example1 xoutlineeee
Topic:Project Failure Analysis (British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon Accident)
topic explain : when the gulf of Mexico oil spill accident happen , for some reason , the company fail to manage it , led the project failure.
please read the file I uploaded ,I have make a outline and already write something ,you just help me finish yellow color part . Make the article more logic .(do not forget provide references)
if you need it , I also provide a example (but different topic) you may modeled .
Problem Definition
1.Confusion of organization management
2.Overlook of project process change
3.Overlook of conflict
4.Cultural diversity
Root Cause Analysis
1.Cause of organization confusion
2.Cause of change overlook
3.Cause of conflict overlook
4.Cause of culture
Possible Solutions
1.Solution for organization management (
rig crew management ,senior management)
2.Solution for change management
3.Solution for conflict management
4.Solution for cultural diversity
Executive Summary
This paper aims to identify project problems, and analyze the root reasons of disaster occurring as well as come up with its possible solutions, lastly, we will put forward feasible proposal and project plan.
The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion on April 20, 2010, as one of the worst environmental disasters in the history of the petroleum industry, killed 11 inhabitants on the rig and injured 17 people on the day of disaster. Due to the subsequent oil spill after explosion, polluting more the 88,000 square miles of local beaches and estuaries, and its incalculable damage had affected local tourism and fishing industries as well as many kinds of birds and marine animals’ survival and reproduction in and around the Gulf of Mexico (Lehner and Deans, 2010). Also, the cost of oil spill has been reached more than $40 billion, including the victim compensation fund of $20 billion (Fountain and Matthrew, 2010).
After the explosion, a joint team composed of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”) and the United States Coast Guard started to investigate this explosion, which aimed to identify the causes of the Macondo blowout. At the same time, BP, an international technology company manufacturing and servicing rig-based products, as the designated operator of this project, had the foundational responsibility for this Macondo blowout. Transocean, the proprietor of the Deepwater Horizon, had the responsibility to conduct safe operations and ensure personnel safety. Halliburton, as a contractor to BP, also had the responsibility to monitor the good progress of this project.
In January 2011, through the subsequent investigation by the joint team, they put forward that there are many problems exist in this project, such as the confusion of organization management, lack of effective communication, technical flaws, overlook of project process change and conflict, which caused the occurrence of this environmental disaster to large degree.
Problems definition
According to the investigation of the joint team. they found that BP had their own complete, company-wide methods to manage the project named the Operating Management System (“OMS”), addressing a series of potential problems occurring, such as, organization management problems, conflicts problems, procedure change, communication problems, lack of motivation, technical problems like drilling operations. However, this system did not play its due role, I think the main problems were as follows.
1. Confusion of organization management
There are many problems in managing its staff, especially the management of cig crew, and the training for staff of each department was very confused. According to the BOEMRE report (2011, p.128), the training programs that the BP and the Transocean provide to their staffs all lacked enough well controlling issues to cope with the emergency situations. Moreover, some staffs did not have sufficient relevant experience about this field and they lacked the professional knowledge, especially did not have experienced enough crew, the BP did not emphases this factor. In addition, the investigation of joint team put forward that this project lacked the specified, documented procedure and feedback for the negative test in the BP or Transocean documents, also, it lacked the interpretation of guidance in the industry regulations (BOEMRE report 2011, P.204). Lastly, we think that the most point is the recording data is not very accurate, it lacked the reference value.
2. Failure to follow the management of change (MOC) processes
Change management, as part of risk management, in order to better cope with it, BP developed an integrated management of change (MOC) process, which documented, evaluate, communicate and coped with changes (BOEMRE report 2011, P.179 and 192). The MOC process as part of risk management, the BP failed to follow this process, which did not take reasonable mitigation plan before the change happened as well as take reasonable contingency plan when the change or accidents happened.
3. Overlook of project conflict
According to the BOEMRE report (2011, p. 189), they found that the first conflict is the Transocean personnel’s rewarding system, staffs have different opinions about this rewarding system. The second conflict is the choice of productivity and safety, it seems that BP paid more attention to the production rather than safety.
Root cause analysis
1. Cause of organization confusion
In the part of problem definition, we found that the first problem is the lack of training programs in organization management, this part lead to the occurrence of this explosion later to large degree. Many staffs, especially the rig crew, did not have the regular operation process and safety awareness because company lacked these factors of cultivation and training in their daily time. For example, according to BOEMRE report (2011, p. 128), they found that the flammable gas would dispersed beyond the hazardous areas, at the same time, the rig crew did not well classify some equipment, therefore, this unclassified equipment had a fair chance of sparking an explosion. In addition, the BP did not document the process in details and did not consider to develop a standardized procedure with specific interpretation guidance. If the BP develop this interpretation guidance and then provided to the rig crew, some problems would be selected and detected, and the blowout would be averted. Furthermore, the BP did not consider a regulation in regard to uncontrolled factors, only paid more attention to the controlled factors (BOEMRE report 2011, P.204). If some uncontrollable incidents occurred, they cannot offer any visible solutions. In addition, according to the investigation, they found that the data from the rig were not the real-time data because there was no continuous monitoring of those stored data, which caused that they did not realize the occurrence of the failure and took appropriate control actions.
2. Cause of change overlook
In part of problem definition, we had known that BP developed an integrated management of change (MOC) process in this project. however, they did not use MOC to manage some important changes in continuously changeable drilling operations. For example, BP made some casing design changes, while the following operation did not follow this design changes. Other changes like rig procedure changes, they did not consider these changes, and they made some important decisions without consideration of MOC process. In addition, the other change is personal changes, according to investigation, they found that BP had little consideration to change the project leader, their current leader Sepulvado had limited ability in controlling process.
Fountain H, Wald Matthew L. BP says leak may be closer to a solution. on-line. New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/ 13/us/13spill.html; 2010.
Lehner P, Deans B. In: Deep water: the anatomy of a disaster, the fate of the gulf, and ending our oil addiction. Experiment Publishing; 2010.
Report regarding the causes of the April 20, 2010 Macondo well blowout. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement. September 14
BP report (2010) Deepwater Horizon accident investigation report. British Petroleum
Executive Summary
Airbus is an important airlines company in the world and its product Airbus A380 is
the largest passenger aircraft in recent years. The Airbus A380 project is designed to
against American Boeing aircraft. However, there are several issues happened during
the implementation of the Airbus A380 project. This report starts with the problem
definition of technology, communication, culture, and management. Moreover, after
the problem definition is the analysis of issues. The following part after the root cause
analysis is the possibility of solutions and makes a project proposal, and project plan
with SWOT and stakeholders analysis. At the end of this report for a conclusion is
going to combine with all analysis and will make recommends for this
The various obstacles like cultural barriers, negative management, and lack of
communication have been addressed in this report. The report has also provided
solutions and intends to tackle these obstacles.
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Airbus A380, which is the most complex aircraft in recent years with two full desks
and the space for carrying 850 passengers. A380 is the largest passenger aircraft and
plays a major role in the aerospace industry. There were 4 countries such as Germany,
Span, England, and France joined Airbus 380 projects. Throughout the cooperation
between these countries, this project was delivered profitable in the end. However,
there were several issues and failure decisions during the implementation and
production route. The main issues which we will address in this report are the gap of
technology problem, the difficulties of communication, the differences of culture
between countries, and management problem. These problems caused the Airbus
A380 program delayed and over budget.
2.Problem Definition
Besides the negative influences of the projects themselves, the project unfinished
time occasioned serious social problems. Here, we will identify the problems and
explain them.
Airbus A380 construction will ease the traffic pressure, and Airbus A380 is the most
aircraft flying today. However, delivery of Airbus A380 delayed leads to not improve
the traffic problems. For example, originally schedule for delivery of this project in
2006. However, entry service of the aircraft was delayed by almost two years. Airbus
announced the first delay in 2005 and noticed other aircraft companies that deliveries
would be delayed for six months because of the difficulties of production speed. And
in June 2006, Airbus announced the additional delay that deliveries would be delayed
by six to seven months. In October 2006, new Airbus CEO Christian Streiff
announced a third delay. The delay increased the earnings shortfall projected by
Airbus through 2010 to 4.8 billion.
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Airbus A380 construction delay causes a significant economic loss. Such as the
previous example, the project was finished after four years of delays. The project
manager focuses on the atmosphere in different parts of the organization rather than
how to build the aircraft in the best way. Overly aggressive schedule caused the time
pressure of the schedule. Moreover, at the end of this project was several billion over
budget. Moreover, Airbus A380 construction generally belongs to the government
investment. The government finance deficit could affect social welfare programs.
The deliveries delay several times and the incorrect decision making during the
project caused a 26 percent drops in the share price of Airbus’ parent. EADS. The
huge financial burden leads to the employees turnover and the high-level managers
punished. For instant, these issues caused the departure of EADS CEO Noël Forgeard,
Airbus CEO Gustav Humbert, and A380 programmer manager Charles Champion.
Related companies were directly or indirectly involved in this project delayed. For
example, Air Transport Word states Malaysia Airlines and International Lease
Finance Corporation (ILFC) canceled the order forms because of the deliveries delay.
Moreover, in November 2006, FedEx canceled 10 A380-800F aircraft order forms
and steering Boeing ordered 15 Boeing 777-200 Freighters. UPS announced they
were considered to cancel 10 A380 aircrafts in March 2007.
3. Root Cause Analysis
Although this project was successful in the end, Airbus A380 project was delayed and
over budget. It had several issues during the implementation and production phase to
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result in the plan unfinished on time. There are 4 main reasons for this project:
communication, technology, culture, and individual. The fish-bone diagram will
show the possible roots, and each reason will be explained deeply
as follows:
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lack!of!communication!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! Language! !
! !
! ! ! ! Ineffective! !
! ! communication!
The! ! different! ! requirements! !
! ! ! !
! ! ! Lack! ! of! ! technology! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! verification!
! ! ! ! ! Mode!of!fixed!thinking!
! ! Bias!
! !
! ! ! Overconfident!
3.1!Communication! !
Ineffective communication and lack of communication are the first primary problem
to lead the project delay.! All! departments! in! Organizational! structure! are! too!
independent.! It! led! to! reducing! communication! opportunity.! A380! manufacturing!
for! the! global! tender! parts! production! including! over! 40!
countries!and!hundreds!of!manufacturers.!Each!aspect!of!Airbus!is!independent! and!
different! work,! but! if! one! part! existed! a! little! error,! it! will! affect! the! entire!
project!chain!and!delivery!time.!The!four!main!countries!were!allocated!different! task,!
and! they! have! their! own! independent! supplier! of! technical! personnel,! accounting,!
legal! adviser,! which! led! to! difficult! to! carry! out! effective! communication! between!
members! of! different! work! even! if! under! the! same! project.! Firstly,! it! led! to!
inefficient! communication! and! the! project! extension! of!
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the!development! cycle.! Secondly,! it! also! restricts! technological! communication,!
As for the individual aspect, wrong decision and overconfident were all the frequent
weaknesses of the leaders, which result in the project facing many difficulties in the
implementation stage of the Airbus A380 project. In fact, for the cultural side, a
project manager should more effectively opt team members that match both the team
culture, the project, roles and responsibilities when he or she better to understand the
human nature and personalities of these individuals. However, there is a real story:
the project manager of Airbus A380 attempted to move the German designers on to
the same CAD system as the French, however, the manager did not consider the
cross-culture problem. It led the manager met a wall of resistance and the designers
had a conflict when they designed the aircraft. Besides, this issue led to losing his job
at a later time. In addition, for the technology field, the project manager believed that
electrical system designed in Germany would be compatible with the air-frame
components designed in France. However, he did not consider that CATIA version 4
which Germany used was not matched with version 5 which France used. This issue
caused the project delay and engineers needed to design the electrical system again.
Failure management from project managers will cause project delay, over budget, or
a fail the project. Project managers have to manage project team members effectively.
The third main problem comes from the different culture. At first, Airbus A380
project was implemented by four countries. Different cultural background brings the
conflict of communication and lack of interactivity. Multiple languages and time
difference will produce risks when they transform some important information to
other countries. In addition, narrow-mind thinking of different units set up a culture
within the organization, which led to isolation among groups. Therefore, there was no
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effective communication between project teams and numerous processes and
exercises were unchallenged.
According to the reading from the course, culture is a fuzzy set of attitudes, beliefs,
behavioral norms, and basic assumption and values that are shared by group of
people, and that influence each members’ behavior and his/her interpretations of the
meaning of other people’s behavior. In Airbus A380 project case, in the early period,
European governments cooperated all aerospace industries in every country in
Europe to compete with the US based Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company.
Because of their different backgrounds, different parts of the organization inherit
different corporate cultures, management styles and systems. The cultural differences
could be caused serious irreversible consequences for Airbus A380, even if only a
little difference could be still deeply entrenched. The personal rivalries and national
pride from project team members caused the project implementation difficulties and
delay the project
The fourth main reason is about the technology field. To operate the aircraft with the
mental airframe. Engineers need to integrate the complex wiring system which
threading through the aircraft. Airbus A380 is the most complex electrical system
with 530 kilometers wires, cables and wiring harnesses weave throughout the
airframe. And more than 100,000 wires and 40,300 connectors operating 1,150
separate functions. After the first prototype completed in France, engineers found a
problem and it is not an isolated problem. After the installation of the wires, they
found out that the wires were too short even though they had been manufactured to
specification the wires and harnesses. It is hard to pull cables to make them suitable
even though cables are only a few centimeters short. Engineers realized that the
problem of short wires will influence the whole design of the airplane. In addition,
the Computer Aided Design (CAD) software which design group working on the
project was different in every country. The designers of German and Spanish had
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used CATIA version 4, however, British and French design teams had used CATIA
version 5. The difference between CATIA Vision4 and vision5 was not a simply
evolution. Vision 5 was a complete rewrite software. Unfortunately, drawings of
electrical system that Germany designed did not suitable with the air-frame
components designed in France.
4. Possible Solution
Based on the root causes analyzed before, there were some corresponding measures
to solve the problems. Each problem is provided several solutions, which are related
to communication, culture, technology and individual separately. Then sum up these
one-sided solutions to contribute to a finial systematic solution.
4.1!Solutions for communication problems
For the large multinational project, using second languages or hiring translators is
inevitable. However, in this case, it is likely misunderstanding in communication
because there are at least four languages. To reduce the probability of
misunderstanding, using a unified language like English could be a solution.
However, it does not need everyone speaking English. As long as there are no less
than two staffs that are good in English in each department, the language obstacle is
not a problem. In this way, the staffs could understand the stakeholders from other
countries and explain to their internal members. Moreover, they know more
professional knowledge than translators, so they can convey information more easily.
Language is neither the only problem of communication nor the significant problem.
Ineffective communication or lack of communication is more serious. Because the
purpose of communication is sharing information and understanding each other, how
to achieve the purpose is the key point of solving the communication problem.
Expressing ideas clearly are the basis of sharing information. Some programmers are
good at programming but do not know how to express their thoughts. This kind of
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employee could improve communication skills by practicing or joining training. In
addition to the efforts of their own, organizations could hire a supervisor to discover
and listen to their problems. Supervisors could not only provide help to the
employees that initiatively seek help, but also discover the ignored problems then
solve them. Moreover, supervisors could collect all problems, analyze the common
features and find solutions. Then they could be publicly a help manual including the
common problems and solutions to all internal members. Another responsibility of
supervisors is supervising and reminding all employees pay attention on
communication issues. If an employee makes a mistake, the supervisor could correct
it in time.
4.2!Solutions for individual problems
Individual problems also cannot be ignored, which includes both personal ability and
personal attitude. For personal ability, before start a project, it is necessary to
measure the ability of all employees. Then the managers will know their levels and
put them at the accurate positions. Another solution is training them to raise their
ability to meet the work requirement. Personal attitude is difficult to change; no
matter it is positive or negative. However, it can be controlled or limited to ensure the
attitude will not cause bad effects on the project. For example, training employees
how to relieve stress, how to work with team members, how to negotiate with
stakeholders and so on. In addition, rules and regulations are required to quantitative
all tasks. If employees cannot finish their work in time, they will be punished.
4.3!Solutions for cultural problems
Culture is another kind of language, so understanding the culture from other countries
or organizations is required. Because culture and belief are difficult to change, the
only way of avoiding cultural conflict is understanding the culture from each other.
All managers and staffs have to know the culture difference among four countries.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement a cultural training for everyone. In the
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training, all members will know the different cultures firstly, then they have to accept
the difference and know how to avoid conflict. Because the members from different
countries have to work together, if someone ignores the difference of culture or do
not know how to handle it, there will be contradictory in a team or organization. To
solve this problem, there have to make policies to avoid culture resistance and
prejudice, which include norms of behavior and punishment. If all members are asked
to follow the policies, then cultural conflicts will be reduced.
4.4!Solutions for technology problems
Technology is the core of the project, so the unmatched technology has to be solved.
To a certain extent, using unmatched technology is also a problem of lacking
communication. But if there is no communication problem, some issues may still
occur related to technology, for example, outdated technology or low production
efficiency. The solutions are not complete without communication skills and
management methods. The outdated technology from one country could be replaced
by other country’s advanced technology and low efficiency country could learn the
efficient methods from other countries. As long as they can effectively communicate
and correctly manage technology transfer and technical training, it will increase the
effectiveness of the project. Moreover, in a project, everything is important even an
electric wire or screw. Therefore all information required to be shared with each other.
Although it looks too much trouble, it will avoid mismatching technology.
4.5!The systematic solution
Summarizing all solutions above, there are two main solutions to address all issues.
One is set up a department of supervisor, which could make policies to avoid cultural
conflict, estimate ability of each organization and employee, ensure employees’ work
efficiency, support help for employees and understand stakeholder dynamics
condition. The other one is training for all level internal members. The training
includes technology coaching, communication skills, culture knowledge and so on.
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The two solutions are both benefits to the project. Only choosing one of them could
increase project efficiency. Certainly, they can be applied together, which is more
effective to optimize the project.
5 Proposal and project plan
5.1 Vision and Purpose
Airbus a380 is a large and complex project that is related to many countries,
including four countries in project planning and implementation and some other
countries in products purchasing. Meanwhile, it is also a high-tech project that
requires employees having high level technology skills in producing a product.
Therefore, it is a big challenge for the project manager to effectively and efficiently
implement the project in the expectation of all stakeholders and controlling it in the
schedule, while to ensure the quality of the airplane in security and establish good
relations among the cooperators. According to the failure experience of Airbus a380
in the past, there are some problems in terms of interpersonal communication and
leadership of project management, so some strategies should be proposed in this
aspect, in order to reduce the problems being result of chaos and ineffective human
resource management and promote the project success.
Firstly, a new structure of management should be established instead of the old one.
Division of Supervisor system and Project Manager Training system are the two core
departments should be built and added in the project system, which can be looked as
a hub of four countries communication being given a lot of vital functions in project
execution process to help project manager manage the project. Secondly, some
methodologies will be used in feasibility analysis. The methods of SWOT analysis,
stakeholder analysis, motivation, negotiation, team building, communication plan are
in order to give the reasons why the two system could be in operating.
In summary, Division of Supervisor system includes five offices: Supervision Policy
Office, Supervisor Examination Office, Supervisor Consultant Office and Customer
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Office. The staffs of this system are from four countries, including France, Germany,
Spain and the UK, and each office has its special function. The purpose of building
this system is addressing the weakness of the old organization structure. The
functions of Supervision Policy Office are collecting and finding the difference in
policies, laws and market regulations from different countries, then the
representatives from different countries do a negotiation internal to find an outcome
that be accepted by four countries work teams, and make a regulation for all project
team members as a guidance regulating the behavior of employees. Moreover, the
project manager of this office will set up the training plan for employees based on
their results of professional skills’ testing, then the employees need to do the training
to make up for their deficiencies in skills. The functions of Supervisor Examination
Office are in the following. One is to ensure every region being observed the
common policies and rules. One is checking and evaluating the career performance of
employees and collecting the employers’ requirement and feedback, after that making
an examination report to identify the issues and provide possible solutions. The
functions of Supervisor Enforcement are three. They are guiding employees to
complete their work, providing support to employees and appraising the performance
of employees. The purpose of this office is to ensure all the employees completing
their works correctly and effectively. The function of Supervisor Consultant is
providing useful suggestions and advices for all level’s internal project managers and
staffs in the entire project cycle. Meanwhile, the office also provides marketing and
information technology (IT) consultant. The function of Customer Monitoring Office
is identifying the expectations of customers and meeting the satisfaction of them to
develop the customer experience and help improving and perfecting the performance
of products.
The Project Manager Training system exists as a subordinate department of Division
of Supervisor system, which could help giving some supplementary function in
project manager training aspect of the project. Due to the particularity of the new
aircraft project, there should be some different from other or past projects, so this
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system could support the specific training for all levels’ managers, such as project
practitioner, project manager, senior project manager, project director and portfolio
executive. The project manager training is divided in 7 parts, including coaching
training, culture & political training, leadership training, conflict management training,
communication training, decision-making training and trust building training, which
are in different length of class hours. Project managers can be chosen to learn a
different class by their inspection results. This training can reduce the weaknesses of
project management in the A380 project.
Another benefit for establishing these two systems is that can reduce the expense and
the risks for outsourcing in consultation, because the outsourcing company cannot
know the project in detail. All the functions of the two systems could be beneficial
for project success in the final.
The next section also includes some professional analysis throughout some
methodologies and models of leadership. The outcomes of these analyses can be
meaningful information to guide project manager building project teams in correct
way, being corporation with stakeholders to satisfy their demands and avoiding the
potential risk to ensure achieving project success.
5.2 Methodology
In this project plan, implement two methodologies, the division of supervisor and
project manager training, to address the issues in Airbus a380 project and improve
the project rate of success. The first methodology is that provide the division of the
supervisor to address the weaknesses of organizational structure. The organization of
the division of supervisor is based on the review of Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau’s (CFPB) supervision program.
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Figure 1: Division of Supervisor
According to Figure 1, the department of supervisor includes five offices and office
of supervisor examination includes 4 regional offices in France, Germany, Spain and
5. 2.1 Office of Supervision Policy
Responsibility of Office of Supervision Policy is that collects and analysis of the
different policies, regulations and laws for different countries. Make sure the whole
decision in this project considers all laws and avoids potential risks and issues. It also
considers the factors of different markets, regions and cultures. The detail principles
of Office of Supervisor Policy as follows:
•! Collect and analyze the new policies, regulation and laws in different regions
The A380 project is a multi-national program that includes major four countries such
as France, Germany, Spanish and United Kingdom. Each country is in charge of
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different tasks within the project. The initial idea is that utilize the advantages of different
countries to improve the project rate of success. However, due to the different policies
and regulations, four countries utilize two versions of software and it directly leads to the
project delay the schedule and overrun budget. The program of German and Spanish
utilized the CATIA version 4 to continue to design and complete the process of the
project. Meanwhile, British and French updated the CATIA to version 5. Thus, the
supervisor should provide and update the important policy and regulation for the project
manager and ongoing monitor and consider the process of project follows the policy. The
possible policies in Airbus a380 project as follows:
1.! Effective communication with different groups and report the content of meeting
such as agenda and minutes of the meeting.
2.! Unifying the different tools and techniques in different countries, for example, the
different versions of software.
3.! Set up the performance standards of employees to evaluate the contributions of
each member.
•! Set up the training plan for employee
The supervisor should qualify and evaluate the performance of each employee
according to each job role. Analysis and judge the weakness and strengths of
personality to develop an improvement of the performance plan. Set up a suitable
objective and action strategy and schedule to improve work or management skills for
each employee. Moreover, the supervisor should ongoing evaluate the career
performance. Details of project manager plan in the figure 2.
5.2.2 Office of Supervisor Examinations
The office of supervisor examinations divides in four offices in four countries. It
should take responsibility to ensure each region follows the policy and rule. Check
and evaluate the career performance and collect the employer’s requirement and
feedback, rewards or new positions, to project manager.
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Identify the issues or risks in the project and generate the exanimation reports for the
department of supervisor. The details principle of examination as follows:
1.! Set up examination guidance based on the objectives and goals of the project.
2.! Applied the approaches and methodologies of examination.
3.! Set up the content of examination and inform each member among the exam
4.! Review the results of the examination staff and report the strengths and
weaknesses for each.
5.! Provide the training advices for the project manager.
The purpose of the examination is that review the staff performance among the
professional knowledge, technique level and professional ethics. According to the
examination report, identify the issues and provide possible solutions to improve
person’s abilities and the probability of project success.
5.2.3 Office of Supervisor Enforcement
The duty of this office is to ensure all the employees complete their works correctly
and effectively. Thus, the supervisor would provide guidance to employees before
they start working to make sure they have the same goal and direction as an
organization. In the process, employees may have specific problems related to project.
In this case, the supervisor could help them to address the problems based on
professional knowledge and experience. At the end of each project, it is necessary to
evaluate the performance to know everyone’s contribution and drawback. Details of
strategies of enforcing as follows:
1.! Guide employees to complete the work
Before starting to work, all employees need to know organizational polices, project
programs and their responsibilities. Mechanical passing on an order by documents
could not accurately transmit information, because the written documents may create
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ambiguity and cannot ensure communication in time. To overcome the problem, the
supervisors in the office provide face-to-face guidance. They cannot only clearly
explain policies and programs that employees involved in, but also show them their
scope, standard and effective methods of work.
2.! Provide support to employees
No project can be completed without any problems. Problems could happen
anywhere. If nobody to collect these problems and just leave the problems to
employees themselves, then the project will exist many unsolved problems and even
hide problems. The supervisors of this office at the role of collecting problems,
solving problems, and reminding other related employees. They can apply their
knowledge and experience to solve the problems, or brainstorm a relative workable
solution. Their only purpose is to help all employees to complete works with quality
and efficiency.
3.! Appraise performance of employees
Performance appraisal aims to clarify the roles and responsibility of all employees,
which mean evaluating everyone’s contribution to the project. As long as the
contributions are determined, the issues of specific employees and other side issues
will be discovered. And once the issues are found, managers could start with analysis
problems and finding solutions. For the individual issues of employees, the
supervisors could make a plan of training to them. In this way, they will keep an eye
on these issues in future projects, and if similar issues occur, they will learn how to
address them.
5. 2.4 Office of Supervisor Consultant
Office of supervisor consultant provides useful suggestions and advices to internal
project managers or staff to support the continuing of the project. Details of strategies
as follow:
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1.! Offer the strategy consultants to develop and improve the structure of organization
for senior management in the A380 project.
2.! Offer the marketing consultant to address the risks of competition between Airbus
Company and Boeing Company.
3.! Offer the management strategy of human resources to deal with the barriers of
cross-culture. The different cultural background in A380 project leads to the
problems of communication, ineffective people management and the issues of
unifying different deliverables of different project groups.
4.! Offer the information technology (IT) consultant. The most important issue is that
the A380 project uses different versions of software. If the project has IT
consultant, it would effectively avoid this risk or reduce the negative impacts.
The major duty of IT consultant is that provide useful advices of hardware,
software and network.
5.! Advice the plan of development for personal to require higher position and better
development in the company.
6.! Provide ongoing consultant, coaching and guidance for staff.
The purpose of office of supervisor consultant is that improves the quality of the
project and addresses the potential risks in the process of project. Moreover, provide
the ongoing consultant for the project manager during the process
of project.
Meanwhile, the staff could require a path to improve the personal ability to acquire
the higher position.
5.2.5 Office of Customer Monitoring
The purpose of office of customer monitoring is that identify the expectations of
customer and meet the customer satisfaction to develop the customer experience. The
major methodology is that generate the survey to require the feedback of customer.
Evaluate and analyze the feedback of customer to understand the demands of
! 19
customer and develop the improvement of the project. Report the customer analysis
to project manager and present the advantages and disadvantages of reporting.
Improve the quality of each deliverable to satisfy the expectations of the customer.
The detail principles of customer survey as follows:
1.! Offer the customer satisfaction survey or customer non-satisfaction survey.
Sometimes, the customer perhaps does not clearly understand the requirements
or demands of the product. Thus, the project manager could identify what kind
of factors customer does not like. It also could help or inspire the project
manager to identify the expectations of the customer.
2.! Questions of customer survey should be quite an easy answer. Multiple choices
are a good way and it easy to quantitative analysis for project manager.
3.! Regular and ongoing customer survey. Ongoing survey may have benefits to build
well relationship between manufacturer and customer.
In the figure 2, show the structure or organization of project manager training. The
purpose of training is that reduce the weaknesses of project management in the A380
project. Project manager training divides 7 parts, coaching training, culture &
political training, leadership training, conflict management training, communication
training, decision-making training and trust building training. Seven parts of project
manager training are based on the interpersonal skills in PMBOK. The appropriate
utilize of interpersonal skills supports the managing of the project to improve the
quality of project (PMBOK, 2013). The assumption of project manager training plan
as follows:
1.! Coaching training focus on the project practitioner and project manager who is the
low-level in the organization of management. Thus, provide the longest time to
training and the content of training pay more attention on the basic management
! 20
2.! The objective of cultural and political training is portfolio executive and project
director who is the high-level in the project. It assumed that the problem of cross-
culture and politics has high probability appear in the high-level cooperation.
Thus, provide 100 hours to address these possible problems in the project.
3.! Assumed the high-level has strong leadership skills, and training have low effects
to support them. Thus, the objective of leadership training is senior project
manager and other low-level manager.
4.! It assumed that the conflict management more effective in the high-level project
manager. Due to the strong power and authority of high-level project manager. It
easily influences the process of the project.
5.! Assumed the communication, decision-making and trust building training more
important to high-level project manager.
Figure 2: Project Manager Training
! 21
The managerial level of Figure 2 divides five different grades, project practitioner, project manager, senior project manager, project director
and portfolio executive, is based on the roles of the Australian Institute of Project Management. The time line of training major considers the
available time of different level project manager. The details of the time as follow:
Training Content
Before the project start
The process of project
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5
Coaching Training
Culture & Political Training 2.5 week
Leadership Training
Conflict Management Training 40 hours
Communication Training 15 hours 5 hours
Decision-making Training 15 hours 5 hours
Trust Building Training 30 hours
Table 1: The high-level Gantt chart of project manager training
! 22
According to Table 1, the schedule plan of project manager plan divides two parts
that before the project start and the process of the project. The assumptions of high-
level Gantt chart as follows:
1.! The duration of working is 8 hours per day and having 5 working days per week.
Do not consider the public holiday in this Gantt chart.
2.! Consider the objective of training is high-level manager, the office of supervisor
choice online course to ensure staff have available schedule continuing.
3.! Conflict management training and trust building training have a high probability
to appear in the process of project. Provide more training hours during the process
of project.
4.! Training in the process of project pay more attention to address the potential risks
and provide the details of the project management plan for project manage
! 23
5.3 Stakeholder Management
5.3.1 Stakeholder Identification
According to the Figure 1, it indicates the structure of mainly stakeholders.
Figure 1: Stakeholder Identification
! 24
5.3.2 Stakeholder Analysis
The major function of stakeholder analysis is that enhance the probability of project
success dependS on the identification of stakeholders’ interest, expectation and
influence (PMBOK, 2013). Due to the analysis of different stakeholders, provide
adopted options or processes to satisfy the different demands of each stakeholder.
Figure 1: Power/Interest Gide with Stakeholder
According to the Figure 1, the users and airport authorities would not influence the
process of the project due to the low power and interest. For the government
regulatory bodies, they have high power but low interest. Thus, the project manager
should satisfy the demands of those stakeholders. However, some groups have high
interest and low power such as supplier, employee and airline companies and they are
the divers of the project. Thus, keep informing for those groups. The board of
directors and higher managers has high power and high interest and they would
change the process of the project. Satisfy the demands of those groups first.
! 25
The purpose of stakeholder engagement plan is that communication and corporate with stakeholders to satisfy the demands and avoid the
potential risk to ensure the project achieves success (PMBOK, 2013).
Project manager utilizes the effective communication and negotiation with stakeholders to require the support from them and reduce the
resistance (PMBOK, 2013). Therefore, analysis and conclude the stakeholder engagement plan to provide possible strategies to address the
project issues.
No Stakeholder Roles Interest Power Strategy Engagement Plan
1 Government Regulatory Setting up the regulations and laws. Low High Keep Satisfy Keep satisfied. Provide the
Bodies Create the flight quality standards detail project plan and meet
and certificate the each test to ensure the requirement of
the deliverables of project safety. Government Regulatory
Bodies to acquire approvals.
! 26
2 Users Provide a feedback of airport to Low Low Monitor Keep informed. Satisfy the
evaluate the performance and make key requirements of users or
some recommendations. customers and create
innovations and interest
points of products to
develop users’ interest.
3 Airport Authorities Authorize the licenses of Low Low Monitor Keep informed. Hold a
manufacturers according to the meeting constantly to seek
process of project. supports.
4 Board of Directors The major decision maker in this High High Manage Closely Create project charts,
project cause of high interests and deliverables, milestones and
power. Make important decisions on deadline of project.
the project, and affect the direction Delivery the tasks,
of the project. resources and funds to each
programmers and engage
! 27
the regular meetings to
promote, control and
monitor the process of
5 Higher Management Level Key divers to promote the High High Manage Closely Conduct regular meeting
development of each project. with team members.
Delivery the tasks and assignments Motivate individuals to
to each membership. Monitor and ensure the quality of project
control the process of project within with a high level.
budget and in schedule.
6 Suppliers The key partners of project supplies High Low Keep Informed Provide the relevant
necessary resources to meet the information to share with
standards of project design and suppliers to require
product. feedbacks to promote the
development of project.
! 28
Conduct regular meeting.
7 Employee Execute the details of project tasks High Low Keep Informed Provide training to ensure
and the major productivities on the individual dose a competent
project. job. Impose motivation and
conduct regular meeting to
make sure the each
deliverables attain per
targets. Collect the project
update timely.
8 Airline Companies The most important clients on this High Low Keep Informed Conduct regular meetings to
project. Advance the requirements of understand the requirements
project. or change requirements of
project. Share the
information of project
situation to acquire the
! 29
feedback of Airline
9 Shareholder Invest in this project to require the High Low Keep Informed Conduct meeting to report
profits. the financial situation, the
investment of company and
business reports.
Table 2: The Stakeholder Analysis
5.4 Communication Plan
The purpose of stakeholder communication table is that discusses with different levels of stakeholders and requires the feedback of each group.
Modify the part contents or structures of supervisor department according to the feedback to require major stakeholder support. Informed low
power or low interest stakeholder and improve the relationship with them.
Stakeholders Communication Table
Communication Target Audience Purpose Owner Communication Medium Frequency
! 30
Type Deliverable
Kick-off meeting Board of Directors, Introduce the Project manager Agenda, Meeting Face to face Once a month
Higher management purpose; duty and minutes and report.
level, Shareholder work flow of office
of supervisor to
require the supports
of stakeholder.
Require the budget
support of the board
of directors.
Regular meeting Government Informed the general Supervisor manager Agenda, Meeting Face to face Once a month
Regulatory Bodies contents of the minutes, feedback
project plan for and report.
government and
build a good
! 31
relationship between
government and
Client meeting Users, Airport Informed the details Supervisor manager Agenda, Meeting Face to face Once a month
Authorities, Higher of the supervisor minutes, feedback
project manager structure and require and report.
the feedback of the
Procurement meeting Higher management, Informed the duty Supervisor manager Agenda, Meeting Face to face Once a month
suppliers and responsible and minutes, feedback
require the feedback. and report.
Internal Employees, Higher Informed the details Supervisor manager Agenda, Meeting Face to face Once a month
announcement project manager of supervisor minutes, feedback
! 32
meeting department for and report.
Table 3: Stakeholder Communication Table
! 33
5.5 SWOT Analysis of the Project Plan
The definition of SWOT analysis is that it is a planning and evaluation technique,
which has four factors such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Hill
& Westbrook, 1997). The purpose of SWOT analysis is that the decision maker could
clearly understand the whole aspects of the project and make reasonable options to
achieve the objectives of the project (Hill & Westbrook, 1997).
! 34
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