20180220045818current_event_two x20180220045912mkt_4465.current_event_in_supply_chain_management.sample 20180220045920current_event_explained
Supply Chain Management in The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report
Please READ the doc file first and write the min one-page assignment.
Find an article and write a synopsis of the article on a current topic using the emailed version of The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report. With this source you will need to click on the hyperlink within the article to view the original article for actual writer, title, and date.
To successfully complete this requirement, the student will include the following elements:
1. Include the article as included in the emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report. The emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report is the only acceptable source.
2. Write a brief synopsis of the corresponding The WSJ full article accessible through the hyperlink.
3. Explain how this event is supply chain related. Use specific supply chain terms. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
4. Give your thoughts about how it could be handled, resolved, possible implications, and/or possible solutions. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
5. List additional references properly cited within the paper.
When you use an outside source, it is to be cited and referenced using APA (Sixth edition) format.
Item will be graded only if it meets all of the following four requirements.
1. The actual paragraph regarding the article as found in the WSJ Logistics Report is included within the document.
2. Item is an event. For example, a general opinion piece is not acceptable.
3. Item is less than 28 days old at the time the assignment is due. Current event is due February 23, 2018. Source WSJ Logistics Report must be dated January 26, 2018 or after.
4. Item is properly cited within the article and referenced at the end. It is to include authors, month/day/year published, title, source publication. If from Internet, include the source address. All elements must be included.
I will upload two pdf files that explains further explains and clarifies each element of the current event.
Current Event in Supply Chain Management as found in emailed version of The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report
Supply chain issues are constantly in the news. In writing about current events, you can use and demonstrate your knowledge about and understanding of supply chain management issues.
Find an article and write a synopsis of the article on a current topic using the emailed version of The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report. With this source you will need to click on the hyperlink within the article to view the original article for actual writer, title, and date.
To successfully complete this requirement, the student will include the following elements:
1. Include the article as included in the emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report. The emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report is the only acceptable source.
2. Write a brief synopsis of the corresponding The WSJ full article accessible through the hyperlink.
3. Explain how this event is supply chain related. Use specific supply chain terms. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
4. Give your thoughts about how it could be handled, resolved, possible implications, and/or possible solutions. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
5. List additional references properly cited within the paper.
When you use an outside source, it is to be cited and referenced using APA (Sixth edition) format.
The completed assignment is to be submitted as outlined below and will be graded on how well these have been included:
Item will be graded only if it meets all of the following four requirements.
1. The actual paragraph regarding the article as found in the WSJ Logistics Report is included within the document.
2. Item is an event. For example, a general opinion piece is not acceptable.
3. Item is less than 28 days old at the time the assignment is due. Current event is due February 23, 2018. Source WSJ Logistics Report must be dated January 26, 2018 or after.
4. Item is properly cited within the article and referenced at the end. It is to include authors, month/day/year published, title, source publication. If from Internet, include the source address. All elements must be included.
If any of these four qualifications are not met, the work will not be graded.
Length of this assignment will vary depending on the article you choose and the details of your comments. The following two documents are provided to help give the student a more clear understanding of how to successfully complete this assignment.
MKT 4465.Current Event in Supply Chain Management.Sample
This sample current event presents the elements and format required to successfully complete this assignment.
Current Event explained
This document explains further explains and clarifies each element of the current event.
MKT 4465 Current Event in Supply Chain Management
By Frank Thompson
SOURCE: Page, P. (April 20, 2016). The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report.
ARTICLE: Prologis warehouse rent jump as space remains tight. Whelan, R. April 19,
2016. The Wall Street Journal.
1. Article as reported in the WSJ Logistics Report:
Prologis Inc. isn’t about to upset the balance of power in a warehouse market that’s decidedly in
favor of building owners. The world’s largest owner of warehouses and distribution
centers counted a record 20.1% increase in rents in the first quarter, gains the
company attributes to extremely tight capacity in the face of rising demand, WSJ
Logistics Report’s Robbie Whelan writes. Even with vacancy rates approaching all-time lows,
however, Prologis expects to trim its 2016 construction budget to maintain its profitable
leverage in a seller’s market. That makes the company, and the broader warehouse business, an
outlier in a logistics sector where asset-owners have been coping with excess capacity and thin
margins in a range of operations. Brokerage firm CBRE Group Inc. says warehouse space in the
U.S. have gotten tighter for 24 straight quarters, a trend the industry’s biggest provider doesn’t
want to reverse.
2. Synopsis:
Using a third party to outsource warehousing is an option for companies that can increase
supply chain surplus provided it lowers costs to the company. With vacancy rates in
warehousing approach all-time lows one company is reducing its 2016 construction budget.
Prologis Inc. is the world largest owner of warehouse and distribution centers and will keep its
company’s inventory tight for 2016. This helps the company maintain a profitable leverage in a
seller’s market. For the past 24 straight quarters, the US warehouse market has gotten tighter
and by cutting back new construction, Prologis Inc. hopes to keep it that way.
3. How this is supply chain related:
As stated in the text, using third parties can increase supply chain surplus. It makes sense when
value for the customer is increased or the cost relative to a firm performing the task in-house is
reduced. Third party warehousing availability provides the company flexibility in logistics when
faced with uncertainty in demand. If availability of space continues to tighten the excess
capacity in the market will continue to decline and prices for space can start to increase (Chopra
and Meindl, 2016).
Also, warehouse availability involves the issue of response. E-commerce provides customers the
ability to make purchases any time of the day and with little physical effort (Colla and Lapoule,
2012). Consumers have come to expect a quick response time with the time between placing
orders and receiving merchandise (Chopra, 2003). Customers also expect complete deliveries
including all items ordered in satisfactory condition (Colla and Lapoule, 2012). Companies must
build such a competitive advantage to stay competitive to stay ahead of its competition (Kucera,
4. My thoughts:
E-commerce and customers’ expectations make having the product warehoused closer to the
customer imperative. As an example, Amazon is investing $13.9 in warehouse construction for
the very purpose of getting the product to the customer quicker (Kucera, 2013). Amazon is also
aware and attempting to stay ahead of competition from eBay and Walmart (Kucera, 2013).Not
all companies are the size nor have the resources these massive companies have. However, they
are still filled with customers’ expectations. Third party warehousing may be one solution.
Supply chain managers will need to monitor the situation and their competition closely. The use
of techniques such as decision trees can help in the decision making process. Through this,
decisions on whether to tie up longer term warehousing space or depend upon the spot market
option. With owners of warehouses such as Prologis Inc. looking at cutting back, availability of
space may become a greater challenge. As companies move more toward Internet sales and
quicker delivery, third party warehousing may be needed. If availability becomes tighter the
supply chain strategy and planning become even more important. Without it as competition
grows, a company could be left behind and left out.
5. References:
Chopra, S. (2003). Designing the distribution network in a supply chain. Transportation
Research Part E 39, 123-140.
Chopra, S. & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply Chain Management – Strategy, Planning, and
Operation. Sixth edition. Pearson.
Colla, E. & Lapoule, P. (2012). E-commerce: exploring the critical success factors. International
Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 40(11). 842-864.
Kucera, D. (2013). Amazon ramps us $13.9 billion warehouse building spree. Bloomberg.
The Current Event Explained
This information is found on the actual WSJ
Logistics Report. With this information the reader
can find the exact WSJ Logistics Report used for
current event.
Information on the actual article as found in The
Wall Street Journal. You find the article by following
the blue link found in the WSJ Logistics Report
paragraph. Read the whole article.
This is the actual paragraph as found in the WSJ
Logistics Report. Copy it and paste it into your
current event assignment. This helps the reader
understand the subject of the current event. If this
is not there, the current event will not be
After reading the full article in The Wall Street
Journal, write a short synopsis of the article. It
should give more information that is found within
the WSJ Logistics Report paragraph.
What concepts of supply chain management are
included within this article? How does it relate to
our studies? Use outside sources to support your
thoughts. Be sure to cite these sources within the
current event.
In this section include your thoughts on the article
and on the topic presented. Support your thoughts
and opinions with outside sources being sure to cite
the source.
This is a list of outside references used to write your
current event. You are to support sections 3 and 4
with outside sources. Follow this format.