02 Reflection Paper
Start Assignment
Due Friday by 11:59pm
· Points 3
· Submitting a file upload
You will prepare for each week’s sessions by reading or watching a number of resources we provide you with (linked in each assignment and also available in the Files section of Canvas). Some of those resources will be required (denoted by being bolded and asterisked), and the remaining resources can be selected from the other posted resources. If you would like to read all of the resources, please feel free to, and these are certainly worth considering for your final paper.
Engaging in these resources will prepare you to participate in our class activities, which rely on you being familiar with the topics, concepts, and languages from the resources. We will sometimes provide you with additional video resources during our class sessions, and you may also return to the pre-class resources to continue your learning. You may also be inspired to find more resources for yourself or to make connections from our course materials to other courses or resources from your life.
After each week’s sessions, write a response paper where you share a story or stories from your life that engage with the pre-class resources and the in-class activities. You must connect your story to and cite at least 3 resources from the pre-class and in-class resources and include a reference list at the end of your response paper. Your entire response should be between 500 and 750 words total. This reflection must be submitted to Canvas by 11:59 pm PT at the conclusion of the second module for each week unless otherwise specified.
This assignment reflects our commitment to balancing resources from the shelves (what has been published for others) and resources from our selves (our own experiences and understanding of our own lives). Elements of a story include context (when and where are you and who else is there), and drama (i.e. action, uncertainty, change, and feelings). Your story/stories should comprise of 60-75% of your assignment. Your stories must do the work of bridging past to present to future.
· What is it that you are recalling from the past (whether your distant past or your experience in this class)?
· How is what happened in your story impacting you now? How are you feeling right now about what you are recalling and sharing?
· And what are you going to do with this story? How might this story to change? What’s the next right thing for you to do? What does it mean for this story to be a part of your justice – what you makes you feel whole, and well, and in just relationship with others?
The other 25-40% is explaining how your story connects with the shelf resources. For each prep & post, you need to cite and connect to at least three of the ten assigned resources. Use our EDUC 251 APA guidelines
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to include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your document. As you cite your references, please consider: what specific aspects of the resources are you connecting with? How do these connections leave you feeling? What do these connections or tensions tell you about the broader world? Do NOT summarize the resources as we have already read/watched all of them. We are most interested in your story and how you are connecting it to our course content.
If you don’t think that you have any stories to tell related to these resources, please share why you believe you don’t have any stories. Is it because your families, communities, or schools never talked about these topics? If so, why do you think that is? Is it because you have never thought about these topics in terms of diversity, equity, and social justice? What would it mean to begin developing stories that support you developing this understanding?
Again, these prep & post reflections should be 500-750 words including references and uploaded as a Microsoft Word document or PDF. (All UW students have access to Google docs through your UW email account. You can then download your Google doc as a Word document or PDF.) We require this so that our teaching team can offer you in-text feedback on each assignment. To view these comments after your assignments have been graded please click on the “View Feedback” button on Canvas.
Pre-Class Resources
· Adichie, C. (2009). The danger of a single story. TED. (If you have seen this before, it is not required, if you have not seen it before this needs to be one of your optional readings.)
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· *** Chew-Bose, D. (2014). How I learned to stop erasing myself. Buzzfeed.
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· *** Delgado, R. (1989). Storytelling for oppositionists and others: A plea for narrative. Michigan Law Review, 87(8), 2411-2441. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1289308?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
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· Demer, L. (2015). In rural Alaska, a new approach to fighting suicide emerges. Alaska Dispatch News. http://www.adn.com/article/20151205/rural-alaska-new-approach-fighting-suicide-emerges
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· Fukui, E., & Piepzna-Samarasinha, L.L. (2020). Intersections of disability justice and transformative justice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dKystkbHKQ
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· Henrich, J., Heine, S.J., & Norenzayan, A. (2010). Most people are not WEIRD. Nature, 466, 29. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7302/full/466029a.html
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· Lin, G. (2016). The windows and mirrors of your child’s bookshelf . TedXTalks.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wQ8wiV3FVo
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· *** Lomas Garza, C. (1990). A piece of my heart. New Press.
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· Rich, A. (1985). Notes toward a politics of location. In M. Diaz-Diocaretz & I. M. Zavala (eds.), Women, feminist identity, and society in the 1980’s selected papers (pgs. 7-22). John Benjamin’s Publishing Company. http://people.unica.it/fiorenzoiuliano/files/2014/10/Adrienne-Rich-Notes-Toward-a-Politics-of-Location
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· *** Style, E.J. (1996). Curriculum as window and mirror. Social Science Record, 33(2), 35-42.
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· Tatum, B. D. (2000). The complexity of identity: “Who am I?.” In Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Hackman, H. W., Zuniga, X., Peters, M. L. (Eds.), Readings for diversity and social justice: An anthology on racism, sexism, anti-semitism, heterosexism, classism and ableism (pp. 9-14). Routledge. https://uucsj.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/The-Complexity-of-Identity
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In-Class Resources
Lomas Garza, C. (1987). Sandia/Watermelon. https://1084.myt.li/tours/2002121191/stops/1271425608/index.html
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Lomas Garza, C. (1986). Ventosa/Earache treatment. https://collections.si.edu/search/record/ark:/65665/py28357cca32f644105abc859328c830d9f
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Wiley, K. (2010). Unity. https://ucca.org.cn/en/exhibition/kehinde-wiley-legends-unity//
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Wiley, K. (2013). Anthony of Padua. https://samblog.seattleartmuseum.org/2016/02/object-of-the-week-anthony-of-padua/
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Wilbur, M. (2014). Project 562: Changing the way we see native America. Project 562.
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Sanchez, R. (2012). Facundo the great. StoryCorps.
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Possible Story Stems:
1) Who have been the storytellers in your life and what are they stories they have shared with you? What have you been taught is the importance of stories, story-telling, or the absence of stories?
2) What has been a time in your life where stories have been in conflict or contrast with each other? Or a time where you didn’t think there was a story or were any stories and then you realized that there were?
3) What has been the connection between storytelling and education in your own life? What have you been taught are our responsibilities and our power as storytellers?
EDUC 251 Week 02 Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Did you try to tell a story?
Is there context, change, and dramatic feeling?
Full Marks
No Marks
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Did you try to use APA formatting?
Did you try to include in-text citations? Did you try to include a reference list?
Full Marks
No Marks