Text Analysis
– create a clear and critical argument:
Concise thesis statement and each paragraph begin with a topic sentence that makes a
– use evidence effectively to support the argument :
Effective use of evidence from the text that is relevant to the argument
– interpret evidence and demonstrate critical analysis :
demonstrate through interpretation how the argument was supported by the evidence.
Organization of paper :
Content was clearly thought-out and presented in a logical format. Information flowed
well, with clear links between paragraphs and ideas.
Ability to properly locate and cite evidence :
Proper citations of ancient sources and all references to the text are cited
Mechanics of writing :
Submission is grammatically correct with rare misspellings. Use of language is
appropriate for the recommended audience. Avoids personal pronouns and
– 3-4 pages of text (i.e. 1,000-1,200 words)
– Double spaced with standard font (Times New Roman, size 12
– Standard margins (1 inch top and bottom, left and right sides)\
– some sort of fancy-schmancy title
– If you use sources other than those assigned for this class in completing this
assignment, you will need to provide a list of those sources (Bibliography) on a
separate page at the end of your paper.
Citation Requirements
You will be expected to use parenthetical citation in your Text Analysis. The purpose of
these citations is to indicate to your readers where you found specific information that
you have included in your paper, whether from the assigned readings or textbook. As
long as you are using those sources, your citation need only include the author’s name
and the section number of text on which the information appears. For example:
According to Plato, Socrates told the jury that he knew he had no wisdom, small or
great, (Plato, 4.1).
The Epic of Gilgamesh “depicts a world ruled by polytheistic gods and their demands of
humanity,” (Margolf and Heineman, Early Near East and Egypt).
The topic for Text Analysis
What glimpses do we get from Homer’s Iliad of the respective roles of men in society?
How do those differ from the roles of women in Greek society? What values would
these poems have taught young children?
Some Rules for Successful Writing Assignments:
1. Spell out time references: “seventh century” instead of “7th century.”
2. Hyphenate time references correctly, according to their use in the sentence: “The Trojan
War is thought to have occurred in the twelfth-century BC.” (adjective). “In the twelfth
century, war was a constant threat to society.” (noun).
3. When using brief quotations, remember to use quotation marks to indicate clearly when
you are reproducing someone else’s words verbatim:
As Spielvogel notes, “Women were citizens who could participate in most religious
cults and festivals,” (Spielvogel, 84).
4. Remember to cite specific material that you paraphrase – the ideas came from someone
else, even if you expressed or summarized in your own words!
5. Avoid slang, jargon and contractions (can’t, don’t, haven’t)
6. Remember to make the subjects and verbs agree in number, as well as nouns and
pronouns: “Scholars could circulate their ideas in print” rather than “A scholar could
circulate their ideas in print.”
7. Avoid run-on sentences, comma splices, and paragraphs that go on for 2-3 pages! (In
other words, think carefully about sentence structure, punctuation and paragraph
8. Avoid overuse of the passive voice (The cat was chased by the dog) in favor of the active
voice (the dog chased the cat). Active voice is more direct, more vivid and allows you to
use more verbs.
9. Remember to use the past tense where appropriate in writing about the past (which is
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Pr i m a r y R e s o u rce s
C h a p te r 3 Pr i m a r y S o u rce s
( h tt p s : //co l o r s t a te .g r l co n te n t .co m /we s te r n c i v p re m o d e r n /pa g e /p r i m a r y re s o u rc
e s )
( h tt p s : //co l o r s t a te .g r l co n te n t .co m /we s te r n c i v p re m o d e r n /pa g e /c h p t 3 p r i m a r ys o u rc
e s )
Homer’s Iliad
Iliad VI. 243–497.
Homer, Iliad. William Cowper translation (1791), adapted and modernized by Kristin Heineman
[243–254] But when Hector came to Priam’s palace, built with splendid
porches, and which had in it �fty chambers lined with polished stone built
near one another, where Priam’s sons and their wives rested, and where, on
the other side of the courtyard in twelve magni�cent chambers also lined
with polished marble, the sons-in-law of Priam lay beside his spotless
daughters. There his mother queen accompanied by Laodice, loveliest of all
her children, went and met Hector.
[255–262] She grasped his hand and said: Why do you leave the dangerous
battle, my son? I fear that the Greeks (hateful name!) are wearing you down
and �ghting around the city, so that you seek, urged by distress, the acropolis,
to lift your hands in prayer to Zeus? But pause awhile until I shall bring you
wine. First, let us pour rich libation to Zeus and the other gods so that you
may drink and be refreshed. For wine is mighty and renews the strength of
weary man; and weary you must be having long defended your city and your
[263–287] To whom Hector majestically replied: “My dear mother, do not
bring me wine, unless I forget my might. I fear, beside, with unwashed hands
to pour libation of wine to Zeus, nor is it right to pray to the storm-stirring
god when I am spattered with blood and gore. You, therefore, gather all our
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women, and take burnt offerings to the temple of Athena Pallas, huntress of
the spoil. Select from the attire treasured within thy chamber the most
beautiful robe, the one which you prize most—then spread the gift on Athena
Pallas’ divine lap. Promise you will sacri�ce twelve one-year old heifers,
untouched with puncture of the prod, if she will pity city of Troy, and our
wives and our children, in hopes that she will avert the son of Tydeus from
these sacred towers, that dreadful Chief, terror of our entire host. Go then,
my mother, seek the hallowed temple of Athena. I, meanwhile, will go see
Paris and call him out, if he is still willing to hear. May the earth yawn and
swallow him whole! He who Zeus had made a curse to Troy, and to Priam and
to his entire house; I think to see him plunged into the house of Hades
forever! This would cure all my woes.”
[288–298] So he spoke. The Queen, entering her palace, called out to her
maidens. They, throughout Troy, gathered all the women and convened just
as she requested. In the meantime, she went into her incense-fumed
wardrobe where her treasures lay, the works of Sidonian women, who were
brought to Troy by her godlike son Paris, when he crossed the seas with well-
begotten Helen. She chose the most magni�cent and most colorful, vivid as a
star it shone, the loveliest of all in the sky. Then she went, the Trojan matrons
all following her steps.
[299–313] But when the long procession reached the temple of Athena in
the heights of Troy, the fair Theano Daughter of Cisseus, brave Antenor’s
spouse, opened the doors wide. She had been, at this time, appointed as
Priestess of Athena. All with lifted hands in prayer to Athena, they wept
aloud. Beautiful Theano placed the robe on the Goddess’ lap, and to the fair
daughter of Zeus omnipotent her prayer she addressed. Goddess of
Goddesses, our city’s shield, adored Athena, hear! oh! break the lance of
Diomede, and allow him to fall prone in the dust before the Scæan gate. So
that we may offer to you at your shrine, on this day twelve one-year old
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heifers, untouched by yoke or prod, if you will show pity to Troy, and save our
children and our wives. Such prayer the priestess offered, but Athena did not
accept the request.
[314–331] But meanwhile, Hector went to the palace of Alexander, which
himself had built, aided by every illustrious architect in Troy. The chamber
had a wide hall, proud dome, and on the top of the city of Troy Priam’s house
neighbored Hector’s house. There entered Hector, Zeus-beloved, and in his
hand he held a spear sixteen feet in length, its glittering point bound with a
ring of gold. He found Paris within his chamber, polishing with the most exact
care, his resplendent armor, shield, and his chest plate, while �ngering over
with curious touch and tampering with his bow. Helen of Argos with her
female train sat occupied, assigning each their own task. Hector �xed his eyes
on Paris, rebuked him with his stern look, “Your adventures of the heart are
ill-timed. The people perish at our lofty walls; the �ames of war have
compassed Troy entirely and it is you who has kindled them. Your slackness
shows; you should �ght with anyone who holds back in this hateful war, so
come to battle before the whole city burns.”
[332–344] To which Paris replied, “Graceful as a god since, Hector, you have
charged me with a fault, and not unjustly, I will give you an answer, and give
you special heed. The reason I sit here is because of sorrow, which I wished to
ease, in secret, not displeasure or revenge. I tell you also, that now even my
wife tried to convince me in most soothing terms that I should go to battle,
and I myself am aware that victory often changes sides and that is the course
I prefer. Wait awhile, therefore, until I dress for the �ght, or go �rst, and I will
catch up soon.” He stopped speaking, to whom brave Hector did not reply.
[345–368] Helen addressed Hector with lenient speech, “My brother! who
in me has found a sister worthy of your hatred , the author of all Troy’s
calamity, oh I wish that the winds, on the day I was born, had swept me out of
sight and whirled me aloft to some inhospitable mountain-top, or plunged me
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in the deep. I wish that there I had sunk overwhelmed, and all these ills had
never taken place. But since the gods would bring these ills to pass, I should,
at least, have chosen some mate more worthy, one not immune to public
shame! But this man has an unstable mind, and it will always be unstable!
Someday he shall �nd his just reward. But come in, take this seat, my brother,
for troubles follow you most because of me! The crime, my brother, for which
the gods have fated, both for Paris and my most detested self, will be the
burdens of an endless song!” To which the warlike Hector replied, “Bid me
not, Helen, to a seat, however you wish I may stay, for you won’t persuade me.
The Trojans miss me, and I myself am anxious to return to them. But urge in
this man to get moving, or just let him urge himself to overtake me while I am
still in town. For I must head home quickly so that I may see my beloved
Andromache and my infant boy, and my domestic servants, since I am
ignorant if ever I will see them again, or if my fate ordains me now to fall by
Grecian hands.”
[369–390] So spoke the dauntless hero, and he left. But he soon reached his
own well-built abode but he did not �nd his fair Andromache inside. Rather,
she stood lamenting Hector, with the wet nurse who helped her bore her
infant son. He then, not �nding his chaste wife inside, asked her attendants
from the doorway, “Tell me, maidens, where is Andromache the fair? Did she
go see her sisters or one of my brother’s wives? Or to Athena’s temple,
where the bright-haired matrons of the city gather to appease the awful
Goddess? Tell me true.” To which his household’s servant replied, “Hector, if
truth is your demand, receive this true answer: She did not go to see her
sisters, nor to Athena’s temple, where the bright-haired matrons of the city
gather to appease the awful Goddess; but she went to the tower of Troy, for
she had heard that the Greeks had prevailed, and driven the Trojans to the
walls. She, therefore, with wild grief, went to the tower with haste, along
with her wet nurse and young child.” So spoke the prudent attendant.
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[391–402] When Hector heard her words issuing from his door he left the
house with hasty steps, back through the streets of lofty Troy. Having
traversed the entire spacious city, he �nally approached The Scæan gate,
through which he leaves the city and passes through the plain. There, his
noble wife met him. Andromache the rich-endowed and fair daughter of
Eëtion famed in arms, who lived in Hypoplacian Thebes, Cilicia’s mighty lord.
It was his daughter whom valiant Hector had wedded and she met him there,
along with her wet nurse, bearing in her arms Scamandrios, his infant darling
boy, beautiful as a star. Although Hector called Scamandrios, the rest of Troy
called him Astyanax, for that Hector’s arm alone was the defense and
strength of Troy.
[403–426] The father, silent, eyed his babe, and smiled. Andromache,
meanwhile, stood before him, with tears streaming down her cheeks, grasped
his hand, and said, “Your own great courage will destroy you, my noble
Hector! Neither do you take pity on your helpless infant nor my pitiful self,
whose widowhood is near; for you will fall before long, assailed by the whole
host of Greece. Then let my tomb be my best retreat when you are dead – for
I can expect neither comfort nor joy after your death, only sorrow. I have no
father and no mother. When Cilicia’s city, Thebes was sacked by Achilles, he
slew my father; but he did not strip him of his reverence, because he
respected him. He burned my father in his armor on a funeral pyre, and �lled
his tomb, which the nymphs, Zeus’ daughters, had enclosed with elm trees.
My seven brothers, the glory of our house, all in one day descended to the
house of Hades. For brave Achilles, while they fed their herds and snowy
�ocks together, slew them all. My mother, Queen of the well-wooded realm
Of Hypoplacian Thebes, was brought among his other spoils. Achilles sold
her inestimable ransom-price, but by Artemis’ arrow pierced her and she died
at home.
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[427–451] Yet Hector—oh my husband! I in you I �nd parents, brothers, and
all that I have lost. Come! Have compassion on us. Do not go to battle, but
guard this tower, unless you make a widow of me and an orphan of your
young boy. The city walls are easiest of ascent at that �g-tree; station your
troops there, for some prophet told me this. Each Ajax with Idomeneus of
Crete, the sons of Atreus, and the valiant son of Tydeus, have now three
times assailed the town and tested the wall.” Great Hector replied, “These
cares, Andromache, which you engage, all touch me as well, but I dread to
incur the scorn of male and female tongues in Troy, if, I should decline the
�ght like a coward. Nor feel I such a wish. No. I have learned to be
courageous always, in the forefront among the �ghters of Troy to
demonstrate my glorious father’s honor, and also my own. For the day shall
come when sacred Troy, when Priam, and the people of the of his kingdom
shall perish, I am sure. But I weep for no Trojan, not even for Hecuba, nor yet
for Priam, nor for all the brave of my own brothers who shall kiss the dust, or
for you and I, because far greater is the sorrow I would have when the Greeks
take you away crying, and take away your freedom.”
[452–477] Then you shall toil in Argos at the loom for a task-mistress, and
constrained you will draw water from Hypereïa’s fountain or from Messeïs
fountain, her proud command. Some Greek then, seeing your tears, shall say
— “This was the wife of Hector, who excelled all Troy in �ght when Troy was
besieged.” Such they will say to you, and your heart, all the while, will bleed
fresh through want of such a friend to stand between captivity and yourself.
But may I rest beneath my hill of earth or before that day arrive! I would not
live to hear your cries, and see you torn away!” So saying, illustrious Hector
stretched his arms forth to his son, but with a scream, the child fell back into
the bosom of his nurse, afraid of his father’s face, whose bright armor he had
attentively marked and his shaggy crest poking out over his helmet’s height.
His father and his gentle mother laughed and noble Hector lifting from his
head, he placed his dazzling helmet, on the ground, then kissed his boy and
handled him, and thus in earnest prayer the heavenly powers implored,
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“Listen, gods! as you have given to me, so also on my son excelling might
bestow, with chief authority in Troy. And be his record this, in time to come,
when he returns from battle, help my son excel even his father! May every
foe fall under him, and he comes home laden with spoils blood-stained to his
dear mother’s joy!” He said, and gave his infant to the arms of his
Andromache, who she welcomed him into her fragrant bosom, bitter tears
with sweet smiles mingling.
[478-–497] Hector was moved with pity at this sight, touched her cheek
softly, and said, “Do not mourn too much for me, my beloved Andromache, no
man shall send me to the house of Hades, before my allotted hour, and
nobody lives who can live longer than that date which heaven assigned him,
be he base or brave. Go then, and occupy yourself with the housework, the
woman’s sphere; practice the distaff, spin and weave, and order your
servants their work. War belongs to man; to all men; and of all who �rst drew
vital breath in Troy, and most of all to me. He ceased, and he raised his
crested helmet from the ground. His Andromache, at once obedient, to her
home began to leave, but turned several times as she went and each time she
wept again. No sooner that she arrived at the palace that her numerous
maidens were found within, she raised a general lamentation, with one voice,
in Hector’s own house, his whole domestic train mourned Hector, yet still
alive; for none the hope conceived of his escape from Greek hands, or to
behold their living master more.
is a
Fahad Alkarzai
Fahad Alkarzai
Fahad Alkarzai
Fahad Alkarzai