see attavhment
Below is a telephone conversation that displays poor telephone etiquette. Rewrite the conversation
using good telephone etiquette.
Mrs. Jones: “Good morning, is this Building Society Limited?”
Mrs. Jones: “I am Mrs. Amanda Jones, one of your customers, from 53 Queen Street, St. Clair. I would like to speak to Mr. Collin Smith.”
RECEPTIONIST: “He ain’t here today.”
Mrs. Jones:
“Can I leave a message for him then?”
RECEPTIONIST: “Yea, okay. Lemme get something to write on.”
(Long pause, shuffling papers)
Mrs. Jones: “Hello, are you still there?”
RECEPTIONIST: “Yea okay, go ahead.”
Mrs. Jones: “Please tell Mr. Smith that I am unable to manage a meeting with him on the 25th to discuss a mortgage, and he should phone me to arrange another date.”
Mrs. Jones: “My number is 625-1234. Do you want me to repeat that?”
RECEPTIONIST: “No, I got it. Bye.”
Mrs. Jones: “I am Mrs. Amanda Jones, one of your customers, from 53 Queen Street, St. Clair. I would like to speak to Mr. Collin Smith.”
RECEPTIONIST: __________________________________________________________
Mrs. Jones: No that is okay thank you. Can I leave a message for him?
RECEPTIONIST: ____________________________________________________________
Mrs. Jones: “Please tell Mr. Smith that I am unable to manage a meeting with him on the 25th to discuss a mortgage, and he should phone me to arrange another date.”
RECEPTIONIST: ___________________________________________________________
Mrs. Jones: “Yes, that is correct. My number is 625-1234. Do you want me to repeat that?”
RECEPTIONIST: __________________________________________________________
Mrs. Jones: 625-1234
RECEPTIONIST: __________________________________________________________
Mrs. Jones: No, that is all. Thank you for your assistance.
RECEPTIONIST: __________________________________________________________
RECEPTIONIST: “Good Morning, Building Society Limited, Ms ____________ speaking. How may I be of assistance?
Mrs. Jones: “I am Mrs. Amanda Jones, one of your customers, from 53 Queen Street, St. Clair. I would like to speak to Mr. Collin Smith.”
RECEPTIONIST: Mr. Smith is out for the day, is there anyone else who can assist you.
Mrs. Jones: No that is okay thank you. Can I leave a message for him?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that would be okay. Please go ahead.
Mrs. Jones: “Please tell Mr. Smith that I am unable to manage a meeting with him on the 25th to discuss a mortgage, and he should phone me to arrange another date.”
RECEPTIONIST: You will be unable to meet with him on the 25th of this month, and he should contact you to arrange another date. Am I correct?
Mrs. Jones: “Yes, that is correct. My number is 625-1234. Do you want me to repeat that?”
RECEPTIONIST: “Yes please”
Mrs. Jones: 625-1234
RECEPTIONIST: 625-1234, Got it. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Mrs. Jones: No, that is all. Thank you for your assistance.
RECEPTIONIST: Have a good day.