week12govt x
Week 12 Govt
Book needed “GOVT 10” by Sidlow
12.1: What’s Going On? (Week 12)
A big part of the thrill of government and politics is the open discussion of politics—and you’ll be doing a lot of that here. Specifically:
1) Find an ONLINE news article about U.S. politics and/or the U.S. government that interests you, and read it.
2) Go to the DISCUSSION BOARD forum called “What’s Going On? (Week 10)”
3) Make a new thread, and make its title the article’s title.
4) Paste the address of the news article in your thread, summarize the article in at least 100 words in the space provided, and explain why this article is relevant to us as students of the U.S. government.
12.2: Discussion Forum: “Did the Supreme Court REALLY mess up the Election of 2000?”
We’ve lived through the tightest election race in all of U.S. history. As such, we need to find something as close to the truth as possible about the Supreme Court’s role in this election. So here’s what you need to do:
1) Read Chapter 14.
2) Read this summary of Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board: http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2000/2000_00_836/
3) Read this summary of the Bush v. Gore decision: http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2000/2000_00_949/
4) Go to the DISCUSSION BOARD forum called “12.2: “Did the Supreme Court REALLY mess up the Election of 2000?”
5) Answer that question in at least 100 words. Feel free to reply to anyone else’s postings here, though it isn’t mandatory for this assignment.