Q1 Discuss the effects of the Wagner act on Industry and Employees either historically to the 1930s or from the 1980s to the 2020’s. How have the concerns for workers changed during those times.
Q2 What was the relationship between big business and the courts prior to the Wagner act? How did laws and the courts affect labor relations/unions and business?
The Wagner Act on Industry and Employees
The Wagner Act, also called the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, is the most notable law influential in the 20th century regarding employer-employee relationships (Lassabe, 2021). The purpose of the law was to ensure employees’ civil rights by forming trade unions for negotiating the employment terms with the companies jointly. However, the law excluded agricultural and domestic workers. However, the Wagner Act has helped the labour and unions, shifting the dynamic between employee unions and the federal government (Morgan, 2019). The Act successfully secured the employees’ rights, safeguarding their union membership. The Act fostered the formation of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which was government-supervised to avoid conflicts between the employees and employers during unionization in the work environments. The statute helped arbitrate employee-employer disagreements in organizations.
Following the Wagner Act, employees’ majority support for the union could enable a sole bargaining agent, forcing employers to negotiate employment terms with chosen employees’ representatives. The employment officers in firms that lack collective agreements tend to be very careful in creating awareness of compensation and working conditions for the employees in these work relationships. Individual employees’ rights and privileges are also crucial on these grounds, along with a clear understanding of the organization’s policies concerning employer-employee relationships. According to the Wagner Act, discharging an employee who is a labor union member is considered an unfair workplace practice (De Roeck & Farooq, 2018). Through collective bargaining sessions to negotiate the issues, the Wagner Act and collective bargaining approaches have reduced the issues of sixteen-hour workdays, harmful equipment, unhealthy working environments, and child labor. The Act has also promoted equal pay and ethical treatment of workers as the top concerns in labor relations. Other issues that are raising the government’s concern in employment relationships are job protection and employee pay equity (Morgan, 2019).The employee unions have focused on health care, short working weeks, employee training, and affirmative actions highlighted in the collective bargaining sessions.
Before developing the Magner Act, the relationship between big businesses and court laws showed a combative and unsure approach. The ties created a conspiracy doctrine that made the unions illegal, claiming that they were the source of a hostile work environment. At that time, businesses hindered unionization in work environments. However, the laws and courts affected labor relations in that employees enjoyed unionization rights, where the organization formed and joined labor organizations through collective bargaining through representation. The unionized labor improved working conditions, employees’ livelihoods, and challenged organizations. Laws like the NLRA have protected human rights (Lessabe, 2021). The unions have functioned like cartels to restrict the number of workers within an organization to raise pay. At the same time, the unions have destroyed jobs in organizations through increased business investment.
De Roeck, K., & Farooq, O. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: Investigating their interactive effect on employees’ socially responsible behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(4), 923-939.
Lassabe, L. (2021). Divided unions: the Wagner act, federalism, and organized labor.
Morgan, J. (2019). Will we work in twenty-first century capitalism? A critique of the fourth industrial revolution literature. Economy and Society, 48(3), 371-398.
What was the relationship between big business and the courts prior to the Wagner act? How did laws and the courts affect labor relations/unions and business?
There was a crucial relationship between courts and big business prior to Wagner Act. The objective of Wagner Act was to establish the authorized right of most employees to join labor unions and to giveaway jointly with their workers (epi, 2021). It is restricted organizations from getting engaged in unfair labor rehearses. Before Wagner Act associations between companies and employees were unsure and combative. Conspiracy ideology is created as an attempt for making unions unauthorized for arguing the creation of hostile atmosphere and harming the privileges of companies (Johnston, 2018). [I am not finding this conspiracy and wagner act relationship in the Johnston source.] Wagner Act designed administration-regulated National Labor Relations Board to assure businesses and companies that don’t hinder or interfere unionization in organizations. NLRB is used as a tool by arbitrating clashes between organizations and employees. Majority of workers support union that might capable bargaining agent by forcing workers for negotiating terms of job with selected representatives of workers. Discharging the workers consider unfair practices in workplace (Whitham, 2020). I cannot verify this source. Google Scholar requires me to buy it. Further, it is not found in NU’s system.
The relationship between court laws and big businesses creates hostile environment in job. The companies hinder unionization in environment of working. Courts and laws influence labor associations in workers that relish unionized privileges, where firm join and form improvement in conditions of working by bargaining the representatives (Badas, 2019). I read the Badas source and am not getting the same message. Thus the post is off topic from the message in the source. Moreover, unionized labor brings improvement in conditions of working that is also risky for firms. NLRA also secured rights of humans, and it is the function of unions to limit various employees in organization to increase wages. Similarly, the unions have destructed employment in firm by enhanced investment in business. Where is the source to support this fact about the NLRA?
There is an important association between management and labor, as it grows the development of contract of job on equitable and sound basis. Procedures can be delivered in order for determining whether there is representation of workers that aim to remove main reasons of wasteful fiscal conflict (Attitudes towards Behavior, 2021). Harmful practices can be prevented that might be harmful for independence of labor and to find every employee in scope with independence of action and choice. Moreover, courts and laws influence affect labor relations/unions and business. NLRA gives guarantee gathered-bargaining privileges (Biasi, 2018).[this source didn’t say anything about the NLRA and guarantees. It argues self employment/gig workers issues. It also out-ruled the practice of blacklisting union forerunners.
There is a crucial influence of labor laws on wages of workers and expenditures of company. Union might decrease inequality in salary and might enhance salaries more or middle and lower wage employees as compared higher salary workers as compared to white collar employees. Wagner Act shows that federal administration is designed to move against companies to strengthen the privileges of labor to bargain and unionize collectively but it does not execute no mutual obligations on union (Gebert, 2021). NLRB includes unfair practices of labor as well as decision-making that the courts might review. Union also limits various employees and then drive then remaining salaries of workers. See next page.
Garfield, this work as some of the same problems that I originally addressed, which is choice of sentence structure and organization makes the reading hard to follow and the sources do not match the message in your writing. Some sources are un verifiable.
Grade will remain a zero for this assignment. If you would like to use the writing center to help you improve the message, AND clean up the sourcing with the librarians, I will reconsider it. Due by the last day of the class. Must have proof you are working with the writing center.
V/R Prof. Reaves
Attitudes towards Behavior (2021). General attitude toward unions Missing source information.
Johnston, H. (2018). Workplace gains beyond the Wagner Act: The New York taxi workers alliance and participation in administrative rulemaking. Labor Studies Journal, 43(2), 141-165.
Biasi, M. (2018). ‘We will all laugh at gilded butterflies’. The shadow of antitrust law on the collective negotiation of fair fees for self-employed workers. European Labour Law Journal, 9(4), 354-373.
Badas, A. (2019). Policy disagreement and judicial legitimacy: Evidence from the 1937 Court-Packing plan. The Journal of Legal Studies, 48(2), 377-408.
Whitham, C. (2020). The War Before the War, 1933–1939. In Corporate Conservatives Go to War (pp. 23-40). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Gebert, R. (2021). The pitfalls and promises of successfully organizing Foodora couriers in Toronto. In A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
epi. (2021). Workers shouldn’t have to depend on tips to survive. Retrieved from epi: https://www.epi.org/