Title: Preliminary Investigation and System Requirements (total of 4-8 pages)
1. General Information 50
· Company profile
· Business situation
· Problem or Opportunity
· Project Scope and Constraints
· Copy of a survey or interview questions.
· Diagram current processes.
2. Requirements 40
· List of Requirements
3. General Format and Grammar 10
All components of the double spaced paper must have one inch margins (left, right, top and bottom) and be written in 11 or 12 pitch, Arial or Times New Roman font. 4-7 pages in length.
Department of Information Technology
Starting your Internship at Club IT
Club IT is a downtown music venue managed and owned by Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada. They both graduated with degrees in Business Administration in 2005, and decided to follow their dream to open a nightclub. During college, they supported themselves by working as musicians, Lisa playing jazz violin and Ruben on drums, so they learned quite a bit about nightclub operations from experience, in addition to business principles learned from their studies. Lisa and Ruben have just completed extensive remodeling of the interior of Club IT and are pleased with the results. Its high ceilings and high energy lighting creates an ambience of fun and energy. For music, they hire live bands on Fridays and Saturdays and have a live DJ Tuesdays through Thursdays (closed on Sundays). The DJ uses a collection of MP3 playlists, playing hip-hop, techno, and electronic with some Top 40’s thrown in.
Lisa and Ruben run the office and maintain all financial and business-related records. They realize that while the resources they spent on remodeling are paying off well, their information management is lagging behind. Their next project is a full analysis of their information needs, and to start it off, they have hired you as an intern.
To prepare for your first day of work, you and a few friends decide to spend a Friday evening at Club IT. Your visit is very enjoyable – you have made some new friends, learned some new dance steps, and really rocked with the great band. Reporting to work on Monday afternoon, you wonder though, how much information technology a nightclub can possibly need, and if there will be enough information and technology analysis opportunities to justify your internship at Club IT.
Sitting in the empty club a few hours before opening, you have your initial meeting with Ruben and Lisa. They give you background on the club and an overview of their need to boost their information technology, data management, and decision-making capabilities. Your first task is to get acquainted with the club and its operations, so Lisa has you log into their website from her desk in their tiny back office.
The current IT configuration of the workstations used by Lisa and Ruben in the Club IT back office is as follows:
a. Pentium Processor
b. 1GB of RAM
c. Ethernet Adapter
d. 17” Color Display
e. Windows XP Professional
f. Internet is Comcast High-speed to modem hardwired to computer
Much of the work at Club IT involves manual activity (cooking; setting, serving and clearing tables; escorting guests to tables; etc.) conventional keyboard data entry is often impractical.
Before proceeding, please look over their current web pages to include employee only sections.
System Requirements
During a meeting with Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada, they express some of their current perceived problems. Keeping track of inventory has been a major problem. They have run out of the most popular menu items six different times in the last month while being way oversupplied in items that were not moving.
Both Ruben and Lisa are comfortable with MS Office, to include Access. They know an Access database would be better than Excel spreadsheets but they are not sure why or how to set it up.
Ideally they would like a system that would adjust inventory levels the moment an article is ordered with the waitress. Then a notification or an automatic order would be generated when certain inventory levels are met. They would also like to see reports that showed trend data such as: the sale of different items, if a particular waitress had higher sales, or if time of the day had an effect on sales of different items. Security is always a concern as Lisa is extremely worried about anyone gaining access to their data.
Your internship could last the entire summer but they would like to evaluate you for the first 8 weeks. During that time, they would like a completed initial proposal (containing a Preliminary Investigative Report and System Requirements) by week 4, and a System Design Specification by week 7.
A template for the proposal has been provided to you and any questions that you have for Ruben and Lisa can be asked in the forum entitled “Questions for Rueben and Lisa.”
Link to Club IT Website:
Case Study Worksheet and Template
Preliminary Investigation and Requirements Report Template
Version 0.0: [Date published]
Presented by: [Presenter’s name]
Client approval: Yes No
Note whether your case study needs to be ready in time for a specific event:
Date: Event:
Case Study for [Customer Name]
General Information
Company profile
[Briefly describe your customer’s products or services. Include information about the company’s history.
Wingtip Toys, established in 1956, is the premier supplier to toy retailers worldwide.
Revenues in 2003: $3.5 million
Estimated IT budget for 2004: $1.2 million
Wingtip Toys ceased IT development after September 11, 2001, and has not pursued any recent IT development.]
Business situation
[Identify the problems that your customer is facing and their goals and objectives. List the strategic business or competitive reasons that caused the customer to reevaluate its current situation. Be as specific as possible, citing examples when appropriate and including supporting customer quotes.
Example: As a result of the recovery of the market, Wingtip Toys wants to procure software for improved tracking of inventory and purchasing.]
Technical situation
[Provide a detailed evaluation of the customer’s current technical situation. Identify what the customer uncovered during the evaluation of its systems, the technical challenges the customer is facing, and how the customer believes it can meet the challenges.
Example: Wingtip Toys’ current environment runs on older computers that are no longer capable of handling the bandwidth necessary for servicing Wingtip Toys’ worldwide customer base. Additionally, Wingtip Toys would like to allow customers to automate their orders and also would like to eliminate telephone and paper orders.]
Problem or Opportunity
[Create SWOT or Fishbone diagram]
A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called a fishbone diagram, or Ishikawa diagram.
Project Scope and Constraints
[In this section, include descriptions of each of the following as they pertain to your system:
· Project scope
· Project creep
· Constraints
· Present versus future
· Internal versus external]
Perform Fact-Finding
[Document how you conducted fact finding and how you diagrammed current processes.]
· Fact-finding involves various techniques
· Depending on what information is needed to investigate the systems request, fact-finding might consume several hours, days, or weeks
· Analyze Organization Charts
· Obtain organization charts to understand how the department functions and identify individuals you might want to interview
· Conduct interviews
· Review documentation
· Observe operations
· Conduct a user survey]
Current Processes
List of Requirements
[Define system requirements, and list the general categories into which system requirements fall. Consider examples of systems requirements in the outputs category, the inputs category, the processes category, the performance category, and the controls category.
· System must handle registration for regular students and children in after-care.
· Must track the payment method and status of students including calculation of payments and amount due.]
Preliminary Investigation and
Requirements Report Template
Version 0.1: Thursday, October 29, 2020Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Presented by: SSG Andrew J Barr
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Client approval: Yes X No
Note whether your case study needs to be ready in time for a specific event:
Date: 1 November 2020 _______________________Event: Week 4
Case Study for Lisa Tejada and Ruben Keys, owners of Club IT
General Information
Company profile
Club IT, owned by Lisa Tejada and Ruben Keys, is an entertainment club that has
live music, a dance floor, serves drinks and food.
Recently renovated, Club IT occupies 6,000 square feet of space, has a 600
square foot dance floor as well as seating for 220 people
Revenues in 2004: $1.5 million
Profit in 2004: $37,691
Business situation
In the Club IT mission statement, Ruben and Lisa state that they “seek to build a
community that meets regularly at Club IT”. To achieve this, they must be able to
efficiently provide their services. However, it seems there are some serious inventory
problems that need to be addressed. They are running out of the more popular items
more frequently and are oversupplied on items that don’t sell. As a result, Club IT wants
to implement a system that would change their inventory levels in real-time.
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Technical situation
Club IT is operating on very basic workstations that have somewhat obsolete capabilities
for 2005 such as the amount of RAM, processor, and operating system. The current
amount of RAM is 1 GB which is considered low for personal use in 2005, therefore in a
commercialized environment, 1 GB of RAM would not be acceptable at all. The Pentium
processor may be acceptable depending on what generation it is, but most likely it will
need to be updated. Lastly, the Windows XP Professional would be an adequate
operating system but having the 64-bit architecture would be significantly better.
After evaluating the current systems, it is obvious that Club IT is running on an outdated
infrastructure and it would not be able to support the inventory tracking system they
desire. They wish to implement a continuously updated inventory system that alters the
inventory levels the moment an order is placed. Also, Club IT wants to be able to
generate reports that shows trend data such as the sale of different items, if a particular
waitress had higher sales, or if time of the day influenced sales of different items. Lisa
also has a serious concern regarding the confidentiality of data.
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Problem or Opportunity
Project Scope
The project scope is to implement an efficient infrastructure while remaining as cost
effective as possible:
1.) An order entry system must be installed and be able to forward each order to a
database while printing a receipt of the transaction.
2.) A database system linked to the order entry system must be created and should
adjust the inventory levels in real-time as each item is placed in an order by an
employee. This system should also be able to automatically generate orders for
products that fall below the pre-set acceptable threshold for that product amount.
3.) Separate databases should also be implemented to show trend data such as: the
sale of different items, if a particular waitress had higher sales, or if time of the
day influenced sales of different items. The databases must be able to directly
communicate with the order entry system and the inventory system. The
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databases should also be able to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet, print it
or send it via email.
4.) Data security and confidentiality should be prioritized.
Project Creep
With Club IT having such a large facility (6000 square feet), the possibilities for them to
advance technologically is near endless. It is very possible that Lisa and Ruben may
want to expand in the future or implement a more advanced infrastructure. If that does
come to existence, the Project Scope must be completely redesigned to accommodate
for the new scenario. The inventory processes could be messed up if not reprogrammed
as the data management would not be as effective if there is too much information which
could lead to a system overload if neglected.
The constraints consist of installing a POS, enacting a Perpetual Inventory System, and
creating designated databases for analyzing data trends. More constraints can be added
down the road if the owners wish for the business to grow. However, constraints can only
be added by the owners. According to the prompts, there are no government regulations
applying a constraint to the system, yet they may exist.
Perform Fact-Finding
I set up a meeting with Lisa and Ruben to discuss Club IT and find out pertinent
information. The questions that were asked are listed below. After the all the desired
information was retrieved, a diagram to show the current process was created.
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Interview Questions:
1.) What are your personal backgrounds and what led you to creating Club IT? What
is the history of Club IT?
2.) What are some of the constantly changing aspects of Club IT? As far as growth
in facility size, number of staff, and products or services offered?
3.) What are Club IT’s business goals with this specific project?
4.) What is the ideal ending situation of this project in which all the goals were met?
5.) Which individual is ultimately in charge for guaranteeing that adequate resources
such as manpower, money, and man hours are provided to improve the IT
6.) What is the exact budget and much leeway is available in case an unexpected
issue arises?
7.) How open are you to the idea of replacing all current equipment with more
advanced equipment to enable a more efficient IT infrastructure?
8.) What is the current computer configuration like? What hardware and software is
currently being used?
9.) What kind of software do you have experience with, and do you have a
preference on what software is used?
10.)What areas of the current configuration do you feel need the most attention in
this refresh?
Current Processes
Since Club IT has such a primitive IT infrastructure the sequence use case is a very
basic and bleak. They do not really have a defined sequence for the ordering and
inventory portion of the system. Since most of the work involves manual activity,
conventional keyboard input is often deemed impractical, so they hardly use the system.
Currently, the ordering system only prints a receipt upon the order entry.
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List of Requirements
There are three main system requirements that will all work with each other: Point-of-
Sale System (POS), a Perpetual Inventory System, and a SQL Database System.
POS System
Employee puts in the order at designated workstation
The workstation generates a receipt, prints it, and records it in a digital log
The order inputted is automatically put in the Perpetual Inventory
Perpetual Inventory System
The orders are automatically acknowledged and uploaded into the
continuously updated inventory tracking system. They system breaks down
the item into each ingredient and computes it against current inventory levels
The system identifies inadequate inventory levels and notifies the appropriate
personnel for correction
Order forms that are already filled out with the correct number of products are
generated and printed out
SQL Database System
There will be two main databases: one regarding the inventory levels and the
other involved with sales. Both will be linked with the Perpetual Inventory
System and the POS System.
Only personnel that are authorized can perform queries using the predefined
utility scripts. The query will return any related and applicable data
The reports can either be exported to an Excel spreadsheet, printed or sent
via email
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