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Proposal-styler Letter of Denim Organic Clothes Line Company
Nikki Gaines
St. Johns River State College
Technical and Professional Report Writing
Mr. Patrick Lewis
Proposal-styler Letter of Denim Organic Clothes Line Company
Nikki Gaines. Rep
, Marketing Assistant
Denim Organic Clothe Line Company
P.O. Box 19875,
Ms. Sussie Smith, Company Manager
Denim Organic Clothe Line Company
P.O. Box 98756,
Dear Ms. Smith,
I, Nikki Gaines. Rep, am writing on behalf of Denim Organic Clothes Line Company following the new company entry into a new global market in Settle, Washington. I am at this moment writing to introduce our Company to you so that I can provide some basic information about the Company in aspects to do with its growth and development when launching a new product. In the recent past, the Company had been operational in California, Oregon, and Colorado, but it has plans to expand to capture market demands in the Settle area.
Denim, one of the denim clothing lines, is located in the U.K., which primarily focuses on locally produced goods and services in the line of jeans for both genders. The Company is known to be among the giants retain industries with much experience of about 15 years concerning serving socially conscious fashion at the regional level and the global market. In the recent past, it has been selling its products and services using online partnerships with local boutiques in the U.K.
This letter proposal is relational to the fact that it has good plans to establish a well-structured distribution and manufacturing relationship in the Settle area. It so believes that it will attain more comprehensive market coverage. Notably, it has plans to incorporate a jeans recycling program to protect the environment (Liu,2020). The Company also needs to intensify research on available opportunities and products to ensure it serves its customers with the best fit jeans that suit their needs and desires.
On matters to do with competition, its main competitor after the new approach will be Kuyichi, Hiut, and Nudie Jeans that are significant targets to compete favorably. To counteract competition, the Company will be required to invest in brand value proposition and product differentiation strategy. Most importantly, online marketing needs to cater for its needs through analytics-driven approaches like paid search so that the Company can capitalize on its media Channels to promote consumer products. The source of the products should be consisted and reliable from the famous millers like Turkey and Japan.
Denim, one of the denin clothing lines, is located in the U.K., which primarily focuses on locally produced goods and services in the line of jeans for both genders. Following increased technological input within the Company, the Company has increased its online sales by about 30% for the last two years. It had to experience such improvement since it incorporated persuasive plans and online marketing that has popularized it. This proposal letter is meant to give an in-depth analysis of the current Company’s status before entering the new market (Wulff,2019). The proposed areas of concern for the Company revolves around target market, marketing plan, marketing size and development, competition, and differentiation and value proposition techniques. By clearly understanding these new market entry tasks, the company will achieve its goals within the stipulated time.
Marketing Size and Development
To ensure that this Company attains its intended objective when launching a new market in Seattle, market planning will play a vital role when it comes to competitive ranking criteria. The latter can be attained by investing in paid search using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I honestly believe that this will popularize the Company’s products in the new country market. In this dimension, the Company will be in a position to promote its values and fashion to sustain the Company’s ethical practice by incorporating earth-friendly manufactured clothing (Pal et al., 2017). As a result of this, I recommend that this Company, since its products are not popular in Settle, proposed country of launching a new market, should strategize in the provision of local fashion boutiques in the new market. This will promote the Company’s values, of which the primary focus will be customer experience and satisfaction.
Before entering the new market, the Company should come up with a variety of partnerships so that the launched market of entry can be aimed at long-term durability and global demands for its goods and services.
In this dimension, the Company administration’s role is to select the reliable and best organic cotton suppliers that will promote its brands. This will again ensure that increased sales are realized for the company’s general growth and development (Pal et al., 2017). The Company also needs to partner with other companies within the periphery of the proposed market launch that are well established and reputable to act as role models. Additionally, it should moderate its manufacturing by intensifying quality check-up of its products so as to promote the slogan of its product to a broader market.
Differentiation and Value Proposition Techniques
Despite having varieties of brand differentiation at Denim, I firmly believe that this Company should incorporate several items to ensure that launching a new market in Settle is a success. This can be attained when it combines its efforts through partnership, never compromising its quality and services. The entire Company’s sustainability will heavily be based on attaining corporate image by popularizing a particular brand. Here, branding should involve a famous country like the U.S. so that its value is never compromised. A good and strong customer relationship will be enhanced in the new market of entry and imply that the Company’s target market will be catered for with fewer efforts. Consequently, the Company should develop various design programs that will produce well-fitted clothing items that will attract new customers and retain an existing one (Fidan et al.,2021). This will be useful in creating the value in the proposed market launch for new products to globalize the Company in aspects like the creation of awareness and market assessment, among others.
Target Market
As a marketing assistant in your Company, I have analyzed and realized the target market for new entrants, which will significantly value company operations. Since the company intends to launch its products to the new market, it will be wise to give primary market target to social media platforms to promote its products, brand, and general information about the Company online before launching its new market (Radhakrishnan,2017). This will give new users first-hand experience to know what the company stocks, pricing, and what you have. The ability to shop online will captivate customers who cannot reach the Company, thus enjoying its products at their comfort.
Before establishing the new market in Settle, much attention needs to be accorded to major Company competitors that can either positively or negatively influence its operations. One of the significant threatening competitors of the Company is Kuyichi that is based in Netherland. Following the much experience in dealing with organic line clothing, the Company, as mentioned earlier, possesses. Kuyichi heavily employs strategies that enable it to cater for the global competition from related firms as it uses dyeing techniques and intensive jeans recycling programs. I suppose that this Company should be the role model to the Company so that when it enters the market, it can come up with plans to counteract stiff competition in the provision of jeans for both genders (Radhakrishnan,2017). Notably, I suggest that for this Company to attain popularity, it should launch organic denim jeans. I firmly believe that when this company avails various measures and efforts, it will serve the needs and interest of both its clients and popularity in the new market.
Alongside this letter, I have attached a list of products, pricing, and proposed brand name. Furthermore, marketing strategies documents that I think will help you get an in-depth understanding of what this letter implicates to our Company. Some of the major concerns I have addressed above may not be complete without your wellness support services, both physically, emotionally, economically, and socially, since teamwork is a critical component in this company’s growth. Please feel free to contact me when you need to so that the ideas, I have passed relating to improving our Company. In case of any question, feel free to ask based on this new market launch proposal.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards.
Yours Sincerely,
Nikki Gaines. Rep
Marketing Assistant, Denim Organic Clothes Line Company
Fidan, F. Ş., Aydoğan, E. K., & Uzal, N. İ. Ğ. M. E. T. (2021). An integrated life cycle assessment approach for denim fabric production using recycled cotton fibers and combined heat and power plant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287, 125439.
Liu, C. (2020, December). Slow fashion movement and sustainable consumption: Is it an opportunity for local fashion brands?. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings (Vol. 77, No. 1). Iowa State University Digital Press.
Pal, H., Chatterjee, K. N., & Sharma, D. (2017). The water footprint of the denim industry. In Sustainability in Denim (pp. 111-123). Woodhead Publishing.
Radhakrishnan, S. (2017). Denim recycling. In Textiles and Clothing Sustainability (pp. 79-125). Springer, Singapore.
Wulff, G. (2019). Behind the Scenes of Transparency–A Study of a Swedish Denim Company.
For the User Test Report (UTR), assume that your Proposal is now completed and implemented. This assignment will be the initial report of how the implemented project is going, now that it is in place for your company. This type of report has a variety of format possibilities depending on the industry and the project that your company completed. Use a format that is organized and makes sense for your project.
As you write your UTR, consider and include the following:
1. Who is your audience? Are you notifying an investor, boss, or VP? Will this just be a report that gets filed away in case of an audit? Whoever your audience is, there should be a a clear indication of that audience in the report, typically at the very beginning.
2. Was the purpose fully completed or did it have to be modified at the implementation phase? Were expectations met? Why or why not?
3. Explain how the tasks went generally. At least ONE should have been successful and ONE should have failed or been modified.
4. Highlight at least ONE strength and ONE weakness of the overall project.
5. What are the next steps going forward?
6. Although no sources are required for this assignment, you may want to use some for addressing weakness and next steps.
7. Use IEEE formatting.
8. This assignment should be at least two pages.
For the User Test Report (UTR), assume that your Proposal is now completed and implemented. This assignment will be the initial report of how the implemented project is going, now that it is in place for your company. This type of report has a variety of format possibilities depending on the industry and the project that your company completed. Use a format that is organized and makes sense for your project.
As you write your UTR, consider and include the following:
1. Who is your audience? Are you notifying an investor, boss, or VP? Will this just be a report that gets filed away in case of an audit? Whoever your audience is, there should be a a clear indication of that audience in the report, typically at the very beginning.
2. Was the purpose fully completed or did it have to be modified at the implementation phase? Were expectations met? Why or why not?
3. Explain how the tasks went generally. At least ONE should have been successful and ONE should have failed or been modified.
4. Highlight at least ONE strength and ONE weakness of the overall project.
5. What are the next steps going forward?
6. Although no sources are required for this assignment, you may want to use some for addressing weakness and next steps.
7. Use IEEE formatting.
8. This assignment should be at least two pages.