Technology Used in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Essay #1 (800 words—12.5 percent of your final average)
The readings covered thus far have differed from their films through either the use of characters
or setting. In this essay, your task is to compare and/or contrast the work of literature with its
film adaptation.
You can choose to show how a character’s addition to or removal from a work has a
dramatic effect (positive or negative) on the film (for example, replacing Ed Fletcher’s
wife, Ruth, with David Norris’s love interest, Elise, makes it possible for David’s life to
seem far more complex when “Adjustment Team” becomes The Adjustment Bureau).
You can choose to show how the setting as it appears in the film enhances or changes the
ideas given in the literary work (for example, setting the frame story for The Curious
Case of Benjamin Button in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina adds an emotional
appeal to the film that the story lacks).
You can choose to show how seemingly subtle changes in plot affect the overall work
(for example, having Jamal and Salim be brothers instead of children who meet in an
orphanage in the film adaptation of Q & A impacts their relationship and influences the
viewer’s perception of Salim’s wrongdoings).
You can choose to show how elements of film enhance or detract from the original intent
of the work (for example, the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button utilizes makeup
beautifully to make the aging processes for both Benjamin and Daisy believable).
Your goal is to make a comparison of significance between text and film; you are not
limited to the topics listed above, but make certain that you discuss your planned essay
with me in advance to ensure that you have chosen a focus that will lead to a good essay.
Whichever topic you choose, make certain that you give solid evidence from both the film and
the text. The choices for this essay are the readings from “The Curious Case of Benjamin
Button” to “Three-Ten to Yuma.”
The basis for this essay should be your interpretation of the story and film, not anyone
else’s. You are not allowed to use secondary sources; however, I do expect you to
incorporate literary and cinematic terms in your analysis. While it is okay to go to to look up the name of a director or cast member, I do not want you to look up
reviews. Look at the information on the writing checklist posted under course documents
for stylistic help with composing your essays.
Introduce the author and title of the reading that you have chosen to analyze.
YOUR THESIS should be a statement that tells what you are going to prove about the
work you have chosen (in other words, make certain that you tell how the text and film
are relatable). In order to make sure that your thesis is arguable, you might want to begin
the sentence with because or although.
Each aspect or element of your evaluation should be developed in a paragraph, with a
topic sentence, explanation, and specific examples.
Make certain that you explain how each idea that you take from the film or text helps
prove your point. In other words, do not simply retell the plot of the text or of the film.
You must use at least one quotation from either the text or the film while constructing
your analysis; therefore, MLA becomes important. Make certain that any quotations
taken from the text are cited correctly using MLA format and ask me how to cite any
quotations from the film version.
Offer a well-developed paragraph that reflects all the evidence in your paper.
Make certain that your essay setup follows MLA standards.
Times New Roman twelve-point font must be used for all aspects of the essay from the
header through the work(s)-cited page.
One-inch margins on each edge of the page
Header (your last name and the page number) half an inch from the upper right corner of
each page
Heading on the first page in the proper order with the proper information
Double spaced with no extra spaces within the essay
Proper in-text citations used for any quotations used from the reading
Refer to your writing checklist for other helpful hints
A work(s)-cited page at the end of the essay utilizing proper MLA citation
If only the story is quoted, the film must be cited under the heading Work Consulted (the
same holds true for the story if the film was quoted)