20171101214622toulminian_analysis_paper-1 x
The work is to select one article from the readings and to write a Toulminian analysis explaining how that article goes about making an argument. Your paper must
Laurie G. Kirszner, Stephen R. Mandell Practica…
include at least three basic Toulminian terms: main claim, reason, and support. It should also include at least one other term and show how it relates to the overall argument. Please view the attachment for more details.1000 word plus one separate page for work cited(MLA).Here are the pages for the articles. You have to choose one of them.P.37-46, P.531-538, P.583-585, from the practical argument text book third edition ”A text and anthology for montgomery college”.
EN102; 20620
Ethan Goffman
Toulminian Analysis
You are to select one article from our readings and write a Toulminian analysis explaining how that article goes about making an argument. Your paper must include at least three basic Toulminian terms: main claim, reason, and support. It should also include at least one other term and show how it relates to the overall argument. To reiterate, the Toulminian terms are as follows:
· Claim + Reason
· Grounds (support)
· Warrant (may be implied)
· Backing
· Rebuttal/Refutation
· Qualifiers
Two methods to proceed with this paper are as follows:
· A straightforward Toulminian analysis that discusses the main claim and reason as well as the rebuttal/refutation (and possibly qualifiers).
· An audience-based Toulminian analysis that discusses the warrant (and possibly the backing).
Sticking to just one of these methods will help your paper maintain focus.
As always, your paper will need to be well organized, with an introductory paragraph, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. Your introduction should explain the main claim and reason and should also discuss how the author is arguing. For instance, if the article begins with a summary of the other side and then goes into a refutation, discuss why the author chose to do so. If the main claim is never explicitly stated, discuss why. If the author uses backing heavily—that is, reminds the reader of underlying principles—explain why. In other words, beyond merely explaining what the article does, explain why it uses that particular strategy.
The paper must include a title and be in MLA format.
Due Date:
At least 1000 words
12% of final grade