Post#1: Therapeutic Communication Skills by Heather Peterson
The purpose of this discussion post is to discuss problems or barriers that can arise when patient present with resistance and how this interferes with therapeutic communication. Wheeler (2020) explains that “resistance is manifestation of anxiety” best described as “implicit memory networks created through earlier dysfunctional situations and relationship that serve a self-protective function” (pg. 223). Resistance can come in the form of failing to participate in treatment or follow treatment requirement’s, general ambivalence regarding changing behaviors or subtle forms of avoidance during therapy sessions (Liu et al, 2020). In my current role working with adolescents and young adult I encounter ambivalence for change regularly associated with substance use, medication adherence and obtaining employment. To help an individual move past their resistance it’s important to identify problems in collaboration, recognize defenses and obstacles to change and the therapist must understand ways to address patient resistance (Wheeler, 2020). Effective ways for to address resistance in a therapeutic way includes showing respect and caring, expressing empathy; attending to patient needs and strategically enhancing patients’ self-determination (Liu et al., 2020)
There were several groups identified that are more likely to struggle with resistance; adolescents, persons who are paranoid or those that have been forced to participate in treatment by the courts, spouse, family members or their job (Wheeler, 2020). On group that I chose to focus on for this discussion is the Hispanic population. Cultural values in this population often lead to resistance to engaging in mental health services in general due to reported feelings of shame and embarrassment for having a mental illness (Eghaneyan & Murphy, 2020). In the Hispanic culture cultural stigma contributes to a lack of desire to engage in mental health services, disclose mental illness or even to seek medication management to treat mental health symptoms (Eghaneyan & Murphy, 2020). In thinking about how therapeutic communication can enhance alliance building with this population best practice according to Fortuna (2021) is to use a Use a bio-psycho-social-cultural model of evaluation and treatment, take time to develop a detailed cultural formulation and be supportive of collaborative care to increase treatment retention and successful care.
Eghaneyan, B. H., & Murphy, E. R. (2020). Measuring mental illness stigma among Hispanics: A systematic review. Stigma and Health, 5(3), 351–363.
Fortuna, L. (2021). Working with Latino/A and Hispanic patients. Working with Latino Patients. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
Liu, L., Chui, W. H., Deng, Y., & Li, H. (2020). Dealing with Resistance: Working with Involuntary Clients in Community-Based Drug Treatment Programs in China. Australian Social Work, 73(3), 309–320
Wheeler, K. (2020). Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse (Locomotive Portfolios) 3rd Edition. Springer. ISBN-13: 978-0826193797 ISBN-10: 082619379X
*Hanging indentation was not retained
Post#2 Therapeutic Communication Skills by Ivan Oliva
Listening and Attending
In therapeutic communication, listening and attending are two interrelated concepts that go hand in hand. Listening is an interactive process that enables both the provider and the client to understand one another. Active listening is enhanced via listening to the client and using various sub-skills, including clarifying, paraphrasing, reflecting, and summarizing, to facilitate understanding (Ivey et al., 2017). On the other side, attending involves verbal and nonverbal behaviors, which shows that the client is paying attention to and interested in the provider’s message. Sometimes, these aspects can be surrounded by several challenges, including poor language, physical barriers, etc. Therefore, this review discusses the problems/obstacles that can arise during listening and attending, how these problems/barriers interfere with therapeutic communication, and how this aspect of therapeutic touch can change to enhance alliance building with individuals from different cultures.
Some of the problems/barriers that can arise for listening and attending are as follows. One of them is prejudice; some of our default ways of processing information and perceiving others can lead to rigid thinking. When clients engage in prejudiced listening, they might preserve their ways of thinking and avoid being convinced of anything by the provider. This is a kind of prejudice because they stop listening actively when judging others based on their identity. Another barrier to listening and attending is bad listening practices. Physical barriers, cognitive limitations, and perceptual biases exist among all people. Sometimes, when there is a physical barrier, i.e., the provider and the client are not in a close range, they might end up finding it hard to speak a message to another. And as a result, it becomes hard to convey the message. And the last problem is the language barrier. When the provider or the client speaks some different language or when the nonverbal cues mean something different due to cultural differences, it becomes hard for the two parties to communicate (Corey, 2016). And as a result, the patient may develop poor listening and attending skills.
The above-said problems/barriers significantly interfere with communication:
1. Prejudice interferes with the transmission in that the client operates from the state of denial where they avoid a subject with the provider so that they might not be challenged. Prejudices based on race, age, or identity may make clients believe that they already know what the provider will say (Sethi & Rani, 2017). As a result, they might lower their listening skills because they are not ready for the information.
2. Lousy listening practices, including physical barriers, may interfere with the communication by making it hard to hear the message. For example, when a provider and the client are far much apart, it might be hard to listen to the message clearly, eventually interfering with the communication.
3. Language barriers between the provider and the patient may make it hard to understand what each party says, leading to communication problems.
Finally, listening and attending can change to enhance alliance building with individuals who are from another culture. When people eliminate prejudice, they can accept one another irrespective of their identity and have a common goal of enhancing change. Similarly, removing language barriers among people from different cultures during a therapeutic intervention can help both the provider and the client understand one another, thus, coming up with an effective treatment plan (Sethi & Rani, 2017). Some ways that could be used to eliminate language barriers include using plain language, finding a reliable translator, visual communication methods, and repetitions. Conclusively, listening and attending skills should be observed in any.
Therapeutic communication because they help understand the patients’ condition, thus, helping them manage the problem.
Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of group counseling (9th ed.) Cengage Learning. ISBN- 13:978-1305088016.
Ivey, A. E., Daniels, T., Zalaquett, C. P., & Ivey, M. B. (2017). Neuroscience of attention: Empathy and counseling skills. Neurocounseling: Brain-based clinical approaches, 83- 99.
Sethi, D., & Rani, M. K. (2017). Communication barrier in a health care setting as perceived by nurses and patients. International Journal of Nursing Education, 9(4), 30-35.
Reply to one peers’ post by asking the peer one question about their identified culture as it relates to therapeutic communication. Please do not reply to a student that already has a reply post associated with it. All initial posts should receive one question from a peer. For example, you will reply to one peer and ask them a question as well as answer the question that was posed to you.
Reply to at least two of your classmates.
Your response should include evidence-based research to support your statements using proper citations and APA format.
Please, send me the two documents separately, for example one is the reply to my peers Post#1, and the second one is the reply to my other peer Post#2.
-Minimum of 300 words per peer reply.
-Turnitin Assignment.
Background: I live in South Florida; I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Practitioner Program. I am a Family Nurse Practitioner working in psychiatric area.
Therapeutic communication skills
Due Date
Therapeutic Communication Skill
There are various therapeutic communication skills that one can use when communicating with patients. The communication skill that one uses is different depending on the situation that he or she is in. in order to have good therapeutic communication it is important for the nurses to make sure that they put all the skills into consideration. Cultural sensitivity is said to make one aware and sensitive to the patients’ culture. We come from different backgrounds with different cultures. In communication where one is not sensitive to the other person’s culture, then chances are the conversation may not end well. Being culturally sensitive helps make one feel that they are all equal and have no business.
The main problem experienced when it comes to cultural sensitivity is that clinicians may not be able to communicate with patients from culturally diverse environments. Due to coming from different cultural backgrounds, the patients and the nurses may not communicate well, thus leading to a communication barrier. Another problem associated with cultural sensitivity is that when it is not considered, it may affect the care given negatively. In addition, communication that is not culturally sensitive may affect family satisfaction. Family satisfaction is very important as it determines how the patient will react to the treatment. In some cases it may lead to some patients moving from one hospital to another.
Therapeutic communication is said to be a one-on-one interaction that aims at advancing the emotional and physical welfare of a patient. The first way the barriers can affect therapeutic communication is that patients and nurses may not understand each other well (Flynn & Mercer, 2018). Not being able to understand each other leads to have poor therapeutic communication. The other barrier is that it affects a patient’s care. Affecting patients’ care leads to poor therapeutic communication between the patient and the nurses. This shows that the patients will not receive the care they are supposed to because of the negative perception created between the nurse and the patient.
The first thing is to educate people on the importance of learning and respecting cultural diversity (Brooks et al., 2019). Some people do not acknowledge other people’s culture, which plays a role in making therapeutic communication hard. Learning other people’s culture and accepting it will bridge the gap between various cultures when it comes to communication. Another way to enhance alliance building with other cultures is by creating a cultural diversity awareness that individuals come from different cultures. Having different cultures does not make us; instead, it makes us know that we come from different backgrounds.
In conclusion, therapeutic communication is very important as it helps the nurse and the patient bond and creates a good relationship between them. During therapeutic communication, it is important for the nurse to make sure that they put into consideration all communication skills. Cultural sensitivity is a very sensitive topic when it comes to communication as it determines the reaction of both the sender and the receiver of the information. When the cultural beliefs of the sender or the receiver are not considered, it ends up creating a negative situation. For example, a patient may not get the required care because their culture is not considered during communication. Apart from that, the family has also been affected in case the nurse uses culturally offensive communication methods.
Brooks, L. A., Manias, E., & Bloomer, M. J. (2019). Culturally sensitive communication in healthcare: A concept analysis. Collegian, 26(3), 383-391.
Flynn, M., & Mercer, D. (2018). Culturally sensitive communication. Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing, 101-114.