SocialMediaMarketingQ4 xSelf-Assessmentrevisedfff x
Subject: self assessment 10
look to wat you did for my precious assessment and do my new assessement by the samewat but change the sentences with the same meaning
> for Q4 please read my article and then answer it .
Social Media Marketing
Institutional Affiliation
1. Which “Do” or”Don’t” suggestion is most beneficial to an organization? Explain.
The most beneficial suggestion in using social media is to engage with the audience. According to Gunelius (2013), this involves interacting with the customers through conversation and understanding the niceties appreciated by the customers. Indeed, customers use social networks as a platform to receive, find, and converse on information regarding a firm’s activities. Microsoft Dynamics (2013) argues that social customers expect companies to create a personal relationship with them. These customers are not afraid to express their displeasure or views concerning items. Social networks, therefore, provide a rich source of unfiltered information, which companies can use to identify issues with services and evaluate opportunities to improve products. Therefore, when used properly social media outlets can assist customer service firms to be more efficient than before, and to create value for the firm’s services.
Social media also provides an interactive platform that helps to eliminate barriers of information between firms and customers, and help reduce the cost of offering timely services to clients. Gunelius (2013) supports this point and adds that social networking should be embedded in a company’s daily activities. Information through this source should be delivered consistently for its benefits to be achieved. Many customers value the consistency embedded in a company’s marketing platform. It shows them that the company values their input on products and services.
Gunelius (2013) also contends that social networks can provide extensive information on customers and their interests. This also includes information on their attitudes and lifestyles. Under normal circumstances, this information may be difficult to acquire. When this information is paired with proper analysis techniques, it provides insight into customer behavior, which may be used to ensure successful sales interactions.
2. While there are many positive aspects using social media, what are some negative aspects about this online environment to a participating company?
For a company that uses social networking sites, there are a variety of negative aspects that might affect the firm. Using the social networking site in the wrong way may ruin the reputation of a company and decrease its sales or its customer visits. Microsoft Dynamics (2013) argues that offering customers the wrong information or being rude to the customer will ruin the image of the company. He argues that companies should address complaints with grace and dignity. The principal goal of every company investing in social networks should be to help clients handle their issues.
Another negative aspect of a participating company is over promoting the company’s products. When a company spends valuable time promoting its services or its products, people will stop paying attention to the information on the site. Companies should add value to conversations (Gunelius 2013). They should focus on presenting information that is pertinent to the clients and developing relations with parties that have great influence online. In time, online influencers become catalysts for marketing products through word of mouth.
3. What factors will influence a firm’s decision on using which social media?
Bughin, Doogan, & vetvik (2010) argue that a firm’s decision to use social networks is based on the fact that today’s consumer value information that is offered to them directly. They argue that the information available to consumers affects power sharing between companies and clients. Consumers are presented with overwhelming information, which makes them skeptical about marketing campaigns and adverts. Consequently, customers prefer to buy products based on direct information they receive from the company.
Companies use social networks to influence the image a client will have on their brand. Bughin, Doogan, & vetvik (2010) contend that once clients decide to buy a product, they examine a set of brand based on the experiences of other online users. They also check recommendations, awareness, and experiences of the online users with regard to the product. The consumers then evaluate the brands and gather information on the brand to buy. In some cases, potential buyers may also converse with past consumers. This helps them to gain a view of their experience. According to Bughin, Doogan, & vetvik (2010), up to 80% of sales are based on direct word of mouth activity. Therefore, companies should present their clients with fast, effective, and timely information on their products. This information will boost the image of the company among future consumers and ensure the company maintains an admirable image in the public’s eye.
4. Do you know any company that uses any social media?
One of the company that uses social networks to improve its marketing strategy and customer relations is Coca-Cola. Last year, Coca-Cola came up with a new marketing campaign when the company replaced its brand name with a hundred and fifty British names. The principal reason for carrying out the campaign was to encourage consumers to share photographs of themselves, friends, and family drinking a coke with the new name. The campaign was a hit reaching up to 40% in the UK Facebook population. In less than two weeks, Facebook was flooded with photos and comments. Coca-Cola customers were recommending the product to friends and inquisitive customers. Gunelius (2013) notes the role of all enterprises should be to offer its clients with a friendly page that answers all their questions and connects with customers on a personal level. Through the use of extensive colors and interactive questions, Coca-Cola was able to achieve 60 million likes in 13 days.
Bughin,J., Doogan,J., & vetvik.(2010). A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing. Retrieved from mouth_marketing
Gunelius, S. (2013). 10 Laws of Social Media Marketing. Retrieved from
Microsoft Dynamics. (2013). Retrieved from =8&ved=0CIIBEBYwCTgK& s%2FDocuments%2FCRM%2520and%2520Social%2520Networks &ei=iR0cU8e4Jb Gw7Aa4kYHwBw&usg=AFQjCNEBrUMIcema36friswBFMoSVNjvIQ&sig2=TuKUtx N19LvudekTu7Pcyw&bvm=bv.62578216,d.ZG4
Name: __________________
Rate on the scale (see below) and provide a number ___25_ ______.
Consider your preparation, collaboration in your small groups, and your full class contributions
Participation Rubric
(0 – 12)
Minimum Standard
(13 – 18)
(19 – 24)
(25 -30)
Makes short, irrelevant remarks.
Offers short, perfunctory observations. Little depth.
Keeps up, listens and moves the discussion along. Brings out key points.
Contributions are timely, relevant, and insightful. Well articulated. Provides evidence with reference to articles.
Course outcomes:
Examine, construct and critique selected business theories or issues.
Perform effectively in collaborative learning.
Integrate the specialized knowledge of a business discipline or business in general into coherent discussion and debate on topical issues by way of report writing and presentation.
Please reflect and comment on [related to course outcomes]:
#1: Examine, construct and critique selected business theories or issues.
· Did you read all the articles we examined in class?
YES. I read all of them including How Productivity Killed American Enterprise, Recession Aftermath-What the Delayed Retirement of Mature Workers Means for Business, Is it Fair to Blame Fair Value Accounting for the Financial Crisis and Corporate Short-Term Thinking and The Winner Take All Market.
#2: Perform effectively in collaborative learning.
· Did the class discussion add to your understanding of the article?
· Yes it did, especially the articles on How Productivity Killed American Enterprise
#3: Integrate the specialized knowledge of a business discipline or business in general into coherent discussion and debate on topical issues by way of report writing and presentation.
· Did you participate in all articles? Was your discussion focused? Did you add relevant insights, participate regularly and/or move the discussion in new directions? Did you actively participate and keep the discussion moving? Did you provide strong evidence by referencing articles?
I participated in all the articles and my discussion was on point. I avoided adding irrelevant insights and was actively involved in the discussion. I referenced all my articles clearly.
#4: Comment on your learning from the articles – what stands out? Which article influenced your thinking the most?
I like the articles as I learned a lot from them. What stands out most from them is the way ideas are expressed and various examples that are provided. The one that influenced my thinking the most How Productivity Killed American Enterprise
#5: What was your most compelling overall lesson?
My most compelling lesson was that the success of any organization is determined by various factors. One of those is employee loyalty and treating employees with respect and dignity.