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Dinosaurs the textbook by Lucas, Spencer G (
Chapter 7
Short Answer:
12. What are the distinctive features of ornithopods?
13. To what feature(s) might you attribute the success of ornithopods?
14. How did hadrosaurids resemble and differ from primitive ornithopods?
15. What features of the skeletons of different groups of ornithopods identify them as either bipeds or facultative bipeds?
16. What defensive strategies did ornithopods employ?
17. How do the jaw, tooth, and skull structures of the various ornithopods differ from each other?
18. Why do paleontologists think the crests and tubes of lambeosaurines functioned as signaling devices?
Chapter 8
Short Answer:
13. What features identify a dinosaur as a thyreophoran?
14. Why is Scutellosaurus identified as a thyreophoran, and why is it easier to assign Scelidosaurus to the thyreophorans?
15. What are the evolutionary novelties of stegosaurs, and how does Huayangosaurus exemplify them?
16. What do paleontologists believe were the arrangement and function of the plates of Stegosaurus? Why?
17. How does the evolution of stegosaurs differ from that of ankylosaurs in terms of timing, distribution, and amount of morphological change?
18. How are ankylosaurs distinguished from other dinosaurs?
19. What defensive strategy did ankylosaurs employ?
PBS Dinosaurs—Flesh on the Bones
1. What did Kathy find on her walk around the hills with her husband?
2. How many years are represented on the largest painting in the world?
3. If the claw didn’t belong to the hand, where did the claw belong to?
4. All animals move as _________________ models of each other.
5. Were the big sauropod dinosaurs fast or slow?
6. When an animal is active during the day but then rest at night because they are cold-blooded, this is called ________________________.
7. What does the 90-million-year-old log’s lack of dark tree rings tell us?
8. What was pre-historic Alaska’s average temperature?
9. What is measured to determine if the turtle is hot blooded or cold blooded?
10. If Dinosaurs grew like a reptile, how long would it take to get to their adult size?
11. Many people agree now that Dinosaurs were in fact _________ blooded.
12. The Triceratops had large leg bones in order to do what?
13. What is unusual about T-Rex’s teeth?
14. How has building Dinosaurs for museums gotten easier?