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Week 3 Outline
Fill in the areas of this outline for your assignment this week. Submit the completed document in Blackboard.
I. Introduction
Please include your entire introduction. Revise one full introduction from your Week 3 Discussion based on feedback from your peers and instructor. Be sure to have an A) hook, B) transitional phrase, and C) a clear thesis.
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II. Supporting Claim 1:
A. Topic Sentence: What is the first claim that supports your argument?
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B. Source #1: What evidence have you found that supports your claim?
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C. Explain how this evidence supports your claim. Include APA in-text citations, i.e. (Ford, 2020, p. 1)
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Transitional Phrase:
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III. Supporting Claim 2:
A. Topic Sentence: What is the first claim that supports your argument?
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B. Source #2: What evidence have you found that supports your claim?
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C. Explain how this evidence supports your claim. Include APA in-text citations, i.e. (CDC, 2020, p. 25).
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Transitional Phrase:
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IV. Supporting Claim 3:
A. Topic Sentence: What is the first claim that supports your argument?
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B. Source #3: What evidence have you found that supports your claim?
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C. Explain how this evidence supports your claim. Include APA in-text citations, i.e. (Rousseau et al., 2020, para. 29).
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V. Conclusion Paragraph
A. Note the most important claim you are making.
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B. Reiterate your thesis statement. (Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph.)
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C. Reflective sentence or call to action.
In other words, why is it so important your audience changes its thinking or actions? What is at stake?
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Opposing Viewpoints
This will not appear as a section in your essay itself. However, you should answer these questions:
1. What alternate point of view are you presenting? Where will you present it (i.e. which paragraph, or will it be in a separate paragraph)?
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2. What source supports this point of view? Cite it, i.e. (Smith & Ruiz, 2019, para. 3).
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3. How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above? You may use a source to refute this opposing point as well.
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Include three or more APA references. Remember, your final paper will need four (with at least three from the university databases). Also, per APA standards, your final paper’s reference page will begin on a new page.
Don’t worry if you cannot insert hanging indents or double space in the textbox. Focus more on the proper APA reference for now.
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