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In this assignment, you are asked to write a short, coherent, evidence-based, and well-argued persuasive academic essay on a creative work of interest to you. This work is about the film “The Legend of 1900”. Find some narrow aspect of the creative work that you find particularly problematic, contradictory, or unexpectedly complex, and offer a reading of that detail that is different than how others have read it in the past, or how someone might likely read it. Your re-interpretation of that detail of your chosen creative work—based on evidence from the work itself, and maybe even evidence from some secondary materials you researched—should change or complexify how your reader understands that work in some way, or offer them a new alternative way of understanding it.
In this assignment, you are asked to write a short, coherent, evidence-based, and well-argued persuasive academic essay on a creative work of interest to you. This work is about the film “The Legend of 1900”. Find some narrow aspect of the creative work that you find particularly problematic, contradictory, or unexpectedly complex, and offer a reading of that detail that is different than how others have read it in the past, or how someone might likely read it. Your re-interpretation of that detail of your chosen creative work—based on evidence from the work itself, and maybe even evidence from some secondary materials you researched—should change or complexify how your reader understands that work in some way, or offer them a new alternative way of understanding it.
Your essay must include the following:
Length: 750-1000 words.
Structure: Your essay must follow a three-part structure which includes a thesis paragraph, linked body paragraphs, and a conclusion:
· A thesis paragraph that clarifies your thesis and indicate how you will develop your essay;
· Structured body paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs) that present concrete evidence that support your thesis;
· A conclusion that summarizes your argument, how you proved it, and points to the wider implications of your findings (the “super so-what” factor).
Format and layout: Use MLA style formatting—typewritten using a 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins throughout. All pages should be double-spaced (including the Works Cited).
Style: Writing is clear and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure.
Mechanics: Sentence structure contains no errors; punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct; thesis paragraph, body paragraphs, conclusion, and the essay as a whole are structured correctly and employ appropriate transitions and signposting.