In the adult acute care setting, does video-based learning intervention improves stroke knowledge, 30-day readmission rate, and patient satisfaction compared to standard (booklet stroke education) over a 30 day period?
Setting: ABSMC Regional Stroke Center (30 beds)
Congruence with Organizational Strategic Plan – ABSMC is a certified Joint Commission Primary Stroke Center, adhering to strict, national guidelines to ensure patients received care that meets the highest standards.
Our stroke center consistently receives the American Stroke Association’s GET WITH THE GUIDELINES AWARDs, which nationally recognizes our program for the excellent care we provide.
Interdisciplinary Stroke program offers a full continuum of care from the moment you seek treatment through rehabilitation.
Stroke care starts in the field EMS working in conjunction with ED and continuous through hospitalization in our stroke unit, and then to our REHAb Center.
I. Abstract
II. Introduction Paragraphs( Stroke)-
· Identify purpose of this project and list specific aims or goals to be accomplished
· Quality/Safety process or patient experience to be addressed
III. Background and Significance
· Why is this issue a problem?
· How do you know it is a problem?
· Why should we care?
· What are the outcomes now (benchmarks)?
· What is the anticipated outcome?
Notes to include:
Comparing video based learning to handout stroke education
· What is stroke (different types of stroke), risk factors, mediations and lifestyle management
· Spent 10 years working in the stroke unit, it was noted that there was an area of improvement needed in stroke education.
· Family and care givers must be heavily involved in patients care as the pt usually acquired a deficit from stroke.
· From the beginning of admission until the end of stay.
· Nurse educating patient and family (diagnosis, condition, risk factors, preventive measures and treatment of stroke
IV-Literature Review and Synthesis (6 Articles) 2-3 paragraphs per ARTICLE ( within 5 years)
Includes :
· Initial paragraph- describe how you found the articles
· 2-3 paragraphs per research article that summarizes the study
· Research design
· Number and brief characteristics of sample
· Brieft description of intervention
· Outcomes, especially results that apply to the project
· Critique (mention the strengths and weaknesses of the article
· Application to the my project
· At the end of the literature review, have a paragraph or two that synthesizes
V- Theoretical or Conceptual Framework: Please use Donabedian Framework
Need Assessment Conducted: Student met on June 15th, 2020 with Stroke Coordinator, Stroke unit manager, staffs and Neurologist)
SWOT analysis used-
General practice but not being done: patient admitted to the hospital , learning style assessment by the admitting RN, identify learning style ( visual, auditory, read/write or kinesthetic (VARK) Pls include
Patient deficits (affect vision, speech and motor)- barrier to patient learning which is why handouts may not be appropriate method education.
Current Stroke Education (handout booklet) only addresses reading or writing learning styles and does not address stroke patients with the learning styles of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
This is a problem at the Acute Regional Stroke Center (30 beds) located in the greater bayarea.
Problem: using the same method education no matter what the learning preferences.
This project will create a new visual/auditory method of stroke education 10 minute-video will be given 1 hr prior to discharge and assessing whether learning preferences are met.
Objectives to include:
· Implement stroke video education at Regional Stroke Center by January 15, 2021
· Sample 30 stroke patients view video stroke education
· Sample 10 stroke patients will receive handout booklet education
· Will evaluate 2 samples after 2 typles of education viewed/read by February 15th 2021
· Will complete scholarly project with data collected and evaluations of stroke video by February 28th
· Disseminate the project at Regional Stroke Center by May 1st, 2021