GNEDassignment2 x
Technological application of radiation in medicine
Report Assignment
The general purpose of the report is to explore the technological application of radioactivity in medicine. Specifically, you should discuss the benefits and disadvantages (risks) of using radioactivity-based technology as well as perform a life-cycle analysis of its application. To focus your report, should be on medicine.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the report, students should understand the following:
1. basic nuclear chemistry;
2. technological application of radioactivity; and
3. the benefits and disadvantages of radioactivity-based technology.
Research Report Investigative Questions
The person reading your report should be provided with clear answers to the following 3 questions:
1. What did you do?
2. How did you do it?
3. What did you find out?
4. Production, use, transport, storage regulatory control,
5. Hazard emergency response, benefits and disadvantages
Primary or bioproduction, life cycle assessment
Report Sections
The sections of a report should include:
Title Page
· Abstract
· Table of Contents
· Introduction
· Methods (Literature Review)
· Results and Discussion
· Conclusion
· List of References
· Appendices
Content Descriptions
Title Page – Carefully chosen words that succinctly describe the contents of the report. (1 page)
Abstract – A short, coherent paragraph, intelligible on its own that concisely answers the three-investigative questions listed above. (~ ½ page)
Table of Contents – A comprehensive list of all headings and sub-headings used in the report along with corresponding page numbers. A list of figures/illustrations and tables follows the table of contents. (1 page)
Introduction – The introduction of the report answers the following questions. (~ 1 page)
· What question was being asked and why? (i.e., benefits and disadvantages of technology, life-cycle analysis)
· What did you hope to learn from preparing the report?
Methods – A precise and concise account of the methods used to prepare your report and why you chose them. Let your reader know how you conducted the study and where you obtained your information. (~½ – ¾ page)
Results and Discussion – The results and discussion section of the report is the heart of your document and is the most likely to be read most thoroughly. (~ 1-½ pages)
Conclusion – The conclusion should summarize the most important aspects of your report and should be brief and to the point. (~ ½ page)
List of References – Cite references used in report.
Appendices – Material that is not essential and/or too long to be included in the main body of the report is placed in an appendix at the end of the report.
Information (“data”) Collection
Remember, applying the scientific method essential involves a systematic approach, and ideally a reproducible approach to information collection and interpretation.
General Requirements
The report should be between 4 – 5 double-spaced pages of text. Students must follow MRU’s APA for Academic Writing 2018/2019 guidance document for text, figures/illustrations, and tables.
· Provide APA citations for any articles or references you might have used in the preparation of your critique.
· Students must follow MRU’s APA for Academic Writing 2018/2019 guidance document for in-text citations and their reference list.