068A8AF8-E61F-4B66-9A69-84536FB0E86D1 499393DA-D7FC-4D69-873D-BB67620818A91
A good thesis statement 4 paragraphs (introduction,body1,body2,conclusion) Your introductory paragraph should be at least 100 (100-125) words long. Begin with a broad generalization, and using the funnel style, arrive at a thesis and mapping statement. Underline your thesis statement and highlight (or bold) its controlling idea. b) You will be comparing 2 things, but according to 3 separate criteria that they have in common. Hence your outline in each body paragraph will have 3 points in it. c) Write TWO full body (developmental) paragraphs. Each one should be at least 100 (100-125) words long (not less). Underline the topic sentence and highlight (or bold) its controlling idea. Remember that these paragraphs MUST be about one of your major “objects of comparison,” which is evaluated according to the 3 points listed. The concluding paragraph should also be 100 (100-125) words long.