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Option #1: Solution in Juvenile Justice System
Analyze a major problem facing today’s juvenile justice system and evaluate a way in which the juvenile justice system has or has not addressed the problem. Propose a solution to the issue that you have selected.
Some possible topics for this project include:
· disproportionate minority confinement
· recidivism
· gang issues
growing influence of female gangs
· drug use
· juvenile curfews
· zero tolerance policy for/with school searches
· socio-economic factors affecting delinquency
· parental liability for juvenile offenses.
Your project must include:
· An introduction to summarize and define your topic, including a clear statement of the problem or issue of concern.
· Summaries of current, relevant research from at least six credible sources
· Discussion of the implications of proposed solutions for the juvenile justice system.
· Your evaluation and conclusions regarding possible methods of managing or addressing the problem. You are encouraged to add your own opinions; however, those opinions should be carefully considered, logical, and supported by evidence or outside rationale.
Paper Requirements:
· 8-10 pages in length, not including cover and reference pages
· Cite a minimum of six scholarly sources to support your responses that are not provided in, or linked from, the course. Sources should be a combination of scholarly works, textbook and primary sources.
CourseOutline and the Annotated Bibliography
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Introduction and Background
· The juvenile justice system is the system that deals with children at risk and those who conflict with the legal system or the law.
· The juvenile justice system is composed of the regulations, policies, and procedures to regulate the process and treatment of non-adult offenders for violations of the laws.
· The juvenile justice system has transformed since its establishment in the 1800s.
The reforms in the juvenile justice system
· After establishing the juvenile justice system, several reforms have been made in the system to ensure that there is protection to the due process of the law “rights of youth.”
· The reforms in the system have also been focused on developing the aversion to the imprisonment of young persons.
· Efforts have been made to help improve the confinement conditions, reduce the use of detention, decrease secure confinement, provide high quality and evidence-based services to youths, close the large institutions and the re-investment in the community-based programs.
· Efforts are made to ensure the transformation of the juvenile justice system.
· These reforms aim to protect the due process of the law that involves the rights of youth and creates an aversion to the imprisonment of young persons.
Annotated Bibliography
Cauffman, E., Fine, A., Mahler, A., & Simmons, C. (2018). How developmental science influences juvenile justice reform. UC Irvine L. Rev., 8, 21.
The article’s authors focused on the influence of developmental science on juvenile justice reform. According to the article, the establishment of the juvenile justice system reflected the appreciation that youthful offenders have to be treated differently. The authors recommend that the purpose of the juvenile court is to ensure that there is the protection of the juvenile delinquents while holding them accountable. According to the study, developmental science offers concrete proof that supports the arguments that youthful offenders deserve different treatment in the justice system. The Supreme Court and other legal entities have incorporated the development science into the decision-making processes with the considerations of the competence and culpability of the adolescent.
Cavanagh, C., Paruk, J., & Grisso, T. (2021). The developmental reform in juvenile justice: Its progress and vulnerability. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Advance online publication.
According to the article, the developmental reform to the juvenile system has changed the law, policy, and practice toward research-based perception on adolescent development. The authors aimed at maintaining and building upon the benefits that have been gained towards reforming juvenile justice by documenting a 2-phase that was a five-year effort aimed at identifying and tracking the threats to the reforms. The authors recommended a need to have the sustaining progress of the development reform movement.
King, R. D., & Light, M. T. (2019). Have racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing declined?. Crime and Justice, 48(1), 365-437.
The article’s authors aimed to determine if disparities linked to race and ethnicity in terms of sentencing have been reduced. According to the study, the number of blacks and Hispanics convicted of felonies is higher than white. Black and Hispanics are at higher chances of being imprisoned for their crimes and slightly received sentences when imprisoned. The majority of research work had compared the sentencing decisions at a single point and failed to provide clear attention on how racial and ethnic disparities have transformed. The authors recommend that understanding disparity caused by the differences in race and ethnicity will need new data that investigate the arrests to the final disposition to include the victim’s information associated with citizenship.
Young, S., Greer, B., & Church, R. (2017). Juvenile delinquency, welfare, justice, and therapeutic interventions: a global perspective. BJPsych Bulletin, 41(1), 21-29. doi: 10.1192/pb.bp.115.052274
The authors focused on juvenile delinquency, well-being, justice, and therapeutic solutions. Using a review procedure, the authors considered juvenile delinquency and justice from a global perspective. According to the authors, there is a concern about the growth of crime. The majority of teenage wrongdoers are the victims of complicated needs, resulting to a public health strategy that demands balancing between the welfare and the justice models. The study reveals the absence of adequate legal structures and the specialist workforce. The study shows that the United Kingdom and other economic stable nations globally have developed forensic child and adolescent psychiatry. Adopting the evidence-based therapeutic solution has been linked with a more significant decrease in recidivism than the punitive strategies common in some nations.
Zajac, K., Sheidow, A. J., & Davis, M. (2015). Juvenile justice, mental health, and the transition to adulthood: A review of service system involvement and unmet needs in the US. Children and youth services review, 56, 139-148.
This a review study that summarized the particular needs of the transition-age teenage suffering from the mental health illness and found themselves in the juvenile justice system. The authors also aimed to identify several service systems critical to the group and provide proposals for the practice and policies. The authors adopted an inclusive strategy to search and identify the literatures. The study’s outcome shows that the present programs and the initiatives are essential to transition-age teenage diagnosed with the mental health illnesses.
Zane, S. N. (2021). Have racial and ethnic disparities in juvenile justice declined over time? An empirical assessment of the DMC mandate. Youth violence and juvenile justice, 19(2), 163-185.
The authors aimed to examine if disparities in terms of race and ethnicity in juvenile justice have greatly been reduced in states that have made significant reforms efforts in compliance. The authors used a sample generated from the referrals in Connecticut from the 2000 or 2010 final disposition by utilizing multilevel modeling and the cross-level interactions to evaluate whether there has been a change in the disparities over time for the five outcomes. The outcomes are the commitment, petition, detention, adjudication, and waiver to the criminal court. The study outcomes reveal that the disparities amongst the Black-White in terms of detention dropped with time, whereas the black-white disparities elevated in terms of the waiver, adjudication, and petition.