ARTH100-ListofRefereces_WorksCitedforFinalResearch11 xFinalProjectandEssay20191 x
ARTH 100: List of References for Final Research Essay
Student Name- Harleen kaur Student Number- 808510
Identification line of image/work of art (Name of the artist or architect if known, Title of the work of art or building, place, date. present location):
Ustad Ahmad Lahauri,
Taj Mahal
, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1632-53.
Generate some key words that you might think are helpful in searching for sources on the library website:
Mughal architecture, Taj Mahal, Indian famous architecture, art of India, Islamic art, Islamic architecture in India, Indo Islamic art.
References (or Works Cited): You should consult minimum 3 sources from your library including at least one eBook and one journal article. List your sources according to MLA style.
1. eBook:
Giles Tillotson, Giles, and G. H. R Tillotson. Taj Mahal. Harvard University Press, 2008. EBSCOhost,
2. Journal Article
Koch, Ebba. “The Taj Mahal: Architecture, Symbolism, and Urban Significance.” Muqarnas, vol. 22, 2005, pp. 128–149. JSTOR, Accessed 6 July 2020.
3. Identify the nature of your source: eBook Journal article book encyclopedia
It is a book:
KOCH, EBBA. “The Wooden Audience Halls of Shah Jahan: Sources and Reconstruction.” Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, vol. 30, Aug. 2013, pp. 351–389. EBSCOhost,
If you are consulting more than three sources, use the back of this sheet to list them.
ARTH 100
Final Research Project and Essay Guidelines
This final project and essay are worth of %
0 of your final grade and is due on July 26th.
To start this project, you have to choose a work of architecture from the list of seven buildings provided at the end of this document. Every 5 of you will research, present, and write your project essays on one work of architecture. The goal is to form study groups in five, so it is recommended that you make a group with people you know and are comfortable with their study habits. You will be pushing this project forward together.
In this research project, you will be analyzing your selected work of architecture from Five different aspects/criteria: Please have a subtopic for each context
1. Cultural and historical background (Context)
2. Religious and ideological background (Context)
3. Architectural plan (Visual Analysis)
4. Decorative plan (Visual Analysis)
5. Patronage (Context)
Start brainstorming about the building, and possible motives behind its construction. You should start your research from your library website. Identify useful sources together and list them. To make this research easier, you can divide the task of research on each criterion among the members of your group (each member will be in charge of one criterion). I encourage the members of each group to create a group on any online platform that you are all comfortable with, and meet regularly to discuss your findings, so all the members of your group are equally informed of the findings.
After your research is complete, you will be submitting your research results in two stages:
1. Essay: Each of you will submit his/her final Essay INDIVIDUALLY including all the five criteria. This essay is written in 900 words, typed in Times New Roman, double-spaced, font 12, with normal margins (Please note that all these details are marked). You should consult minimum 3 sources from your library website including at least one eBook and one journal article. All the sources should be accessed through your library website. Outside sources including sources found on the internet are not accepted as academic sources (library research workshop helps you refine your research skills. You will submit the list of three academic sources on your topic to me on July 6th). You should cite all your sources according to the MLA style of citation (You can find the MLA manual on your library website, and we will briefly review those in class). Your essay should have all the components of an essay including introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion. You do not have to print your images.
ART 100: Works of Architecture for Final Research Essay
1. Taj Mahal. Agra, India. Mughal period, reign of Shah Jahan, c. 1631–1648