groups need extra attention and instead of trying to give that extra help with everyone around, it is just simpler to create a separate room to help children.
A similar model takes place in the local community, though on a bigger scale involving several schools and grades. Some children are screened for advanced studies though tests and quizzes, those students who pass the tests after teacher recommendation they get placed in a weekly class to learn advanced material. Since this only happens weekly, it does not exactly fit the alternative co-teaching model. However, because of this program I could see a place for this in one of my classrooms.
I would have bi-weekly sessions of students who need extra help or more advanced materials to study, they could be pulled out as the alternative model describes or they could be given in the room with a divider. Since I was an ESL teacher, and I struggled with Japanese for a year or two, I would have definitely loved the chance for more focused attention with a few of my peers. To implement this with English would be like having a separate tutor twice a week, but I would primarily use this model for struggling students. Since, getting students too far ahead would cause them to be bored and possibly disengaged in the studies.
Next, the lead and support model. Since, this was something that became a big part of my early career as an ESL teacher (for better or for worse), I advocate for it. During my third year in Japan, I became the English specialist and was therefore tasked with helping groups of struggling students in middle school. Every class was different and every class had its specific area I would work within. I was often given a chance to modify the materials needed for my groups. Once the teacher had given the lesson, usually about 20 minutes out of 50, I would then make the groups and re-teach as needed or expand and guide. I would also implement this type of teaching style in my classes, as I have seen the progress students have made. Again, ESL can be a tricky, especially when you start getting into the nitty-gritty of it.
Finally, parallel teaching. I have never done this or seen this type of teaching, so I am very curious as to what sort of re-search is out there on its effectiveness in the classroom and its best practices (something I’ll be delving into further, just not here). However, I admit in a class of 35 plus adult ESL students in a room, a second teacher would be nice. I could make the argument for a room of 20 children, too.
For me, I would have us separated into the corners of the room to minimize sound pollution. I think I would also borrow a piece from alternative teaching here and split the class into performance levels. In this way you would be able to “split the classes attention and give extra time or extra work to those students who need it” (Sean Cassel 2019) without pulling them from the class. I think this may be easier in an ESL class, because we often find ourselves covering a specific module of language before breaking off and practicing and it would be during those times a helping hand would be much loved. Once again, thank you for reading!