Two READING REAPONSES on 4 articles. Subject: domestic life in Renaissance Italy
1. First response on both of these articles (2 pages):
Goldwaite, Richard. Wealth and the Demand for Art In Italy, 1300-1600. Baltimore, 1993, pp212-250, “The Culture of Consumption,” “Consumption and the Generation of Culture.”
Answer these questions after reading these two articles:
-How did consumer habits change, according to Richard Goldwaite, in the period between the 14th and 17th centuries?
-Why is understanding the consumer habits of Florentines in the Renaissance so important for the study of material culture?
2. Second response on these two articles (2 pages:
Preyer, Brenda. “The Florentine casa,” in At Home in Renaissance Italy, pp. 34-59, (and “The Wall Fountain and Fireplace in Florence,” pp.284-287
Brown, Patricia. “The Venetian Casa,” in At Home in Renaissance Italy, pp. 50-66
Compare these articles. What are the differences between the Venetian casa and the Florentine casa?