Assignment2 Assignment1 April_Lectures_TaxationandZakat.pptxApril19_Lectures_TaxationandZakat1.pptxApril19_Lectures_TaxationandZakat.pptxApril14_Lectures_TaxationandZakat2.pptx220302020_Lectures_TaxationandZakat.pptx17032020_Lectures_TaxationandZakat4.pptx08032020_Lectures_TaxationandZakat2.pptx28022020_Lectures_TaxationandZakat11.pptx
The course is taxation
Sharjah University
Taxation and Zakat
Midterm exam – assignment 2
Assignment: 2
Total marks: 25
Due date: 7 May 2020
Task 1 (marks 15)
A Japanese company (“Jap Co”) is intending to start up a new business in the UAE with the name of “Jap
NewCo” and wants to avail the benefits of customs duty exemption under the Greater Arab Free Trade
Area (“GAFTA”) based on its supply chain model. It has provided following two model options for your
Model 1
► Under this transaction model, Jap NewCo will be established in mainland UAE as a ‘Branch’ of Jap
Co. Subject to permissibility, Jap NewCo will obtain a trading license from the Department of
Economic Development in Dubai (“DED”).
Model 2
► Under this transaction model, Jap NewCo will be established in one of the UAE Free Zones as a
‘branch’ or ‘wholly owned subsidiary’ of Jap Co. Jap NewCo will obtain a trading license from the
respective Free Zone Authority.
KSACo Manufacturer of steel products based in
Jap new proposed entity in mainland
UAE for undertaking intermediary trade
Customer/importer in Jordan
Sharjah University
Taxation and Zakat
Midterm exam – assignment 2
KSACo Manufacturer of steel products based in KSA
Jap NewCo Jap new proposed entity in the UAE Free
Zone for undertaking intermediary trade
Jordan Co Customer/importer in Jordan
Please analyze both models from the UAE customs perspective and suggest Jap Co which model is
feasible for them and why? Please use the PPT for providing your comments and suggestions.
Task 2 (marks 10)
A company dealing in consumable products is established in Oman and wants to import goods into the
UAE which are excisable from the UAE excise tax standpoint. It is currently looking for different options
to set up a business/register it in the UAE mainland area or free zone area. Please briefly explain what is
the process to register a company from an excise tax standpoint in the UAE and which area (free zone vs
mainland) is feasible for them. Also, they want to defer the payment of excise tax and store the goods
into a warehouse. What should they do in order to avail this option?
Hint: please note that all the UAE free zones (from customs perspective) are not designated zones from
the UAE excise tax perspective. You can use Word doc in order to respond your questions
Taxation and Zakat
Midterm exam – assignment 1
Assignment: 1
Total marks: 25
Due date: 7 May 2020
Task 1 (marks 15)
We have discussed free zone and mainland concepts during our lectures. Among others we referred Jebel
Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA) for many examples. A similar kind of free zone is available in Fujairah and you
have been approached by ABC to help them from the UAE customs perspective.
ABC Trading Company (“ABC”) is a 100% subsidiary of a Saudi based company which trades refined, liquid
chemical and polymer products. ABC has a branch in Fujairah Free Zone (“FFZ”) in UAE with a commercial
license since 2015. The branch is an entity with no employees or an actual office. ABC is engaged with a
third-party storage provider, to store its hydrocarbon products which are imported and exported out of
the FFZ. Some blending activities are taking place in storage. ABC is currently analyzing its global
operations and is considering several options to set up an overseas office. One of these options is to set
up a separate legal entity in the FFZ with an office and its own employees. The FFZ is located in the
northern Emirate of Fujairah adjacent to the port of Fujairah and is administered by FFZ Authority. The
new legal entity in the FFZ will manage the storage of hydrocarbon products and arrange for ship-to-ship
transfers globally. ABC has requested you to prepare a high-level set of slides outlining the benefits and
implications of operating in a free zone from a customs duty perspective.
Please consider the following points whilst preparing the slides (PPT):
► Customs registrations requirements to operate in the FFZ
► Import of goods into the FFZ from outside of the GCC (“Rest of the World” or “RoW”)
► Import of goods into the FFZ from other GCC Countries
► Import of goods into the FFZ from the Mainland UAE area
► Export of goods from the FFZ to outside of the GCC (RoW)
► Export of goods from the FFZ to other GCC countries
► Export of goods from the FFZ to the Mainland UAE area
► Transfer of goods from the FFZ to other free zones in the UAE
► Transfer of goods within the FFZ to companies in the FFZ
► Purchase of services from outside of the GCC (RoW), within GCC, from the UAE Mainland area, and
from within the FFZ
Task 2 (marks 10)
XYZ is a global leader in international engineering and services business dealing in manufacturing of
elevators. XYZ HQ exports electronics goods and parts thereof to XYZ UAE, which are classified under
specific HS tariff code. XYZ UAE operates under a valid trade license. The commercial register of XYZ UAE
covers only two HS codes:
Sharjah University
Taxation and Zakat
Midterm exam – assignment 1
Heading 8428 of the UAE tariff – for elevators
Heading 843131 of the UAE tariff – for elevators parts
The spare parts portfolio of XYZ UAE covers various types of products and therefore are classified in
different HS tariff codes, apart from the HS tariff codes 8428 and 843131. Based on the WCO HS rules,
various elevators parts, even if manufactured solely or principally for the elevators are not classified under
the HS code 843131. XYZ HQ found that commercial register of XYZ UAE covers only aforementioned HS
codes and therefore, they asked XYZ UAE to manually modify the documentation, which consequently
may impact the customs duty percentage. XYZ UAE refused to make any changes to their existing process
and emphasized to classify the goods according to already practiced two HS codes.
Please analyze the above situation and convince XYZ UAE for the significance of using correct HS code
from a future perspective whilst highlighting any risks arising from incorrect tariff classification of goods
from the UAE customs standpoint. Please use PPT or Word doc for answering this question.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
07 April 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
07 April 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
07 April 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
07 April 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
07 April 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
07 April 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
07 April 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
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Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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07 April 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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07 April 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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07 April 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Excise tax
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07 April 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
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Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
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Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
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07 April 2020
Page 114
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax
VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.
VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.
VAT was introduced in the UAE on 1 January 2018. The rate of VAT is 5 per cent. VAT will provide the UAE with a new source of income which will be continued to be utilized to provide high-quality public services. It will also help government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Relevant Law
UAE Cabinet issued Decree No. (52) of the year 2017 concerning the executive regulation of the Federal Law No. 8 of 2017 on value added tax, which outlines supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component and exemption related to legal supply. The regulation also defines the mandatory, optional tax registration or that liable to exceptions, tax group, as well as deregistration.
The regulations set out the rules with regards to supplies, taxes due on the date of purchase and the place of supply of goods such as real estate services, transport services, telecommunications services and electronic services, as well as profit margins and calculating and charging tax based on the profit margin earned. The executive regulations shall specify the exempted supplies, tax treatment of financial services, calculation of tax on specific supplies, calculation of income tax payable, the non-refundable input tax and the method of dividing input tax.
The law also summarizes the capital assets scheme, adjustment of tax after the supply date, tax invoice, tax credit notes, tax period, tax returns and reclaiming of tax as well as carrying forward the excess of recoverable tax and tax recovery. The law also stipulates the provisions of tax recovery, violations and penalties, tax evasion in addition to general provisions and closing provision. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of January, 1st 2018.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
Output VAT is the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers. When your business is registered for VAT, you need to add VAT to each VAT-able item on each of your sales invoices.
VAT on sales between businesses must be specified in a sales document which is a business document that relate to sales of goods and services. They consist of invoices, notes, bills and receipts issued by the seller, as well as contract notes and settlement notes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax – Example
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
During a VAT period, Shop A (which is registered in the VAT Register) purchases goods for AED 62,000 including VAT (5% Rate)
The input VAT is AED 3,100.
During the same period, the business sells goods for AED150,000 excl. VAT as they are not registered.
The output VAT is AED 7,500
In the VAT settlement, you deduct output VAT from input VAT which comes to AED 4,400.
The resulting amount must be reported to your regional tax office.
If your purchases exceed your sales in any one period, the difference will be negative, and the difference will naturally be refunded.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
07 April 2020
Page 120
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Should business be registered for VAT?
If your taxable turnover – the value of the goods and services that you supply and any imports, but excluding any exempt supplies (e.g. certain financial services and life insurance, some property transactions and local passenger transport) – exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12 month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days, you are required to register for VAT.
If your taxable turnover, or expenses which you incur that are subject to VAT, is less than AED 375,000, but more than AED 187,500, you can register for VAT voluntarily.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Related businesses that share economic, financial and regulatory ties (either in law, shareholding or voting rights) may be able to register as a tax group, if they have an establishment in the UAE and are legal persons under common control. Transactions between the group members are disregarded and one member of the group, called a ‘representative member’, will file a consolidated VAT return covering the activities of the group. Furthermore, all supplies made or received by any of the tax group member will be treated as made by the representative member of the group – although all members of the group will remain jointly and severally liable for VAT debts.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Can business form a tax group for VAT?
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Registration for VAT, filing tax returns and payment
The VAT registration form and tax group registration form are available via the online portal on the FTA website.
Businesses will normally be allocated a quarterly or monthly tax period according to your annual turnover, but the FTA may allow a shorter or longer tax period if it considers that to be appropriate. Businesses will be required to file the tax return for each tax period by the 28th day of the month following the end of it (or on the next working day if the normal due date falls on a national holiday or weekend). Tax returns will be filed electronically through the FTA portal. On each return, you will need to show:
• The value of standard-rated supplies made in the tax period and the output tax charged, per Emirate.
• The value of zero-rated supplies made in the tax period.
• The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period.
There are a number of payment mechanisms that are available to make a payment of any tax to the FTA, via e-Dirham. If you do not have an e-Dirham account please apply for one as early as possible. More information is available on the e-Dirham website.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In addition, you will need to keep a VAT record or account which shows:
output tax due on taxable supplies
output tax due on taxable supplies accounted for via the reverse charge mechanism;
output tax due after the correction any errors or adjustments;
input tax recoverable on supplies or imports; and
input tax recoverable after the correction of any errors or adjustments
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Record keeping
Records need to be kept for at least 5 years. You will have to keep:
records of all supplies and imports of goods and services;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents received;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents issued;
records of goods and services that have been disposed of or used for matters not related to the business, detailing the VAT paid on those goods and services;
records of goods and services purchased for which the input tax was not deducted;
records of exported goods and services; and
records of adjustments or corrections made to accounts or tax invoices
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Moreover, like all businesses, you will have to keep accounting records and documents that relate to your business activities. Such records and documents, include:
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;
records of wages and salaries;
records of fixed assets;
inventory records and statements (including quantities and values) at the end of any relevant tax period and all records of stock-counts related to inventory statements.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do suppliers of zero-rated and exempt supplies charge VAT?
Suppliers do not charge tax on a zero-rated or exempt supply.
What is zero rate?
If you make supplies at the zero rate, this means that the goods are still VAT taxable but the rate of VAT is 0%. You will need to record any zero-rated supplies in your VAT account and report them on your tax return.
If I make zero-rated supplies, do I need to register?
Aa supplier, you must register for VAT if your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated
supplies) exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12-month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated supplies) to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do I need to file returns if I only supply zero-rated supplies?
If you do not qualify for an exception from registration, then you must file tax returns with the FTA. You will also be entitled to recover input tax incurred on business purchases subject to the normal conditions.
What are zero-rated supplies?
Supplies subject to the zero rate are listed in Article 45 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
However, you can ask for an exception from registration if, and only if, you do not make any other supplies which are taxable at the standard rate of 5%. If exception from registration is granted, then you will not submit regular tax returns and you will not be able to recover input tax incurred.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Who are suppliers of zero-rated supplies?
Registrants who could be suppliers of zero-rated services and goods include exporters, real estate developers, airlines, schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exports of goods and services.
International transport of goods and passengers.
Certain means of transport, such as trains, trams, vessels, airplanes.
First sale/rent of residential buildings.
Aircraft or vessels designated for rescue and assistance by air or sea.
Certain investment precious metals.
Certain healthcare services and related goods and services.
Certain educational services and related goods and services.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
22 April 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
22 April 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
22 April 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 April 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 April 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 April 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
22 April 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
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22 April 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 April 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 April 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
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22 April 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
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Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
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Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
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Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
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Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 April 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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22 April 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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22 April 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Excise tax
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22 April 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
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Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
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Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 114
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax
VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.
VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.
VAT was introduced in the UAE on 1 January 2018. The rate of VAT is 5 per cent. VAT will provide the UAE with a new source of income which will be continued to be utilized to provide high-quality public services. It will also help government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Relevant Law
UAE Cabinet issued Decree No. (52) of the year 2017 concerning the executive regulation of the Federal Law No. 8 of 2017 on value added tax, which outlines supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component and exemption related to legal supply. The regulation also defines the mandatory, optional tax registration or that liable to exceptions, tax group, as well as deregistration.
The regulations set out the rules with regards to supplies, taxes due on the date of purchase and the place of supply of goods such as real estate services, transport services, telecommunications services and electronic services, as well as profit margins and calculating and charging tax based on the profit margin earned. The executive regulations shall specify the exempted supplies, tax treatment of financial services, calculation of tax on specific supplies, calculation of income tax payable, the non-refundable input tax and the method of dividing input tax.
The law also summarizes the capital assets scheme, adjustment of tax after the supply date, tax invoice, tax credit notes, tax period, tax returns and reclaiming of tax as well as carrying forward the excess of recoverable tax and tax recovery. The law also stipulates the provisions of tax recovery, violations and penalties, tax evasion in addition to general provisions and closing provision. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of January, 1st 2018.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
Output VAT is the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers. When your business is registered for VAT, you need to add VAT to each VAT-able item on each of your sales invoices.
VAT on sales between businesses must be specified in a sales document which is a business document that relate to sales of goods and services. They consist of invoices, notes, bills and receipts issued by the seller, as well as contract notes and settlement notes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax – Example
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
During a VAT period, Shop A (which is registered in the VAT Register) purchases goods for AED 62,000 including VAT (5% Rate)
The input VAT is AED 3,100.
During the same period, the business sells goods for AED150,000 excl. VAT as they are not registered.
The output VAT is AED 7,500
In the VAT settlement, you deduct output VAT from input VAT which comes to AED 4,400.
The resulting amount must be reported to your regional tax office.
If your purchases exceed your sales in any one period, the difference will be negative, and the difference will naturally be refunded.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 120
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Should business be registered for VAT?
If your taxable turnover – the value of the goods and services that you supply and any imports, but excluding any exempt supplies (e.g. certain financial services and life insurance, some property transactions and local passenger transport) – exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12 month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days, you are required to register for VAT.
If your taxable turnover, or expenses which you incur that are subject to VAT, is less than AED 375,000, but more than AED 187,500, you can register for VAT voluntarily.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Related businesses that share economic, financial and regulatory ties (either in law, shareholding or voting rights) may be able to register as a tax group, if they have an establishment in the UAE and are legal persons under common control. Transactions between the group members are disregarded and one member of the group, called a ‘representative member’, will file a consolidated VAT return covering the activities of the group. Furthermore, all supplies made or received by any of the tax group member will be treated as made by the representative member of the group – although all members of the group will remain jointly and severally liable for VAT debts.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Can business form a tax group for VAT?
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Registration for VAT, filing tax returns and payment
The VAT registration form and tax group registration form are available via the online portal on the FTA website.
Businesses will normally be allocated a quarterly or monthly tax period according to your annual turnover, but the FTA may allow a shorter or longer tax period if it considers that to be appropriate. Businesses will be required to file the tax return for each tax period by the 28th day of the month following the end of it (or on the next working day if the normal due date falls on a national holiday or weekend). Tax returns will be filed electronically through the FTA portal. On each return, you will need to show:
• The value of standard-rated supplies made in the tax period and the output tax charged, per Emirate.
• The value of zero-rated supplies made in the tax period.
• The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period.
There are a number of payment mechanisms that are available to make a payment of any tax to the FTA, via e-Dirham. If you do not have an e-Dirham account please apply for one as early as possible. More information is available on the e-Dirham website.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In addition, you will need to keep a VAT record or account which shows:
output tax due on taxable supplies
output tax due on taxable supplies accounted for via the reverse charge mechanism;
output tax due after the correction any errors or adjustments;
input tax recoverable on supplies or imports; and
input tax recoverable after the correction of any errors or adjustments
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Record keeping
Records need to be kept for at least 5 years. You will have to keep:
records of all supplies and imports of goods and services;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents received;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents issued;
records of goods and services that have been disposed of or used for matters not related to the business, detailing the VAT paid on those goods and services;
records of goods and services purchased for which the input tax was not deducted;
records of exported goods and services; and
records of adjustments or corrections made to accounts or tax invoices
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Moreover, like all businesses, you will have to keep accounting records and documents that relate to your business activities. Such records and documents, include:
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;
records of wages and salaries;
records of fixed assets;
inventory records and statements (including quantities and values) at the end of any relevant tax period and all records of stock-counts related to inventory statements.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do suppliers of zero-rated and exempt supplies charge VAT?
Suppliers do not charge tax on a zero-rated or exempt supply.
What is zero rate?
If you make supplies at the zero rate, this means that the goods are still VAT taxable but the rate of VAT is 0%. You will need to record any zero-rated supplies in your VAT account and report them on your tax return.
If I make zero-rated supplies, do I need to register?
Aa supplier, you must register for VAT if your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated
supplies) exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12-month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated supplies) to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do I need to file returns if I only supply zero-rated supplies?
If you do not qualify for an exception from registration, then you must file tax returns with the FTA. You will also be entitled to recover input tax incurred on business purchases subject to the normal conditions.
What are zero-rated supplies?
Supplies subject to the zero rate are listed in Article 45 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
However, you can ask for an exception from registration if, and only if, you do not make any other supplies which are taxable at the standard rate of 5%. If exception from registration is granted, then you will not submit regular tax returns and you will not be able to recover input tax incurred.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Who are suppliers of zero-rated supplies?
Registrants who could be suppliers of zero-rated services and goods include exporters, real estate developers, airlines, schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exports of goods and services.
International transport of goods and passengers.
Certain means of transport, such as trains, trams, vessels, airplanes.
First sale/rent of residential buildings.
Aircraft or vessels designated for rescue and assistance by air or sea.
Certain investment precious metals.
Certain healthcare services and related goods and services.
Certain educational services and related goods and services.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
If the business makes exempt supplies, does it need to register?
If all the supplies business make are exempt, it does not have to register
for VAT. In such a case, it cannot recover tax incurred on business
purchases. Examples of such would be owners of property who rent their
properties for residential purposes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exempt supplies are listed in Article 46 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of
2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
• Financial services including life insurance and reinsurance of life insurance as well as financial services that are not conducted for an explicit fee, discount, commission, rebate or similar type of consideration.
• Residential buildings, other than the residential buildings which are specifically zero-rated.
• Local passenger transport.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Reverse charge mechanism
What is Reverse charge mechanism?
It is a mechanism by which the taxable customer is obligated to pay the tax due on behalf of the supplier and is liable for all obligations provided for in the Agreement and the Local Law”. The Reverse charge mechanism is a concept applicable, but not limited, to the following cases:
Receipt of goods or services from a person residing in another state or outside the GCC
Importation of goods into a member state
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
The customer procure services from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will self-account for VAT under the reverse charge
Output tax = 5% of US$100,000 = US$5,000
Input tax = US$5,000 (subject to the VAT recovery rules)
VAT return
Output VAT 5,0001
Purchases (net) 100,000
Input VAT 5,0002
Net VAT payable –
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charges VAT
The customer self account for 5% VAT (reverse charge) and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
1 The output VAT required to be disclosed in customer’s VAT return in respect to this transaction
2 The input VAT can be recovered according to the normal recovery rules
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
Import of goods from outside UAE
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charge VAT
The customer will pay import VAT and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
The customer purchases goods from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will pay import VAT at customs
The value of imported goods shall be their customs value determined in accordance with the Customs Law, plus excise tax, customs duty and any other charges, excluding VAT
Assume: Customs Value is AED 100,000 and excise tax and other charges do not apply, then:
Customs Duty payable = 5% of AED 100,000 = AED 5,000
Import VAT = 5% of AED 105,000 = AED 5,250
Import VAT can be recovered on the customer’s VAT return (subject to the normal VAT recovery rules)
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Time of supply
Basic tax point
What is a tax point?
It is the time of supply for VAT purposes:
It determines when output tax is liable
It determines when input tax is recoverable
It is used in calculating penalties and interest by the Tax Authorities
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Performance Based
Where services are provided
Date on which services are provided to the recipient
Date on which supplier issues a tax invoice
Date on which supplier receives payment with respect to supply
Date on which performance is completed
Time of Supply for Services
Time of Supply is earlier of the following
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Go live date
Contract signed
Tax point – VAT is due
Time of supply – illustration
Basic rules
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Time of supply
Continuous supply
Transactions that result in issuance of invoices or related payments in a successive manner
Time of supply shall be considered earlier of the following events:
Date of invoice
Date of Payment receipt
12 months from completion of service
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tax point
tax point
tax point
Receipt of payment in advance
A date no later than 12 months after the date of the provision of goods/ services.
Date of issuance of tax invoice; or
Due date of payment as stated on tax invoice
Time of Supply – Continuous Supply
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Time of supply – illustration
Continuous supply
Contract signed
Bill issued for Q1
Tax point 1
Payment is made for Q2
Tax point 2
Payment is made for Q1
Bill issued for Q2
Go live date
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Place of Supply for Goods
Place of supply is the place where the supply is considered to have taken place. The place of supply determines whether tax is applicable on the supply or not.
Supply of goods can be divided into 3 categories for determining the place of supply:
Domestic supplies
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Place of Supply for Goods
Domestic supplies
The place of supply of domestic supplies, i.e. goods which are supplied to a recipient within UAE, will be UAE. Hence, UAE VAT will be applicable on the supply.
Delta & Co, a registered dealer in Dubai supplies 100 monitors @ AED 500 to a registered dealer, Hakim Electronics, in Sharjah.
Here, since the recipient is located in UAE, the place of supply is UAE. Under UAE VAT, this is a taxable supply, attracting levy of 5% VAT. Hence, UAE VAT @ 5% should be levied on the supply.
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Place of Supply for Goods
When goods are imported into UAE from a place outside the UAE, the place of supply will be UAE. Hence, UAE VAT will be applicable on the supply.
Delta & Co, a registered dealer in Dubai, purchases 50 mobile phones @ AED 1,500 from Xing & Co, a firm in China.
Here, Delta & Co import goods into UAE from China. The place of supply will be UAE and UAE VAT is applicable on the supply. Delta & Co has to pay VAT @ 5% on reverse charge basis on the import. Hence, place of supply is an important factor for determining the tax to be levied on a supply
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Place of Supply for Goods
The place of supply in case of exports can be divided into 2 categories:
Exports outside the GCC
Exports to GCC member States
The export invoices would be zero rates regardless of place of supply of goods.
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Supply without import or export
Place of supply is the UAE
Export of goods outside the UAE/ GCC
Place of supply is the UAE
Intra- GCC movement to unregistered customers in another implementing state
Place of supply is the UAE
Intra-GCC movement to registered customers in another implementing state
Place where the goods are finally sent
Place of Supply for Goods
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Real Estate & Real Estate related service
Educational /Sporting/ Training services
Location of Immovable property
Place of performance
Services received from non-resident service providers
Goods transport
Passenger transport
Telecommunication & Electronic Services
Place where the transportation started
Place where the transportation started
Place of Actual Use
Restaurant/ Hotel Services
Lease of a means of transport
Place of performance
Place where the means of transport was made available
Services not covered specifically
Suppliers place of residence
Place of residence of the recipient
Services to registered customers in another implementing state
Customer’s place of residence
Place of Supply for Services
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Where the entire consideration is monetary, value of supply equals consideration less tax
Where the consideration is part monetary, value of supply equals monetary part of the consideration in addition to the market value of the non-monetary part of the consideration
Value of Supply
General Cases
Value of imported goods equals the customs value in addition to custom duty and excise
Value of imported services equals the market value of the services received
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Value of supply is consideration received less tax
Value of supply is market value, if value of the supply is less than market value and the recipient is not entitled to fully recover the VAT that would have been charged on such supplies
Value of Supply
Value of Supply for Related Parties
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Inputs include:
Goods or services acquired domestically
Goods or services acquired from within the GCC
Goods or services imported from outside the GCC
Input tax paid on procurements in relation to zero rated supplies/ out of scope supplies – available
Input tax paid on procurements in relation to exempted supplies – restricted
VAT is generally recoverable on any inputs (purchases and expenses) incurred in relation to a taxable business activity
Input tax
to taxable
Input tax
relating to
both taxable
and exempt
Input tax
to exempt
Overview of Input Tax Credit
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Conditions for recovery of input tax credit
Goods or services procured in relation to taxable supplies or supplies that would have been taxable if provided in the UAE
Compliant tax invoice is received and retained;
Consideration for such supplies is paid within 6 months from the agreed date of payment;
Input tax is recovered in the tax period in which the tax invoice was received, or the subsequent period.
Output tax > Input tax = Net tax payable
Output tax < Input tax = Differential input tax refund
Conditions for Recovery of Input Tax Credit
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Provision of entertainment services by a non-government entity to anyone not employed by that person. This would include customers, potential customers, officials, shareholders and investors
Entertainment has been defined as hospitality of any kind, including the provision of accommodation, food and drinks which are not provided in the normal course of a meeting, access to shows or events, or trips provided for the purposes of pleasure or entertainment
Non-recoverable Input Tax
Renting of Motor Vehicles
Personal benefit provided to employees
Where a car was purchases, leased, rented for use in the business but was also available for personal use
Where goods or services are purchased for the personal benefit of employees and such services do not fall under the following:
Supply of such goods and services are treated as a deemed supply;
The employer is under a legal obligation to provide such goods or services;
The employer is contractually obligated to provide such goods or services to enable employees to perform their role, and its proven to be normal business practice.
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Medical Insurance for employees
Non-recoverable Input Tax
Car provided to Directors of the Company
Iftar Dinner
Medical insurance for family members of the Managing Director
Hotel accommodation for new employees
Real estate brokerage reimbursed to employees
Etisalat bills which cover 51% business and 49% personal calls
Tea, coffee during this training
Delivery truck for delivery of goods
Children's Education
DEWA bills reimbursed to employees
Long term accommodation provided as per contract
Annual day
Office car used only for meetings
Visa expenses for spouse
Medical insurance for Emirati employees
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VAT on transitional provisions
Scenario 1 2 3
Supply made before
implementation date Supply made after
implementation date Continuous supply
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P
Receipt of payment P
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P P
Receipt of payment P P
Will VAT apply O P P
VAT treatment No VAT shall be charged on
supply of goods and services VAT shall be charged on supply
of goods and services VAT charged only on value of
goods and services provided
after the implementation date
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Tax invoice and its importance for recovery
Tax invoice contents
The words “Tax Invoice” clearly displayed
Supplier’s name
Supplier’s address
Supplier’s VAT number
Customer’s name
Customer’s address
Date of issuance of the tax invoice
Date of supply (where different to date of issuance)
Date of payment (where different to date of issuance)
Sequential invoice number
Description of the goods or services supplied
Quantity of goods supplied
Unit price, exclusive of VAT, in AED
Value of discounts, if any, in AED
Value of supply, exclusive of VAT, in AED
VAT rate applied
The exchange rate applied where a currency other than AED is used
In order for the business to recover the input VAT, it should receive a compliant tax invoice that includes the minimum tax invoice requirements.
Otherwise, if the tax invoice is not compliant, then input VAT shall not be recovered.
Where the business is obliged to pay Tax through the reverse charge mechanism, it shall record the Tax amount due in AED in respect of the transaction on the invoice issued by the supplier residing outside the UAE.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The UAE Central Bank started publishing daily exchange rates on the UAE Central Bank website - from 17 May 2018
The FTA also published a public clarification on the use of exchange rates for VAT purposes which states that where a supply was made in a currency other than UAE Dirham, then the amount stated on the issued tax invoice should be converted into the UAE Dirham according to the exchange rate approved by the UAE Central Bank as on the date of supply.
Moreover, in the case of imported services which are subject to VAT under the reverse charge mechanism, the clarification states that it is acceptable to use the date of the invoice as the relevant date for the purpose of conversion.
Use of Exchange Rates
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Direct tax - Corporate Income Tax (CIT)
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 156
Corporate income tax – a type of direct tax
An assessment levied by a government on the profits of a company. The rate of corporate income tax paid by a business varies between countries, although since corporations are legal entities distinct from their owners and operators, they are typically taxed as if they were people.
Corporate Income Tax
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
There is currently no federal direct UAE taxation. Each of the individual Emirates have issued corporate tax decrees, which theoretically apply to all businesses established in the UAE.
Under the Emirate-based tax decrees, CIT may be imposed on all companies (including branches and permanent establishments [PEs]) at rates of up to 55%.
However, in practice, these laws have not been applied.
Taxes are currently only imposed at the Emirate level on the following:
Oil and gas exploitation and production companies (oil and hydrocarbon companies with actual production in the UAE) as per specific government concession agreements (which are usually confidential);
Branches of foreign banks under specific tax decrees or regulations or fixed in agreements with the Rulers of the Emirates in which the branches operate (up to the rate of 20%)
Only the above tax-paying entities are required to register with the tax authorities and file tax returns. Note that this is merely how the practice has evolved in the UAE and at the level of the individual Emirates. There is no general exemption in the Emirates’ tax decree. Anyone investing in the Emirates should be aware of the risk that the tax decree may be more generally applied in the relevant Emirate in the future, of the remote risk that it may be applied retroactively, and be mindful of the potential introduction of federal (UAE) level taxation in the medium to long term.
The income tax decrees which have been enacted in each Emirate provide for tax to be imposed on the taxable income of all corporate entities wherever incorporated, and their branches which carry on trade or business, at any time during the taxable year through a permanent establishment in the relevant Emirates. Corporate entities are taxed if they carry on trade or business directly in the Emirate or indirectly through the agency of another corporate entity.
Businesses registered in the free zones are exempt from corporate tax for certain time and such time can be extended. Rules and regulations of independent free zones apply.
Corporate Income Tax in the UAE
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Corporate Income Tax in the UAE
In August 2015, the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced the potential introduction of corporate tax in the UAE. No further details have been provided with respect to the proposed tax rate or timeline. The MoF stated that after an announcement has been made that the draft law has been finalized, it will be at least 12 months before businesses will be required to fulfill their UAE corporate tax obligations. This will allow businesses to prepare for the implementation of the corporate tax.
It is recommended that businesses closely follow developments and announcements from the MoF to be prepared for the possible financial and administrative consequences of CIT introduction in the UAE.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 April 2020
Page 160
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
19 April 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
19 April 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
19 April 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
19 April 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
19 April 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
19 April 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
19 April 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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19 April 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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19 April 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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19 April 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Excise tax
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19 April 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
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Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
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Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Value Added Tax (VAT)
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19 April 2020
Page 114
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax
VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.
VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.
VAT was introduced in the UAE on 1 January 2018. The rate of VAT is 5 per cent. VAT will provide the UAE with a new source of income which will be continued to be utilized to provide high-quality public services. It will also help government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Relevant Law
UAE Cabinet issued Decree No. (52) of the year 2017 concerning the executive regulation of the Federal Law No. 8 of 2017 on value added tax, which outlines supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component and exemption related to legal supply. The regulation also defines the mandatory, optional tax registration or that liable to exceptions, tax group, as well as deregistration.
The regulations set out the rules with regards to supplies, taxes due on the date of purchase and the place of supply of goods such as real estate services, transport services, telecommunications services and electronic services, as well as profit margins and calculating and charging tax based on the profit margin earned. The executive regulations shall specify the exempted supplies, tax treatment of financial services, calculation of tax on specific supplies, calculation of income tax payable, the non-refundable input tax and the method of dividing input tax.
The law also summarizes the capital assets scheme, adjustment of tax after the supply date, tax invoice, tax credit notes, tax period, tax returns and reclaiming of tax as well as carrying forward the excess of recoverable tax and tax recovery. The law also stipulates the provisions of tax recovery, violations and penalties, tax evasion in addition to general provisions and closing provision. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of January, 1st 2018.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
Output VAT is the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers. When your business is registered for VAT, you need to add VAT to each VAT-able item on each of your sales invoices.
VAT on sales between businesses must be specified in a sales document which is a business document that relate to sales of goods and services. They consist of invoices, notes, bills and receipts issued by the seller, as well as contract notes and settlement notes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax – Example
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
During a VAT period, Shop A (which is registered in the VAT Register) purchases goods for AED 62,000 including VAT (5% Rate)
The input VAT is AED 3,100.
During the same period, the business sells goods for AED150,000 excl. VAT as they are not registered.
The output VAT is AED 7,500
In the VAT settlement, you deduct output VAT from input VAT which comes to AED 4,400.
The resulting amount must be reported to your regional tax office.
If your purchases exceed your sales in any one period, the difference will be negative, and the difference will naturally be refunded.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
19 April 2020
Page 120
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Should business be registered for VAT?
If your taxable turnover – the value of the goods and services that you supply and any imports, but excluding any exempt supplies (e.g. certain financial services and life insurance, some property transactions and local passenger transport) – exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12 month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days, you are required to register for VAT.
If your taxable turnover, or expenses which you incur that are subject to VAT, is less than AED 375,000, but more than AED 187,500, you can register for VAT voluntarily.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Related businesses that share economic, financial and regulatory ties (either in law, shareholding or voting rights) may be able to register as a tax group, if they have an establishment in the UAE and are legal persons under common control. Transactions between the group members are disregarded and one member of the group, called a ‘representative member’, will file a consolidated VAT return covering the activities of the group. Furthermore, all supplies made or received by any of the tax group member will be treated as made by the representative member of the group – although all members of the group will remain jointly and severally liable for VAT debts.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Can business form a tax group for VAT?
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Registration for VAT, filing tax returns and payment
The VAT registration form and tax group registration form are available via the online portal on the FTA website.
Businesses will normally be allocated a quarterly or monthly tax period according to your annual turnover, but the FTA may allow a shorter or longer tax period if it considers that to be appropriate. Businesses will be required to file the tax return for each tax period by the 28th day of the month following the end of it (or on the next working day if the normal due date falls on a national holiday or weekend). Tax returns will be filed electronically through the FTA portal. On each return, you will need to show:
• The value of standard-rated supplies made in the tax period and the output tax charged, per Emirate.
• The value of zero-rated supplies made in the tax period.
• The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period.
There are a number of payment mechanisms that are available to make a payment of any tax to the FTA, via e-Dirham. If you do not have an e-Dirham account please apply for one as early as possible. More information is available on the e-Dirham website.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In addition, you will need to keep a VAT record or account which shows:
output tax due on taxable supplies
output tax due on taxable supplies accounted for via the reverse charge mechanism;
output tax due after the correction any errors or adjustments;
input tax recoverable on supplies or imports; and
input tax recoverable after the correction of any errors or adjustments
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Record keeping
Records need to be kept for at least 5 years. You will have to keep:
records of all supplies and imports of goods and services;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents received;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents issued;
records of goods and services that have been disposed of or used for matters not related to the business, detailing the VAT paid on those goods and services;
records of goods and services purchased for which the input tax was not deducted;
records of exported goods and services; and
records of adjustments or corrections made to accounts or tax invoices
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Moreover, like all businesses, you will have to keep accounting records and documents that relate to your business activities. Such records and documents, include:
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;
records of wages and salaries;
records of fixed assets;
inventory records and statements (including quantities and values) at the end of any relevant tax period and all records of stock-counts related to inventory statements.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do suppliers of zero-rated and exempt supplies charge VAT?
Suppliers do not charge tax on a zero-rated or exempt supply.
What is zero rate?
If you make supplies at the zero rate, this means that the goods are still VAT taxable but the rate of VAT is 0%. You will need to record any zero-rated supplies in your VAT account and report them on your tax return.
If I make zero-rated supplies, do I need to register?
Aa supplier, you must register for VAT if your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated
supplies) exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12-month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated supplies) to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do I need to file returns if I only supply zero-rated supplies?
If you do not qualify for an exception from registration, then you must file tax returns with the FTA. You will also be entitled to recover input tax incurred on business purchases subject to the normal conditions.
What are zero-rated supplies?
Supplies subject to the zero rate are listed in Article 45 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
However, you can ask for an exception from registration if, and only if, you do not make any other supplies which are taxable at the standard rate of 5%. If exception from registration is granted, then you will not submit regular tax returns and you will not be able to recover input tax incurred.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Who are suppliers of zero-rated supplies?
Registrants who could be suppliers of zero-rated services and goods include exporters, real estate developers, airlines, schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exports of goods and services.
International transport of goods and passengers.
Certain means of transport, such as trains, trams, vessels, airplanes.
First sale/rent of residential buildings.
Aircraft or vessels designated for rescue and assistance by air or sea.
Certain investment precious metals.
Certain healthcare services and related goods and services.
Certain educational services and related goods and services.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
If the business makes exempt supplies, does it need to register?
If all the supplies business make are exempt, it does not have to register
for VAT. In such a case, it cannot recover tax incurred on business
purchases. Examples of such would be owners of property who rent their
properties for residential purposes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exempt supplies are listed in Article 46 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of
2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
• Financial services including life insurance and reinsurance of life insurance as well as financial services that are not conducted for an explicit fee, discount, commission, rebate or similar type of consideration.
• Residential buildings, other than the residential buildings which are specifically zero-rated.
• Local passenger transport.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Reverse charge mechanism
What is Reverse charge mechanism?
It is a mechanism by which the taxable customer is obligated to pay the tax due on behalf of the supplier and is liable for all obligations provided for in the Agreement and the Local Law”. The Reverse charge mechanism is a concept applicable, but not limited, to the following cases:
Receipt of goods or services from a person residing in another state or outside the GCC
Importation of goods into a member state
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
The customer procure services from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will self-account for VAT under the reverse charge
Output tax = 5% of US$100,000 = US$5,000
Input tax = US$5,000 (subject to the VAT recovery rules)
VAT return
Output VAT 5,0001
Purchases (net) 100,000
Input VAT 5,0002
Net VAT payable –
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charges VAT
The customer self account for 5% VAT (reverse charge) and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
1 The output VAT required to be disclosed in customer’s VAT return in respect to this transaction
2 The input VAT can be recovered according to the normal recovery rules
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
Import of goods from outside UAE
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charge VAT
The customer will pay import VAT and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
The customer purchases goods from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will pay import VAT at customs
The value of imported goods shall be their customs value determined in accordance with the Customs Law, plus excise tax, customs duty and any other charges, excluding VAT
Assume: Customs Value is AED 100,000 and excise tax and other charges do not apply, then:
Customs Duty payable = 5% of AED 100,000 = AED 5,000
Import VAT = 5% of AED 105,000 = AED 5,250
Import VAT can be recovered on the customer’s VAT return (subject to the normal VAT recovery rules)
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Time of supply
Basic tax point
What is a tax point?
It is the time of supply for VAT purposes:
It determines when output tax is liable
It determines when input tax is recoverable
It is used in calculating penalties and interest by the Tax Authorities
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Performance Based
Where services are provided
Date on which services are provided to the recipient
Date on which supplier issues a tax invoice
Date on which supplier receives payment with respect to supply
Date on which performance is completed
Time of Supply for Services
Time of Supply is earlier of the following
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Go live date
Contract signed
Tax point – VAT is due
Time of supply – illustration
Basic rules
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Time of supply
Continuous supply
Transactions that result in issuance of invoices or related payments in a successive manner
Time of supply shall be considered earlier of the following events:
Date of invoice
Date of Payment receipt
12 months from completion of service
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tax point
tax point
tax point
Receipt of payment in advance
A date no later than 12 months after the date of the provision of goods/ services.
Date of issuance of tax invoice; or
Due date of payment as stated on tax invoice
Time of Supply – Continuous Supply
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Time of supply – illustration
Continuous supply
Contract signed
Bill issued for Q1
Tax point 1
Payment is made for Q2
Tax point 2
Payment is made for Q1
Bill issued for Q2
Go live date
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Place of Supply for Goods
Place of supply is the place where the supply is considered to have taken place. The place of supply determines whether tax is applicable on the supply or not.
Supply of goods can be divided into 3 categories for determining the place of supply:
Domestic supplies
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Place of Supply for Goods
Domestic supplies
The place of supply of domestic supplies, i.e. goods which are supplied to a recipient within UAE, will be UAE. Hence, UAE VAT will be applicable on the supply.
Delta & Co, a registered dealer in Dubai supplies 100 monitors @ AED 500 to a registered dealer, Hakim Electronics, in Sharjah.
Here, since the recipient is located in UAE, the place of supply is UAE. Under UAE VAT, this is a taxable supply, attracting levy of 5% VAT. Hence, UAE VAT @ 5% should be levied on the supply.
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Place of Supply for Goods
When goods are imported into UAE from a place outside the UAE, the place of supply will be UAE. Hence, UAE VAT will be applicable on the supply.
Delta & Co, a registered dealer in Dubai, purchases 50 mobile phones @ AED 1,500 from Xing & Co, a firm in China.
Here, Delta & Co import goods into UAE from China. The place of supply will be UAE and UAE VAT is applicable on the supply. Delta & Co has to pay VAT @ 5% on reverse charge basis on the import. Hence, place of supply is an important factor for determining the tax to be levied on a supply
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Place of Supply for Goods
The place of supply in case of exports can be divided into 2 categories:
Exports outside the GCC
Exports to GCC member States
The export invoices would be zero rates regardless of place of supply of goods.
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Supply without import or export
Place of supply is the UAE
Export of goods outside the UAE/ GCC
Place of supply is the UAE
Intra- GCC movement to unregistered customers in another implementing state
Place of supply is the UAE
Intra-GCC movement to registered customers in another implementing state
Place where the goods are finally sent
Place of Supply for Goods
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Real Estate & Real Estate related service
Educational /Sporting/ Training services
Location of Immovable property
Place of performance
Services received from non-resident service providers
Goods transport
Passenger transport
Telecommunication & Electronic Services
Place where the transportation started
Place where the transportation started
Place of Actual Use
Restaurant/ Hotel Services
Lease of a means of transport
Place of performance
Place where the means of transport was made available
Services not covered specifically
Suppliers place of residence
Place of residence of the recipient
Services to registered customers in another implementing state
Customer’s place of residence
Place of Supply for Services
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Where the entire consideration is monetary, value of supply equals consideration less tax
Where the consideration is part monetary, value of supply equals monetary part of the consideration in addition to the market value of the non-monetary part of the consideration
Value of Supply
General Cases
Value of imported goods equals the customs value in addition to custom duty and excise
Value of imported services equals the market value of the services received
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Value of supply is consideration received less tax
Value of supply is market value, if value of the supply is less than market value and the recipient is not entitled to fully recover the VAT that would have been charged on such supplies
Value of Supply
Value of Supply for Related Parties
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Inputs include:
Goods or services acquired domestically
Goods or services acquired from within the GCC
Goods or services imported from outside the GCC
Input tax paid on procurements in relation to zero rated supplies/ out of scope supplies – available
Input tax paid on procurements in relation to exempted supplies – restricted
VAT is generally recoverable on any inputs (purchases and expenses) incurred in relation to a taxable business activity
Input tax
to taxable
Input tax
relating to
both taxable
and exempt
Input tax
to exempt
Overview of Input Tax Credit
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Conditions for recovery of input tax credit
Goods or services procured in relation to taxable supplies or supplies that would have been taxable if provided in the UAE
Compliant tax invoice is received and retained;
Consideration for such supplies is paid within 6 months from the agreed date of payment;
Input tax is recovered in the tax period in which the tax invoice was received, or the subsequent period.
Output tax > Input tax = Net tax payable
Output tax < Input tax = Differential input tax refund
Conditions for Recovery of Input Tax Credit
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Provision of entertainment services by a non-government entity to anyone not employed by that person. This would include customers, potential customers, officials, shareholders and investors
Entertainment has been defined as hospitality of any kind, including the provision of accommodation, food and drinks which are not provided in the normal course of a meeting, access to shows or events, or trips provided for the purposes of pleasure or entertainment
Non-recoverable Input Tax
Renting of Motor Vehicles
Personal benefit provided to employees
Where a car was purchases, leased, rented for use in the business but was also available for personal use
Where goods or services are purchased for the personal benefit of employees and such services do not fall under the following:
Supply of such goods and services are treated as a deemed supply;
The employer is under a legal obligation to provide such goods or services;
The employer is contractually obligated to provide such goods or services to enable employees to perform their role, and its proven to be normal business practice.
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Medical Insurance for employees
Non-recoverable Input Tax
Car provided to Directors of the Company
Iftar Dinner
Medical insurance for family members of the Managing Director
Hotel accommodation for new employees
Real estate brokerage reimbursed to employees
Etisalat bills which cover 51% business and 49% personal calls
Tea, coffee during this training
Delivery truck for delivery of goods
Children's Education
DEWA bills reimbursed to employees
Long term accommodation provided as per contract
Annual day
Office car used only for meetings
Visa expenses for spouse
Medical insurance for Emirati employees
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VAT on transitional provisions
Scenario 1 2 3
Supply made before
implementation date Supply made after
implementation date Continuous supply
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P
Receipt of payment P
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P P
Receipt of payment P P
Will VAT apply O P P
VAT treatment No VAT shall be charged on
supply of goods and services VAT shall be charged on supply
of goods and services VAT charged only on value of
goods and services provided
after the implementation date
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Tax invoice and its importance for recovery
Tax invoice contents
The words “Tax Invoice” clearly displayed
Supplier’s name
Supplier’s address
Supplier’s VAT number
Customer’s name
Customer’s address
Date of issuance of the tax invoice
Date of supply (where different to date of issuance)
Date of payment (where different to date of issuance)
Sequential invoice number
Description of the goods or services supplied
Quantity of goods supplied
Unit price, exclusive of VAT, in AED
Value of discounts, if any, in AED
Value of supply, exclusive of VAT, in AED
VAT rate applied
The exchange rate applied where a currency other than AED is used
In order for the business to recover the input VAT, it should receive a compliant tax invoice that includes the minimum tax invoice requirements.
Otherwise, if the tax invoice is not compliant, then input VAT shall not be recovered.
Where the business is obliged to pay Tax through the reverse charge mechanism, it shall record the Tax amount due in AED in respect of the transaction on the invoice issued by the supplier residing outside the UAE.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The UAE Central Bank started publishing daily exchange rates on the UAE Central Bank website - from 17 May 2018
The FTA also published a public clarification on the use of exchange rates for VAT purposes which states that where a supply was made in a currency other than UAE Dirham, then the amount stated on the issued tax invoice should be converted into the UAE Dirham according to the exchange rate approved by the UAE Central Bank as on the date of supply.
Moreover, in the case of imported services which are subject to VAT under the reverse charge mechanism, the clarification states that it is acceptable to use the date of the invoice as the relevant date for the purpose of conversion.
Use of Exchange Rates
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Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
14 April 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
14 April 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
14 April 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
14 April 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
14 April 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
14 April 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
14 April 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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14 April 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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14 April 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 114
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax
VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.
VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.
VAT was introduced in the UAE on 1 January 2018. The rate of VAT is 5 per cent. VAT will provide the UAE with a new source of income which will be continued to be utilized to provide high-quality public services. It will also help government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Relevant Law
UAE Cabinet issued Decree No. (52) of the year 2017 concerning the executive regulation of the Federal Law No. 8 of 2017 on value added tax, which outlines supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component and exemption related to legal supply. The regulation also defines the mandatory, optional tax registration or that liable to exceptions, tax group, as well as deregistration.
The regulations set out the rules with regards to supplies, taxes due on the date of purchase and the place of supply of goods such as real estate services, transport services, telecommunications services and electronic services, as well as profit margins and calculating and charging tax based on the profit margin earned. The executive regulations shall specify the exempted supplies, tax treatment of financial services, calculation of tax on specific supplies, calculation of income tax payable, the non-refundable input tax and the method of dividing input tax.
The law also summarizes the capital assets scheme, adjustment of tax after the supply date, tax invoice, tax credit notes, tax period, tax returns and reclaiming of tax as well as carrying forward the excess of recoverable tax and tax recovery. The law also stipulates the provisions of tax recovery, violations and penalties, tax evasion in addition to general provisions and closing provision. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of January, 1st 2018.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
Output VAT is the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers. When your business is registered for VAT, you need to add VAT to each VAT-able item on each of your sales invoices.
VAT on sales between businesses must be specified in a sales document which is a business document that relate to sales of goods and services. They consist of invoices, notes, bills and receipts issued by the seller, as well as contract notes and settlement notes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax – Example
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
During a VAT period, Shop A (which is registered in the VAT Register) purchases goods for AED 62,000 including VAT (5% Rate)
The input VAT is AED 3,100.
During the same period, the business sells goods for AED150,000 excl. VAT as they are not registered.
The output VAT is AED 7,500
In the VAT settlement, you deduct output VAT from input VAT which comes to AED 4,400.
The resulting amount must be reported to your regional tax office.
If your purchases exceed your sales in any one period, the difference will be negative, and the difference will naturally be refunded.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
14 April 2020
Page 120
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Should business be registered for VAT?
If your taxable turnover – the value of the goods and services that you supply and any imports, but excluding any exempt supplies (e.g. certain financial services and life insurance, some property transactions and local passenger transport) – exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12 month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days, you are required to register for VAT.
If your taxable turnover, or expenses which you incur that are subject to VAT, is less than AED 375,000, but more than AED 187,500, you can register for VAT voluntarily.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Related businesses that share economic, financial and regulatory ties (either in law, shareholding or voting rights) may be able to register as a tax group, if they have an establishment in the UAE and are legal persons under common control. Transactions between the group members are disregarded and one member of the group, called a ‘representative member’, will file a consolidated VAT return covering the activities of the group. Furthermore, all supplies made or received by any of the tax group member will be treated as made by the representative member of the group – although all members of the group will remain jointly and severally liable for VAT debts.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Can business form a tax group for VAT?
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Registration for VAT, filing tax returns and payment
The VAT registration form and tax group registration form are available via the online portal on the FTA website.
Businesses will normally be allocated a quarterly or monthly tax period according to your annual turnover, but the FTA may allow a shorter or longer tax period if it considers that to be appropriate. Businesses will be required to file the tax return for each tax period by the 28th day of the month following the end of it (or on the next working day if the normal due date falls on a national holiday or weekend). Tax returns will be filed electronically through the FTA portal. On each return, you will need to show:
• The value of standard-rated supplies made in the tax period and the output tax charged, per Emirate.
• The value of zero-rated supplies made in the tax period.
• The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period.
There are a number of payment mechanisms that are available to make a payment of any tax to the FTA, via e-Dirham. If you do not have an e-Dirham account please apply for one as early as possible. More information is available on the e-Dirham website.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In addition, you will need to keep a VAT record or account which shows:
output tax due on taxable supplies
output tax due on taxable supplies accounted for via the reverse charge mechanism;
output tax due after the correction any errors or adjustments;
input tax recoverable on supplies or imports; and
input tax recoverable after the correction of any errors or adjustments
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Record keeping
Records need to be kept for at least 5 years. You will have to keep:
records of all supplies and imports of goods and services;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents received;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents issued;
records of goods and services that have been disposed of or used for matters not related to the business, detailing the VAT paid on those goods and services;
records of goods and services purchased for which the input tax was not deducted;
records of exported goods and services; and
records of adjustments or corrections made to accounts or tax invoices
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Moreover, like all businesses, you will have to keep accounting records and documents that relate to your business activities. Such records and documents, include:
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;
records of wages and salaries;
records of fixed assets;
inventory records and statements (including quantities and values) at the end of any relevant tax period and all records of stock-counts related to inventory statements.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do suppliers of zero-rated and exempt supplies charge VAT?
Suppliers do not charge tax on a zero-rated or exempt supply.
What is zero rate?
If you make supplies at the zero rate, this means that the goods are still VAT taxable but the rate of VAT is 0%. You will need to record any zero-rated supplies in your VAT account and report them on your tax return.
If I make zero-rated supplies, do I need to register?
Aa supplier, you must register for VAT if your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated
supplies) exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12-month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover (which includes zero-rated supplies) to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Do I need to file returns if I only supply zero-rated supplies?
If you do not qualify for an exception from registration, then you must file tax returns with the FTA. You will also be entitled to recover input tax incurred on business purchases subject to the normal conditions.
What are zero-rated supplies?
Supplies subject to the zero rate are listed in Article 45 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
However, you can ask for an exception from registration if, and only if, you do not make any other supplies which are taxable at the standard rate of 5%. If exception from registration is granted, then you will not submit regular tax returns and you will not be able to recover input tax incurred.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Who are suppliers of zero-rated supplies?
Registrants who could be suppliers of zero-rated services and goods include exporters, real estate developers, airlines, schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exports of goods and services.
International transport of goods and passengers.
Certain means of transport, such as trains, trams, vessels, airplanes.
First sale/rent of residential buildings.
Aircraft or vessels designated for rescue and assistance by air or sea.
Certain investment precious metals.
Certain healthcare services and related goods and services.
Certain educational services and related goods and services.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
If the business makes exempt supplies, does it need to register?
If all the supplies business make are exempt, it does not have to register
for VAT. In such a case, it cannot recover tax incurred on business
purchases. Examples of such would be owners of property who rent their
properties for residential purposes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Zero rated and exempt supplies
Exempt supplies are listed in Article 46 of the Federal Decree-Law no. (8) of
2017 on Value Added Tax, such as:
• Financial services including life insurance and reinsurance of life insurance as well as financial services that are not conducted for an explicit fee, discount, commission, rebate or similar type of consideration.
• Residential buildings, other than the residential buildings which are specifically zero-rated.
• Local passenger transport.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Reverse charge mechanism
What is Reverse charge mechanism?
It is a mechanism by which the taxable customer is obligated to pay the tax due on behalf of the suppler and is liable for all obligations provided for in the Agreement and the Local Law”. The Reverse charge mechanism is a concept applicable, but not limited, to the following cases:
Receipt of goods or services from a person residing in another state or outside the GCC
Importation of goods into a member state
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
The customer procure services from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will self-account for VAT under the reverse charge
Output tax = 5% of US$100,000 = US$5,000
Input tax = US$5,000 (subject to the VAT recovery rules)
VAT return
Output VAT 5,0001
Purchases (net) 100,000
Input VAT 5,0002
Net VAT payable –
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charges VAT
The customer self account for 5% VAT (reverse charge) and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
1 The output VAT required to be disclosed in customer’s VAT return in respect to this transaction
2 The input VAT can be recovered according to the normal recovery rules
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Reverse charge mechanism
Import of goods from outside UAE
Outside UAE
Supplier located outside UAE does not charge VAT
The customer will pay import VAT and reclaims same VAT
Import scenario
The customer purchases goods from supplier located outside UAE
The supplier does not charge VAT on its invoice
The customer will pay import VAT at customs
The value of imported goods shall be their customs value determined in accordance with the Customs Law, plus excise tax, customs duty and any other charges, excluding VAT
Assume: Customs Value is AED 100,000 and excise tax and other charges do not apply, then:
Customs Duty payable = 5% of AED 100,000 = AED 5,000
Import VAT = 5% of AED 105,000 = AED 5,250
Import VAT can be recovered on the customer’s VAT return (subject to the normal VAT recovery rules)
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Time of supply
Basic tax point
What is a tax point?
It is the time of supply for VAT purposes:
It determines when output tax is liable
It determines when input tax is recoverable
It is used in calculating penalties and interest by the Tax Authorities
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Performance Based
Where services are provided
Date on which services are provided to the recipient
Date on which supplier issues a tax invoice
Date on which supplier receives payment with respect to supply
Date on which performance is completed
Time of Supply for Services
Time of Supply is earlier of the following
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Go live date
Contract signed
Tax point – VAT is due
Time of supply – illustration
Basic rules
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Time of supply
Continuous supply
Transactions that result in issuance of invoices or related payments in a successive manner
Time of supply shall be considered earlier of the following events:
The date of issue of a Tax Invoice or any other equivalent document
The due date of payment of the amount specified in the Tax
The date of receipt of payment
At least once in 12 months
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Time of supply – illustration
Continuous supply
Contract signed
Bill issued for Q1
Tax point 1
Payment is made for Q2
Tax point 2
Payment is made for Q1
Bill issued for Q2
Go live date
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VAT on transitional provisions
Scenario 1 2 3
Supply made before
implementation date Supply made after
implementation date Continuous supply
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P
Receipt of payment P
Supply of goods P P
Supply of services P P
Importation of goods P
Invoice issued P P
Receipt of payment P P
Will VAT apply O P P
VAT treatment No VAT shall be charged on
supply of goods and services VAT shall be charged on supply
of goods and services VAT charged only on value of
goods and services provided
after the implementation date
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Tax invoice and its importance for recovery
Tax invoice contents
The words “Tax Invoice” clearly displayed
Supplier’s name
Supplier’s address
Supplier’s VAT number
Customer’s name
Customer’s address
Date of issuance of the tax invoice
Date of supply (where different to date of issuance)
Date of payment (where different to date of issuance)
Sequential invoice number
Description of the goods or services supplied
Quantity of goods supplied
Unit price, exclusive of VAT, in AED
Value of discounts, if any, in AED
Value of supply, exclusive of VAT, in AED
VAT rate applied
The exchange rate applied where a currency other than AED is used
In order for the business to recover the input VAT, it should receive a compliant tax invoice that includes the minimum tax invoice requirements.
Otherwise, if the tax invoice is not compliant, then input VAT shall not be recovered.
Where the business is obliged to pay Tax through the reverse charge mechanism, it shall record the Tax amount due in AED in respect of the transaction on the invoice issued by the supplier residing outside the UAE.
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The UAE Central Bank started publishing daily exchange rates on the UAE Central Bank website – from 17 May 2018
The FTA also published a public clarification on the use of exchange rates for VAT purposes which states that where a supply was made in a currency other than UAE Dirham, then the amount stated on the issued tax invoice should be converted into the UAE Dirham according to the exchange rate approved by the UAE Central Bank as on the date of supply.
Moreover, in the case of imported services which are subject to VAT under the reverse charge mechanism, the clarification states that it is acceptable to use the date of the invoice as the relevant date for the purpose of conversion.
Use of Exchange Rates
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Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
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) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
22 March 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
22 March 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
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22 March 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
22 March 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 March 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 March 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
22 March 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
22 March 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 March 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 March 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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22 March 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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22 March 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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22 March 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Excise tax
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22 March 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
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Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
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Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
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22 March 2020
Page 114
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax
VAT is used in more than 180 countries around the world. All OECD countries except for the US have VAT (or a variation). While it feels exactly the same as a general sales tax to end-consumers, VAT is a more sophisticated tax and overcomes many challenges that affect the general sales tax.
VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses collect and account for the tax, in a way acting as a tax collector on behalf of the Federal Tax Authority.
VAT was introduced in the UAE on 1 January 2018. The rate of VAT is 5 per cent. VAT will provide the UAE with a new source of income which will be continued to be utilized to provide high-quality public services. It will also help government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbons as a source of revenue
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Relevant Law
UAE Cabinet issued Decree No. (52) of the year 2017 concerning the executive regulation of the Federal Law No. 8 of 2017 on value added tax, which outlines supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component and exemption related to legal supply. The regulation also defines the mandatory, optional tax registration or that liable to exceptions, tax group, as well as deregistration.
The regulations set out the rules with regards to supplies, taxes due on the date of purchase and the place of supply of goods such as real estate services, transport services, telecommunications services and electronic services, as well as profit margins and calculating and charging tax based on the profit margin earned. The executive regulations shall specify the exempted supplies, tax treatment of financial services, calculation of tax on specific supplies, calculation of income tax payable, the non-refundable input tax and the method of dividing input tax.
The law also summarizes the capital assets scheme, adjustment of tax after the supply date, tax invoice, tax credit notes, tax period, tax returns and reclaiming of tax as well as carrying forward the excess of recoverable tax and tax recovery. The law also stipulates the provisions of tax recovery, violations and penalties, tax evasion in addition to general provisions and closing provision. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of January, 1st 2018.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
Output VAT is the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers. When your business is registered for VAT, you need to add VAT to each VAT-able item on each of your sales invoices.
VAT on sales between businesses must be specified in a sales document which is a business document that relate to sales of goods and services. They consist of invoices, notes, bills and receipts issued by the seller, as well as contract notes and settlement notes.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Input and Output tax – Example
Input VAT is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to VAT. If the person or businesses that is buying is registered for VAT they can deduct the amount of VAT paid from his/her settlement with the tax authorities
During a VAT period, Shop A (which is registered in the VAT Register) purchases goods for AED 62,000 including VAT (5% Rate)
The input VAT is AED 3,100.
During the same period, the business sells goods for AED150,000 excl. VAT as they are not registered.
The output VAT is AED 7,500
In the VAT settlement, you deduct output VAT from input VAT which comes to AED 4,400.
The resulting amount must be reported to your regional tax office.
If your purchases exceed your sales in any one period, the difference will be negative, and the difference will naturally be refunded.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
22 March 2020
Page 120
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
VAT treatment on selected industries
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Should business be registered for VAT?
If your taxable turnover – the value of the goods and services that you supply and any imports, but excluding any exempt supplies (e.g. certain financial services and life insurance, some property transactions and local passenger transport) – exceeds AED 375,000 in a 12 month period, or if you expect your taxable turnover to exceed AED 375,000 in the next 30 days, you are required to register for VAT.
If your taxable turnover, or expenses which you incur that are subject to VAT, is less than AED 375,000, but more than AED 187,500, you can register for VAT voluntarily.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Related businesses that share economic, financial and regulatory ties (either in law, shareholding or voting rights) may be able to register as a tax group, if they have an establishment in the UAE and are legal persons under common control. Transactions between the group members are disregarded and one member of the group, called a ‘representative member’, will file a consolidated VAT return covering the activities of the group. Furthermore, all supplies made or received by any of the tax group member will be treated as made by the representative member of the group – although all members of the group will remain jointly and severally liable for VAT debts.
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Can business form a tax group for VAT?
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Registration for VAT, filing tax returns and payment
The VAT registration form and tax group registration form are available via the online portal on the FTA website.
Businesses will normally be allocated a quarterly or monthly tax period according to your annual turnover, but the FTA may allow a shorter or longer tax period if it considers that to be appropriate. Businesses will be required to file the tax return for each tax period by the 28th day of the month following the end of it (or on the next working day if the normal due date falls on a national holiday or weekend). Tax returns will be filed electronically through the FTA portal. On each return, you will need to show:
• The value of standard-rated supplies made in the tax period and the output tax charged, per Emirate.
• The value of zero-rated supplies made in the tax period.
• The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period.
There are a number of payment mechanisms that are available to make a payment of any tax to the FTA, via e-Dirham. If you do not have an e-Dirham account please apply for one as early as possible. More information is available on the e-Dirham website.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In addition, you will need to keep a VAT record or account which shows:
output tax due on taxable supplies
output tax due on taxable supplies accounted for via the reverse charge mechanism;
output tax due after the correction any errors or adjustments;
input tax recoverable on supplies or imports; and
input tax recoverable after the correction of any errors or adjustments
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Record keeping
Records need to be kept for at least 5 years. You will have to keep:
records of all supplies and imports of goods and services;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents received;
all tax invoices and tax credit notes and alternative documents issued;
records of goods and services that have been disposed of or used for matters not related to the business, detailing the VAT paid on those goods and services;
records of goods and services purchased for which the input tax was not deducted;
records of exported goods and services; and
records of adjustments or corrections made to accounts or tax invoices
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
Moreover, like all businesses, you will have to keep accounting records and documents that relate to your business activities. Such records and documents, include:
balance sheet and profit and loss accounts;
records of wages and salaries;
records of fixed assets;
inventory records and statements (including quantities and values) at the end of any relevant tax period and all records of stock-counts related to inventory statements.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Value Added Tax in the UAE
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
17 March 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
17 March 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
17 March 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
17 March 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
17 March 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
17 March 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
17 March 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
17 March 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
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Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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17 March 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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17 March 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
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Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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17 March 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Excise tax
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17 March 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
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Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
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Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
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Compliance procedures
Regarding the declarations and tax returns
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Number of declarations will be required to be filed in order to declare and pay excise tax. Declarations will be required in following situations:
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
The excise tax return will be auto-populated based on the declarations submitted for that tax period.
All declarations must therefore be completed prior to submission of the tax return.
Deadline for submission of the tax return is the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period.
Tax periods will normally be one calendar month in duration.
Payment is due by the 15th day following the end of the calendar month/tax period.
Tax Return
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Importing goods
Brief about the declaration procedure
At or before the point of import, the importer will be required to file a declaration via the FTA portal declaring the imported goods
The designated retail selling price of the goods will be auto-populated on the declaration based on the product declared, and the tax liability will be automatically calculated
The filing of the declaration will generate a transaction ID
If the importer is registered for excise tax, the information from the declaration will flow through to the excise tax return at the end of the tax period – no payment will be required from the importer at the time of import
If the importer is excepted from registration, they will be required to pay the excise tax due on submission of the declaration
At the point of entry to the UAE, the importer must provide the transaction ID to the Customs Department
The customs department will verify the quantity of excise goods imported & where required, confirm payment has been made
The importer may file as many import declarations in a tax period as required
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Refund claims- Special cases
Who can submit the refund claims?
Foreign governments, international organisations and diplomatic bodies and missions, on condition of reciprocity, for Excise Tax paid in the course of their official activities
A person who is registered in any GCC State who has paid Excise Tax in the UAE and then exported excise goods to another GCC State
Any other persons or categories determined by a Cabinet Decision
Refund claims can be made via the FTA online portal
Applicants will be required to complete an Excise Tax refund form & upload supporting evidence
Article 21, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
The FTA may refund Excise Tax paid in certain cases on receipt of a refund application submitted by the following:
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
Duties & responsibility of a warehouse keeper
Every designated zone must be supervised by a warehouse keeper
Specify the details of the designated zone(s) for which the warehouse keeper is responsible
Liable for the payment of Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
FTA may require a warehouse keeper to lodge a financial security, as part of the registration process
Provide details of the controls they have in place over the goods stored within the designated zone
E.g. details of the stock control system used, records of goods entering and leaving the designated zone, records of designated zone transfers, details of where these records will be kept etc.
Article 8, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Any person operating or intending to operate a designated zone shall apply for registration as a warehouse keeper
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Warehouse keeper registration
A warehouse keeper is jointly and severally liable for payment of the Excise Tax due on release of goods stored within the designated zone
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Warehouse keeper Registration form
At least one of the Designated Zone registration form
Submit financial guarantee
Pay designated fees
Receive Registration Certificate
It is a combination of Warehouse keeper ID & Designated Zone ID
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Exception from Registration
For those who are not importing excise goods on a regular basis
Article 6, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
A person will be excepted from registration under Article 6 of the Decree-Law where he can demonstrate to the FTA that he will not regularly import excise goods
More often than once in a period not exceeding 6 calendar months
Less than four times in a 24-month period
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise tax return filing & payment
Deadlines & penalty
Submission online
Tax period – 1 calendar month
Deadlines for submission and payment:
The due date for submission of the return will be 15 days following the end of the return period
The due date for payment will be 15 days following the end of the calendar month
Where the due date falls on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline shall be extended to the first following working day
Late submission or payment can result in a penalty levied by the FTA
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Records of Excise goods (manufactured, imported & exported), stock and tax dues
Article 24, Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax
Specifies the following record keeping and evidential requirements:
Records of all
manufactured, imported or stockpiled Excise goods
Records of
exported excise goods and evidence of that export
Records of stock
levels, including details of items lost or destroyed
Tax due on excise goods imports, manufactured or stockpiled and deductible tax
5 years?
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
More about administrative penalties & tax evasion penalties
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are intended to address non-compliance, and encourage compliance.
The FTA has the power to waive or reduce penalties at its discretion (e.g. taxable person has a reasonable excuse for the error).
Few examples of administrative violation:
The person conducting a business fails to keep the required records and other information;
The person conducting a business fails to submit the data, records and documents related to tax in Arabic language when requested by FTA;
The taxable person fails to submit a registration application within the period required.
Not less than 500 dirham and not more than 3 times the amount of tax for which the penalty was levied
Tax Evasion Penalties
Courts will issue penalties for tax evasion.
Tax evasion is where a person uses illegal means to either lower the tax or not pay the tax due, or to obtain a refund to which he is not entitled under law.
The imposition of a penalty under tax law does not prevent other penalties being issued under other laws.
Few examples of instances of tax evasion:
Where a person deliberately provides false information and data and incorrect documents to the FTA;
Where a person deliberately conceals or destroys documents or other material that he is required to maintain and provide to the FTA.
Up to five times the relevant tax at stake and a prison sentence
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Detailed auditing process of FTA
FTA will apply risk based selection criteria to determine whom to audit
FTA will usually conduct the audit at the person’s place of business or at the FTA offices
If audit at the person’s place, must be informed at least 5 business days prior to
the audit
FTA can close
the place of business for up to 72 hours (e.g. suspect tax evasion)
FTA officer may request original records, merchandise samples, mark inspected assets
The FTA may also remove records, documents and samples
The audited person should be notified the tax audit results within 10 business days after the audit
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Register for excise tax, if you are:
Other: Warehouse keeper
Key takeaways
Excise tax in the UAE
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Declarations to be filed
Import of excise goods
Production of excise goods
Release of excise goods from a designated zone
Transfer of excise goods from a designated zone
Deductible tax
Excise tax return submission
Details provided in the declaration part will auto-populate as the tax liability
Taxable person should validate the information before submission
At least declaration should be submitted prior to the submission of return
Finally, submit the excise tax return and complete payment of the tax liability due by the filing
Return filing & payment
Online declaration & return submission
Tax period- One calendar month
Deadline: 15 days following end of tax return period
Online payment no later than the 15th day following the end of a calendar month
Penalty for late submission & payment
Scope of excise tax
Carbonated drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Energy drinks (Inc. Gels, concentrates)
Tobacco & Tobacco products
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
08 March 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
08 March 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
08 March 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
08 March 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
08 March 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
08 March 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
08 March 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
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08 March 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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08 March 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
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08 March 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared. EY would be able to assist in valuation manners prior and during discussions with any customs authority in the GCC region, including settlement advice
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on Doka’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Fines and Penalties
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
08 March 2020
Page 93
Excise tax
Legislative framework
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017 on Excise Tax was issued on 21 August 2017
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (37) of 2017 on the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet decision no, (38) of 2017 made on 24th Sept 2017
Makes The Excise tax effective date from 1st Oct 2017
Key characteristics of Excise Tax
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Legislative framework – extended scope
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Aided by the Cabinet decision No. (52) of 2019 made on 4th August 2019
Key characteristics of extended Excise Tax scope
Imposed at specific rates on selective commodities
Indirect tax (incurred by the end consumer)
Collected once in the commercial chain from importers, manufacturers or producers of selective goods and stockpilers
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Scope of Excise Tax?
Products ranging from Carbonated drinks, Tobacco products, Energy drinks are subjected to tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Carbonated drinks – 50%
Any aerated beverage except for unflavored aerated water
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an aerated beverage
Tobacco & Tobacco products – 100%
All items listed within Schedule 24 of the GCC Common Customs Tariff
Energy drinks – 100%
Any beverage which is marketed or sold as an energy drink, containing stimulant substances that provide mental and physical stimulation such as caffeine, taurine, ginseng and guarana.
Any concentrate, powder, gel or extract intended to be made into an energy drinks
Electronic smoking tools and liquids – 100%
Sweetened beverages – 50%
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Who is responsible?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The person who owns Excise Goods and cannot demonstrate that such goods had been previously subject to Excise tax
Can determine whether a business is a stockpiler by:
Calculating the average monthly sales of excise goods over 12 months prior to 1st of October 2017 and multiplying it by 2
Calculating the average monthly stock on hand of excise goods
This test should be done on SKU basis using the FTA product list as the basis
Price published by Federal Tax Authority standard price list; or
Retail sales price of the goods (less the excise tax applicable)
Others involved
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Tax calculation for including on a return to be done on the following dates:
Import – at the date of import of the excise goods
Manufacturer – at the date of production
Stockpiler – date of acquisition of the goods
Designated zone – date of release for consumption from the designated zone
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Goods are released for consumption, when:
They are produced
They are released from a designated zone
Produced means:
Ready to held for retail sales
Ready / fit for consumption
Ready to be sold to a producer if required to be further combined with any other products to be made ready for consumption / sale
Manufacturer / Stockpiler
Levies Excise
If Manufacturer / Stockpiler doesn’t levy, any other would be responsible to assess for Excise
Ultimate burden is on Consumer
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
When the excise tax becomes due?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Released from designated zone means:
Goods leave the designated zone
Consumed or bought for consumption from the zone or within zone
Irregularity in inter – zone transfers
Shortage during the inter – zone transfer, deficiency / shortage in a designated zone
Designated Zone
Consumed / Retail sale from Designated zone
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Excise Tax will be applied to the Excise Price of the goods i.e. the tax base
The Excise Price will be the higher of:
The price published by the FTA in a standard price list; or
Designated Retail Sales Price of the goods, less the excise tax applicable
Carbonated Drinks
Tobacco & tobacco products
Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
Sweetened beverages
Electronic smoking tools and liquids
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Excise tax
Designated Zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Two types- Fenced free zone and area specified by FTA
Any area specified by the FTA
Located in a specific geographic area
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movement of goods to and from that area, according to conditions specified by the FTA
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
Type A
Type B
A fenced free zone or located within a fenced free zone
Has security measures in place to restrict entry and exit of individuals and movements of goods to & from the Designated Zone
Controlled & supervised by a Customs Authority
Has an appointed Warehouse Keeper
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Taxation and Zakat
University of Sharjah
Dr. Atia Hussain
Jan – May
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (
) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Course Program
Section |
Week 1 (19 Jan): Introduction to Taxation & Zakat |
Week 2 (26 Jan): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 3 (2 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 4 (9 Feb): Indirect tax – Customs |
Week 5 (16 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise (18 Feb no lecture) |
Week 6 (23 Feb): Indirect tax – Excise |
Week 7 (1 Mar): Indirect tax – Conclusion and guest speaker |
Week 8 (8-18 March Mid term exam) |
Week 10 (22 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Week 11 (29 Mar): Indirect tax – VAT |
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 1
Course Program
Section Pages
Week 12 (5 Apr): Indirect tax – VAT
Week 13 (12 Apr): VAT conclusion and guest speaker
Week 14 (19 Apr): Direct tax – Personal income tax
Week 15 (26 Apr): Direct tax – Corporate income tax
Week 16 (3 May): Zakat (9-19 May Final Exam)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 2
Lecture 01
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 3
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Direct tax
Indirect tax
Corporate Income tax
Personal Income tax
Customs duty
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Excise tax
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 4
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on individuals’ income and corporate business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
Direct tax – income or profits
Corporate income tax (oil companies and foreign banks)
Personal income tax (different sources of income ie salary, rental, capital gains, income from property, interests, dividends, royalty, others)
Indirect tax – goods and services
Customs duty (almost on all imported goods with exception of some food items)
VAT (goods and services)
Excise (tobacco and tobacco products, energy and carbonated drinks, sweetened beverages)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
01 March 2020
Page 5
Introduction to Taxation and Zakat in the UAE
Basic structure/definitions
Religious mode
Annual payments
Rate: 2.5%
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
01 March 2020
Page 6
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
Customs has existed in the UAE for more than one hundred years. Going through several phases, customs took the institutional shape in the age of the late Sheikhs Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai.
The actual executive steps to establish the Federal Customs Authority (FCA) were taken in 2002.
The FCA draws the customs policies, supervises the execution of customs-related laws and legislation and represents the UAE inside and outside the state. Local customs departments do the executive work and draw the customs policies for each emirate in compliance with the Common Customs Law.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 7
Lecture 02 and 03
Page 8
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – UAE member since 8 March 1994
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. … The GATT, and its successor the WTO, have successfully reduced tariffs. GATT was entered into force on 1st Jan 1948.
World Trade Organization (WTO) – UAE member state since 10 April 1996
Established on 1st Jan 1995 in Geneva Switzerland, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Institutional deficiencies in GATT led towards establishment of WTO. The WTO incorporates the principles of the GATT and provides a more enduring institutional framework for implementing and extending them.
01 March 2020
Page 9
GCC Common Customs Law (2002)
XVII Sections
Harmonized System of Tariff Classification (tariff code) (2017)
XXI Sections
98 Chapters
GCC Free Trade Agreement – Unified Economic Agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC Customs Union
Referred Law/tariff book/Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 10
Introduction to Indirect tax
Customs duty
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
The UAE is a confederation of seven Emirates ruled by different families and each of the Emirate has its own customs authority.
Abu Dhabi
Ras-Al Khaimah
Umm Al Quwain
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 11
GCC Customs Union
The Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) Customs Union member states (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, KSA and Qatar) are governed by a Common Customs Law which was implemented in 2003 and it is based on the principle of a single entry point upon which customs duty on foreign imported goods are collected.
Most foreign imports into the GCC customs union are subject to a duty rate of 5% except certain exempt items (including basic foods, pharmaceuticals and some IT equipment).
The rate of customs duty in Saudi Arabia may be slight higher than the UAE on some items.
Base for the duty amount is the cost, insurance and freight (“CIF”) value of the imported goods.
Concept of national products and its benefit: Goods considered being of GCC origin for customs duty purposes are treated as ‘national products’, and should also not be subject to any customs duty when moved within the GCC member states with appropriate documentation (GCC Certificate of Origin).
40% value added percentage: There is no specific percentage set out in the GCC Customs Law for the GCC national origin requirements. The value add percentage thought to be required is 40%. However, this does vary from industry to industry and the respective authority can require more than 40% value addition.
Preferential and non-preferential origin: Goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin in the prescribed format issued by the local competent authority (e.g., The Ministry of Economy).
Foreign goods previously imported must be accompanied by proof (e.g., Makasa stamp or GCC statistical declaration) that customs duty was previously paid at the first point of entry into the GCC member state.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 12
UAE free zones customs regime
Free zones
Free zones in the UAE – purpose and benefit
Free zones and customs duty/ application of law
Customs duty on first entry point
Business sphere of the free zones companies
License and customs client code
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
01 March 2020
Page 13
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Each morning you pass through the gate…
…you are effectively leaving the UAE
And arriving into:
An ‘overseas’ fiscal territory
A highly customs controlled and regulated area
One of the world’s largest free zone
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 14
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
All materials, products and equipment brought into JAFZA…
…are entering a duty free zone
And are under strict customs controls upon:
Arrival and entry
Place of physical whereabouts within the JAFZA territory
Removal or transfer of ownership
The retention of records, accounts and documentation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 15
UAE free zones customs regime
Example: Jebel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA)
Established in 1985 JAFZA…
…has experienced exponential growth in its size and sophistication, and is today:
The world’s seventh largest container port
With over 7,000 registered companies employing more than 135,000 people
A major global exporter with total annual trade of around USD 70 billion
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 16
UAE Mainland area
Setting-up a company in the UAE mainland (non-free zone area) requires the participation of a local partner (UAE National).
Local ownership – 51%
Foreign ownership – 49%
Requirement of an appropriate trade license and a valid customs client code
Customs duty at the time of imports (mostly at 5% of CIF)
Customs duty for exports (zero%)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
01 March 2020
Page 17
Lecture 04
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 18
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Importer/consignee: natural or legal person importing the goods
Exporter/consignor: natural or legal person exporting the goods
Importer of Record (IOR): It refers to an importer, whether an entity or individual, who is responsible for ensuring that legal goods are imported in accordance with the law of the place. Importer is responsible for filing legally required documents. It can be the owner, consignee or the customs broker.
Exporter of Record (EOR)
Purchase order
Commercial invoice
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
were created by the government for boosting export revenues and international trade by providing 100% foreign ownership and tax exemption benefit to investors. There are more than 44 free zones in the UAE (including 22+ free zones in Dubai alone).
01 March 2020
Page 19
Basics in Global Trade
Parties involved and commercial documents required during import/export process
Bill of lading: is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. A bill of lading also serves as a shipment receipt when the carrier delivers the goods at a predetermined destination.
DHL (Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn)
Gulf Agency Co (GAC)
Health certificate
Halal certificate
Delivery note
Customs declaration
Customs broker
Freight forwarder/logistics services provider
Third party logistics services provider
Payment receipt/Bank reconciliation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
A carrier can be a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air. a) A common carrier can offer his services for any person or company, as he is entitled to do so under the license provided by a regulatory body. A common carrier can work with more shippers within the same day because are not bound to a contract. b) A contract carrier works with a shipper long-term. This means the contract carrier reaches a common agreement with the shipper and agrees to work under certain conditions over the length of the contract.
Shipper: Also known as a consignor, a shipper can be a person or a company responsible for organizing and sending goods from one point to another.
01 March 2020
Page 20
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Commercial invoice
Company logo, consignor name & address, consignee name & address, invoice number and date, unit value, unit measurement, total quantity and weight, total value and currency, HS code, shipping/delivery terms, goods description, country of origin and company stamp
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 21
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Packing list
Shipper name and address, consignee name and address, date, invoice number, item code, goods description, gross and net weight, production date, expiry date, quantity of pallets, unit and number of boxes).
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 22
Basics in Global Trade
Sample Certificate of origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 23
Basics in Global Trade
Sample customs declaration/Bayan/Bill of entry
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 24
Customs topics
Tariff classification
Origin of goods
Customs valuation
Temporary imports
Free Tarde Agreements
GCC free trade agreement
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 25
Lecture 05
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 26
Tariff Classification
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 27
Tariff classification – why it is important
Customs laws require that all imported goods be “classified” or assigned a number that indicates the nature of the good being imported
To determine the rate of customs duty
To determine whether special permission is needed to import goods
To determine whether the goods are legally permitted to be imported
To determine whether special duty reduction programs can be used
To determine the criteria under which the goods are eligible for reduced duty rates under trade preferences
Assigning an incorrect classification may lead to:
Overpayment or underpayment of customs duty by the importer
A failure to satisfy import restrictions
Fines and penalties
Shipment delays resulting from product examinations by customs officials
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 28
Tariff classification – who is responsible
Varies by country but within GCC it is generally the importer of record, even if the customs broker files the declaration
Remember: the customs broker can only declare classifications based on the data given to them; improper or incomplete data will lead to customs errors
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 29
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Major trading countries of the world decided to create an internationally recognized system of product or tariff classification, intended to be a single, modern system for both product classification, and customs tariff-related statistical and transport-documentation purposes
The WCO is responsible for the development of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (“Harmonized System” or HS), which came into effect on 1 January 1988
The WCO has a Harmonized System Committee, which meets twice a year in Brussels, Belgium where the WCO is based
The first six digits of the tariff code are therefore the same among all countries using the HS
Digits beyond those six are country-specific additions. Some countries add no digits, some add up to eight additional digits
The GCC countries have formally adopted the HS, or have based their classification regimes on it
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 30
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
The HS is divided into 97 Chapters, arranged in 21 Sections
Some countries add additional chapters such as Chapter 98 and Chapter 99
HS Chapters are generally arranged by the complexity of the product types, beginning in Chapter 1 with crude and natural products and continuing on to complex forms of machinery
In addition, within each chapter, the classifications are organized from the most basic form of a good to its most highly processed or assembled form
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 31
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Harmonized System notes
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes – The E.N. represents the official interpretation of the WCO on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System at the international level
The Harmonized System Compendium of Classification Opinions: This is a collection of decisions issued by the Harmonized System Committee. The decisions usually result from classification problems raised by or disputes between customs administrations
Local country rules of interpretation and notes
Many clients shipping goods into Dubai/UAE will rely on the notes of the sourcing/their Head Office jurisdiction because of the lack of information accessible on local interpretations
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 32
Tariff classification – Harmonized System
Dubai Customs offers classification advice to importers/exporters
Before seeking a classification advice consider:
Merits of each position
The financial consequences of any incorrect classification
Whether any exemptions or restrictions apply to certain classifications
Weigh how the result of the advice will impact other products, other divisions, and past entries
Preferred classification advice can be difficult to obtain in Dubai
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 33
Lecture 06
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 34
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 35
There are basically two types of origin for customs purposes, known as:
“preferential origin” and
“non-preferential origin”
Preferential origin generally leads to a reduced rate in customs duty, or a full customs duty exemption being applied. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) establish ‘rules of origin’ which need to be met for a good to be deemed eligible for preferential origin treatment under the particular FTA
Preferential origin is much stricter and determines whether goods are entitled to special duty advantages arising from a particular trade agreement
‘Non-preferential origin’ is the country where an item is considered to have been manufactured or produced. It is more basic and is used to state where the goods were sourced or manufactured for more general customs purposes, such as the customs declaration, embargos, quotas, antidumping duties, and labeling
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
It is the origin that is declared on the customs entry and may affect how a product is treated when imported into your market, for example:
Origin may determine whether ‘normal’ (as opposed to higher) duty amounts are payable under the WTO’s ‘most favored nation’ (MFN) tariff arrangements
Origin may also determine whether or not additional anti-dumping or countervailing duties are due on certain products
Origin can determine whether goods can be legally imported or whether they are from an embargoed country
Customs rules may also require you to place an origin label on imported merchandise – a failure to satisfy origin labeling rules can lead to additional penalties, forfeitures, and restrictions on customs entry
It is therefore very important to understand the various rules and requirements surrounding both preferential origin and non-preferential origin
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreement
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 38
Free Trade Agreements
A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries to increase the flow of trade and services so as to bring about greater economic integration between them
FTAs seek to encourage and assist trade between the signatory countries through the requirement that their firms have preferential access to each others markets.
Examples of FTAs or similar agreements available to the UAE mainland importers:
GCC Customs Union
Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA)
GCC – Singapore FTA
GCC – EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) agreement
Free zones (including JAFZA) are not party to the FTAs implemented by the UAE
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
GCC Customs Union
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 40
Free Trade Agreements
GCC Customs Union
Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law states that “goods imported into the country are subject to the customs taxes “duties” specified in the customs tariff, and the other applicable fees, excluding those exempted under the provisions of this regulation “law “or under the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC Arab states or any other international agreement within the framework of the Council.”
In conjunction with Article 9 of GCC Common Customs Law, Article 2 of Chapter 1 – Unified Economic Agreement states “all agricultural, animal, industrial and natural resource products that are of national origin shall be exempted from reciprocal charges.”
Article 3(1) of the Unified Economic Agreement provides that “for products of national origin to qualify as national manufactured products, the value added ensuing from their production in Member States shall not be less than 40% of their final value as at the termination of the production phase.”
Article 3(2) regulates that “every item enjoying exemption hereby shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin duly authenticated by the appropriate government agency concerned.”
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 07
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 42
Greater Arab Free Trade Area
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 43
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The Greater Free Arab Trade Area agreement (“GAFTA”) was implemented by more than 20 Arab countries in 1998 to facilitate and develop trade among Arab states. The applicability of the agreement, however, varies amongst each member state
Under GAFTA agreement, goods that obtain origin within any of GAFTA member countries, should, conditionally, be eligible for preferential treatment upon importation into another GAFTA member country. Generally, this would mean that goods of “Arab” origin would be eligible for an exemption from customs duty upon importation into another GAFTA member country
In order to obtain origin and thereby preferential treatment under GAFTA in the country of importation, the following conditions should be met:
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free Trade Agreements
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Local value addition
Direct shipment
Certificate of Origin (COO)
Direct shipment to Egypt and COO
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
The provisions in GAFTA state that in order for a good to be considered of Arab origin, the value added as a result of its production in a GAFTA country must not be less than 40% of the value of the finished goods
Due to the difficulties a GAFTA member country would have in monitoring the value added to goods within another GAFTA member country, members are obliged to rely on the certificate of origin issued by the competent authority in the Arab country of origin, as evidence that they are indeed wholly extracted/produced in that country, or that at least 40% value has been added locally
This means that GAFTA preferential treatment is only usually applied if the goods being imported into a GAFTA member country are accompanied by a COO issued in another GAFTA member country
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Local value addition
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
In order to be eligible for GAFTA preferential treatment upon importation into another member country, eligible originating goods are required to be transported directly without passing through a non-GAFTA region. Exceptions may apply for goods shipped via or temporarily stored in a non-GAFTA area, provided that the goods remain under customs control
However, in practice we understand that the customs authorities will only apply GAFTA preferential treatment where goods are shipped directly from one GAFTA country to another with no intermittent movement, even where this movement or storage occurs in another GAFTA member country. The reason for this appears to be the difficulty in maintaining consistent customs documentation and proof of non-manipulation in the intermittent storage location
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Direct Shipment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Article 17 of GAFTA states that in order to benefit from preferential treatment under the GAFTA agreement ‘goods shall be traded among party-states directly and without mediation of a non-Arab party’
Due to this Article, there are discussions amongst the relevant authorities of GAFTA member countries as to what constitutes mediation, and whether triangulation invoicing arrangement involving Arab party or non-Arab party would taint eligibility for GAFTA preferential treatment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Invoicing
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
According to the Arab Rules of Origin, products of Arab origin and that are exchanged between GAFTA parties and for the purpose of benefiting from GAFTA Agreement should be supplemented with an Arab COO consistent with the rules adopted by GAFTA council
The Arab COO should include the name and address of the manufacturing company, the name and address of the exporter (if the exporter is other than the manufacturing company) and the name of the ultimate importer in the GAFTA destination state. In addition, the COO should include the export invoice number and date of the export invoice signed by the exporter
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Conditions – Certificate of Origin (COO)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Local value addition
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
UAECo (Mediaiton)
Local value addition less than 40%
GermanCo (Manufacturer)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Non-Arab certificate of origin
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition less than 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 51
Direct shipment
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with German COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of non-Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct invoicing – mediation of UAE Free Zone entity
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Challenges – Triangular transactions
Local value addition 40%
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with KSA COO
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Direct Invoicing – mediation of an Arab party
Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
Latest changes – Triangular transactions
(Mainland mediaiton)
Invoice 1
Direct shipment of goods along with COO – interlink the COO issued by KSACo and invoice issued by UAECo
Invoice 2
GAFTA customs duty exemption benefits
Flow of goods
Commercial invoice flow
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 08
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 56
Temporary Imports
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 57
The GCC countries allow temporary imports, allowing the customs duty that would be due on the import to be suspended within the provisions of Article 89 and 90 of the GCC Common Customs Law
Importers must submit a deposit (generally permitted to be in the form of cash or a bank guarantee) to the customs authority for the amount of customs duty that would be payable had the goods been imported permanently
In addition, the reason for the temporary import will need to be demonstrated to the customs authority. For example, if the import is for an oil rig, the rig leasing company will submit their contract with the oil company for the lease of the rig to the customs authority
Upon submission of the deposit, the contract, and standard customs documentation (i.e., temporary import declaration, invoice, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Lading etc.), a temporary import permit will generally be issued for a specified period (in the GCC this is six months and may be renewable for subsequent six month periods up to three years)
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
At the end of the temporary import period, in order to receive a reimbursement of the deposit, the importer will be required to make the goods available for inspection by the customs authority who will check:
The same goods which were initially imported are being exported
That the goods have not undergone any transformation within the country during the temporary import period
Providing the customs authorities inspectors are satisfied that this is the case, the deposit should be reimbursed
If these conditions cannot be satisfied, or the goods are lost, the deposit will be withheld
The reimbursement process can be a lengthy process in some countries
Most GCC countries only permit temporary importation for certain types of goods, such as:
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Heavy machinery and equipment for completion of projects or for
conducting the experiments and tests relating to such projects.
Foreign goods imported for completion of processing.
Items temporarily imported for playgrounds, theatres, exhibitions and like events.
Machinery and equipment imported into the country for repair.
Containers and packing imported for refilling.
Animals admitted in for grazing.
Commercial samples for exhibition.
The other cases so requiring.
Temporary Imports
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 61
What are Incoterms?
Why are they important?
Which parties are involved in determining the incoterms?
Most favorable incoterms for buyer?
Most favorable incoterms for seller?
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms – are international, standardized terms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. They are used to define the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller with respect to the international transport of goods
INCOTERMS merely define who is responsible to bear which costs and which risks and insurance upon which point of the transport. They do not necessarily define the (Indirect) Tax treatment of the sale of goods, however, Incoterms may provide for an indication of that treatment
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Free on Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
EX Work (EXW)
Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. The seller should package the goods appropriately or as specified in the agreement between both parties. The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination.
The risk or liability for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer when the goods are made available at the named place. That means that if damage occurs while the goods are being loaded on the buyer’s transport, the buyer is at risk even if the seller is assisting with the loading.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
The seller is responsible for arranging carriage and delivering the goods at the named place, cleared for import and all applicable taxes and duties paid (e.g. VAT, GST)
Risk transfers from seller to buyer when the goods are made available to the buyer, ready for unloading from the arriving conveyance
This rule places the maximum obligation on the seller, and is the only rule that requires the seller to take responsibility for import clearance and payment of taxes and/or import duty.
These last requirements can be highly problematical for the seller. In some countries, import clearance procedures are complex and bureaucratic, and so best left to the buyer who has local knowledge.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Free on Board (FOB)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel at the named port.
Once the goods have been loaded on board, risk transfers to the buyer, who bears all costs thereafter.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost and Freight (C&F)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF)
Use of this rule is restricted to goods transported by sea or inland waterway.
In practice it should be used for situations where the seller has direct access to the vessel for loading, e.g. bulk cargos
Seller arranges and pays for transport to named port. Seller delivers goods, cleared for export, loaded on board the vessel.
However risk transfers from seller to buyer once the goods have been loaded on board, i.e. before the main carriage takes place.
Seller also arranges and pays for insurance for the goods for carriage to the named port.
However as with “Carriage and Insurance Paid To”, the rule only require a minimum level of cover, which may be commercially unrealistic. Therefore the level of cover may need to be addressed elsewhere in the commercial agreement.
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 09
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 71
Customs valuation
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 72
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Customs valuation is a customs procedure applied to determine the customs value of imported goods. If the customs duty rate is ad valorem, the customs value is essential to determine the duty to be paid on an imported good
Within the GCC region, generally ad valorem customs duty rates apply to imported goods. Any exceptions, such as specific duty rates that are based on weight or volume, are not expected to apply for the companies in normal course of business
Correct valuation of goods is therefore important, not only for compliance reasons, but also from a duty optimization perspective
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Fall back method
Transaction value method
Identical goods method
Similar goods method
Deductive method
Computed method
Reasonable methods
WTO legislation
GCC legislation (incl. UAE)
Most local GCC countries’ legislation would equal the WTO valuation methods and its sequential application, barring interpretation or definition differences
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to or for the benefit of the seller for the imported goods, and includes all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer to the seller or by the buyer to a third party to satisfy an obligation of the seller
These elements will be further addressed separately
In addition, the companies should especially mindful with respect to the following:
Evidence of sale / shipping invoicing
Restrictions or conditions applicable
CIF value
Related party transactions
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Generally, the price actually paid or payable would be the monetary amount specified in the invoice or contract between the buyer and the seller. Note that the actual price does not need to be fixed at the time of importation, as long as it is based on a fixed formula or method in the agreement, for example international commodity exchange rates or cost-plus methods. Within the GCC region, in general a shipping invoice stating the estimated value of the goods would then be accepted
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value
Commissions and brokerage, except buying commission;
The cost of the containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in question;
The cost of packing whether for labor or materials;
The value of the following goods and services (assists) provided by the buyer, directly or indirectly, free of charge or at a reduced cost, for its use in the production of the imported goods and sale thereof for export to the GCC States, provided that such value is properly apportioned:
materials, components, parts and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
tools, dies, molds and similar items used in production of the imported goods;
materials consumed in production of the imported goods; and
engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than the GCC States, and necessary for the production of the imported goods.
royalty and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
The value of any part of the proceeds from any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller;
The cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation; and
Loading, unloading, handling and insurance costs associated with the transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation.
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Price actually paid or payable
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value
The value for customs purposes shall not include the following costs and amounts provided that they are identified separately from the price actually paid or payable:
Post-importation costs, such as:
charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken after importation of goods to the GCC States;
transportation, loading, unloading, handling and insurance charges of the imported goods after importation;
customs duties or any other taxes levied on the imported goods after importation to the GCC States;
dividends or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods;
interest that might have accrued on the basis of a financial agreement concluded by the buyer for purchasing the imported goods;
activities undertaken by the buyer on his own account.
Credit balances with the buyer in favor of the importer;
Amounts of export subsidy that might be provided by some countries for exportation of some goods; and
Any anti-dumping amounts when goods are sold at dumped prices (i.e., less than the cost), since the dumping must be treated according to the Anti-Dumping Agreement).
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Customs valuation
Imported goods
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Amounts actually paid or payable by the buyer should only be included for as far as these are considered remuneration for the imported goods. Amounts payable that do not relate to the goods that are being imported, should not be included in the value of the goods being imported
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
Payments for (additional) warranty after importation of the goods
Additional payments required in case of late payment of the invoice
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
Payments in addition and apart from the price for the goods, for example for installation services to be provided by employees of the seller after importation
Interest payable in case of a purchase on credit, if reasonable/commercial and billed and contracted separately
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
Package deals; being a shipment of goods that are classifiable under different tariff categories, but sold for one price, without clear unit prices available
Damaged or partially damaged or defective goods being accepted by the importer for the (same) price agreed upon for undamaged goods
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Customs valuation
Condition of sale
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The customs value should include all payments made as a condition of sale of the imported goods by the buyer. It is therefore irrelevant to which party payment is made; if the payment is requested for by the seller or the buyer is in any way required to settle payment following the sale or the sales contract, this payment is to be included into the customs value
In other words, the customs value may include payments that are not made to the seller of the goods, as long as the seller requires the buyer to settle these in light of the sale
Examples of elements to be included in the transaction value:
The (added) value of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods, if it accrues directly or indirectly to the seller
Insurance payments made to ensure DOD (delivery on deadline)
Examples of elements not to be included in the transaction value:
A flow of dividends from the buyer to the seller, not related to the goods being imported
Risk of the transaction value being rejected in case of:
The sale or price being subject to a condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined, unless the restriction does not substantially affect the value of the goods; for example if the buyer is not allowed to sell or exhibit goods prior to a fixed date
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Customs valuation (continued)
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
The transaction value can only be used to determine the customs value of the goods provided that the buyer and seller are not related, or, where they are, the value is acceptable for customs purposes
Be mindful of the fact that customs legislation has its own, very broad definition of related parties, which does not resemble any related party legislation with respect to transfer pricing
Parties are considered to be related in case any of the following conditions is met:
The officers or directors of one company are (generally) the same persons as the officers or directors of the other company;
The companies are legally recognized as partners in business;
One of the companies has employed (contracted) the other company;
5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares are controlled or held by the same person or company, either directly or indirectly;
One of the companies directly or indirectly controls the other;
Both companies are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
Both companies directly or indirectly control a third person; or
One of the officers or directors or one of the persons controlling a company is a member of the same family as one of the officers or directors of one of the persons controlling the other company
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Establishing that a buyer and a seller are considered to be related parties, should not immediately lead to the transaction value being rejected. Instead, circumstances surrounding the sale should be examined in order to establish whether the relationship between the buyer and the seller has influenced the price (transaction value)
Based on WTO legislation, if the customs authorities has grounds for considering that the relationship influenced the price, it should communicate the grounds to the importer and must grant the importer a reasonable opportunity to respond. The transaction value between related parties should be accepted whenever the importer successfully demonstrates that the value closely approximates:
The transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to the same country of importation; or
The customs value calculated based on the deductive method; or
The customs value calculated based on the computed method;
All while taking into account differences in commercial levels, quantity levels, packing, transport and insurance costs and all other costs which should have incurred by a buyer that is not related to a seller
Transfer pricing documentation may in some cases be used to support the abovementioned calculations, however, this cannot be considered officially accepted evidence
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Customs valuation
Related party
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Only if the importer is unsuccessful in demonstrating that the value was not influenced by the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the customs authority should reject the use of the transaction value method to calculate the customs value
Subsequently, the customs value of the goods should be calculated based on one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. It is not allowed for the customs authority to amend the transaction value in order for it to be an acceptable customs value, without consulting whether one of the other customs valuation methods could be used to calculate the customs value first
Unfortunately, within the GCC practice, this methodology is not always consistently applied. Usually, a customs authority would be expected to accept the value that is invoiced by the seller, unless circumstances would give rise to suspecting the goods are seriously undervalued
If so, we understand from our experiences with the general practice that a customs authority would increase the value to an amount that would be acceptable from a customs perspective, rather than to (first) apply one of the other customs valuation methods in line of order. Although this new value would be presented to the importer to be accepted or not, the new value could only be challenged by taking the case to court, which we would generally not advise any business to do within the GCC region
As a result, we would recommend businesses importing goods into the GCC region to apply commercial values and retain sufficient documentation to support their customs value calculations, in order to provide as few occasion as possible to the customs authority to consider goods being undervalued and consequently to amend the customs value declared.
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Lecture 10
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
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01 March 2020
Page 84
Customs broker management
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 85
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
In the UAE, generally, customs brokers and agents undertake the indispensable function of preparing and filing customs entry documentation
To enable these third parties to fulfill this function in a manner consistent with the UAE customs and trade compliance objectives, it is essential that brokers are always provided with the information they need to do their job
This means, in relation to each and every customs declaration they file on business’s behalf, brokers must have clear directions on key entry data such as:
Tariff classification
Product value
Customs regime to which the products are being imported
Country of origin
It is preferred best practice that brokers or agents should not determine these matters on business’s behalf but, rather, always follow clear instructions provided by the business unit in whose name the import declaration is being lodged
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Whenever a customs broker or agent is used to submit entries, their activities should be controlled and underpinned by clear contractual arrangements such as a brokerage service agreement
This brokerage service agreement should carefully define the third party’s responsibilities and obligations in relation to the particular customs clearance activities they will be undertaking on business behalf
Contracts with brokers and agents must also contain business’s standard compliance clause which requires all business partners to act consistently with the Group (business) Code of Conduct
The brokerage service agreement will in addition serve as an important benchmark against which you can review and assess the broker’s ongoing performance and charges
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Another feature of best practice management is to routinely and diligently review the entry declarations customs brokers and agents are submitting on business’s behalf
For example, every month samples of each customs broker’s entry declarations might be reviewed to ensure all of the following data elements exactly match the business unit’s commercial records and associated supporting documentation:
Customs value
Country of origin
Quantity of goods
Tariff classification
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Customs broker management
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Finally, a further best practice management control over brokers’ and agents’ activities is to review carefully all invoices received for their customs clearance and other associated services
This review should particularly focus on scrutiny of the following areas:
Verification that charges for specific activities are consistent with the relevant underlying brokerage service agreements
Identification of any unusual invoice line items (which, amongst other things, could be indicative of inappropriate facilitation payments having taken place)
Reconciliation of any re-charges for duty or other import taxes against the relevant customs entry documentation to confirm that those exact payments were indeed made on business behalf
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Fines and Penalties
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
01 March 2020
Page 90
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Should the business be subjected to a customs audit, it will be requested to demonstrate the whereabouts of any goods it has imported into the free zone, for a specific period, by providing its inventory count
The UAE Customs will then compare the information provided to business inventory count with the import and export customs declarations that they have processed under their customs code for the same period
An inability to locate or trace goods may lead the UAE Customs to assume that the “missing goods” have entered the mainland UAE without following the necessary customs declaration formalities or that business is manipulating the quantities, weight or values o its imported and exported goods into and out of free zone
The UAE Customs may apply a 5% customs duty and potentially a 10% penalty on the value of the “missing goods” and may constitute this as “smuggling”. Irrespective of business intention, Customs authorities may also request an admission of guilt letter, confirming that they had in fact “smuggled” the goods
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Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.
Fines and Penalties
Sharjah university – Taxation & Zakat
Article 176 of the GCC Common Customs Law prescribes the following statute of limitations:
Fifteen years for the two following events:
Smuggling and similar crimes from the date of commission thereof
Enforcement of smuggling rulings from the date of issue
Five years for the following cases unless a claim is filed in connection therewith:
Investigation of the violations as of the date of occurrence
Collection of imposed fines and confiscations as of the date of issue of the ruling
Collection of Customs duties and other fees which have not been collected as a result of department’s inadvertent error as of the date of registration of the Customs declaration
In practice, the customs audit period could go back to the date when the JAFZA entity under audit was established within JAFZA
About color themes
Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) light backgrounds for handouts; (2) dark backgrounds onscreen.