20191021001446numerical_measures x
Using your readings this week, identify some measures of central tendency and dispersion. When might you use a mean versus a mode or median?
Numerical Measures
Discussion Resources
The following resources will help you complete the discussion and may be useful in completing your second assignment.
Estimations [PDF]
. This short reading includes five sample applications of the “big 5” parameters.
· Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2019). Basic statistics for business and economics (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
. Chapter 3, “Describing Data: Numerical Measures.”
. A discussion of what average means in common conversation leads to instructions for calculating measures of location, otherwise known as the mean, median, and mode.
· Thomas, R., & McSharry, P. (2015).
Big data revolution: What farmers, doctors, and insurance agents can teach us about patterns in big data.
West Sussex, England: Wiley.
· Chapter 3, “Revolutionizing Insurance: Why Actuaries Will Become Data Scientists.”
· Chapter 4, “Personalizing Retail and Fashion.”
. This text provides practical examples of the use of analytics.
Using your readings this week, identify some measures of central tendency and dispersion. When might you use a mean versus a mode or median?