Field Experience I Self-Assessment
Respond to the prompts below, and then complete the rating scale.
Submit this completed document to the online classroom, following the instructions there.
1. Describe whether you met—or did not meet—the goals/objectives in your agency learning agreement and include the results from your evaluation.
2. Compare your Learning Agreement and your evaluation to critically consider how the two are compatible and how you may approach completing the Learning Agreement differently next term.
3. Describe the social work practice skills you developed.
4. Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills, ethics, or professionalism.
5. Explain how your next Field Education Experience might address those areas.
6. Explain how participation in this course might inform your future field courses, including what you will you do the same and what you will do differently.
Note: Be sure to submit the results of your mid-term evaluation along with this Assignment.
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