Week3Discussion1 x
This is based on previous path 2 assignments
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Week 3 Discussion 1
Outline or Project Feedback
While everyone has their own process for writing, creating an outline is often an important early step in the process for all types of writing, even for the most seasoned writers. By creating an outline, you draft a plan that organizes your thoughts, helps you see gaps in your thought process, and enables you to decide where in your paper you will address particular issues.
An annotated outline is a document that organizes the main sections to be included in your paper. The annotations are based on thinking through your approach to the paper and developing enough detail that anyone who reads the outline can follow your thought process.
This discussion is an optional place where you can post your outline for your project paper (whether individual or team), and get feedback from the instructor on your organization, flow, and planned content. Both initial posts and replies to classmates are completely optional. Use this space if you would like input and feedback from your instructor or peers. You can use this space to:
· Get feedback on your planned outline.
· Ask for feedback on a specific part of your project.
· Ask a detailed question that you feel is beyond “Ask Your Instructor.”
· Ask questions about team work or your Riipen project.