INFSYS-Testing Methodologies
Assignment 01
Requirements Analysis
Below are a set of requirements provided to you by the Sales Manager of a car dealership where you just started
in their new IT department. It is not a big place and they lack IT methodologies, mostly because they are just
getting started with doing some of their own IT work. You will be expected to bring some methodologies to the
department as you mature in your role.
The requirements below are all you’ve been given to work with. Your role is an Entry-Level “IT Position” and you
are responsible to complete the request.
For the class assignment, you are expected to:
1) Criticize each requirement as needed. Some have major issues, some need a little further clarification.
Provide this analysis. A dissertation is not required. Just up to a few sentences, including your
commentary on the issues with the requirement, questions you would ask the manager for that
requirement, and a re-written requirement.
2) You are going to provide feedback to the Sales Manager by rewriting the requirements, providing
commentary, asking questions, presenting a re-written requirement, and providing any new
requirements you suggest.
3) I suggest using an Excel Document.
• Label columns appropriately and label rows with the requirement number.
• Create columns for Requirement number, Original Requirement, Commentary you have for the
Requirement, Questions for the Manager, and the Rewritten Requirement(s). There may be more
than requirement when it is re-written.
• Add any new requirements to the end of the document
4) First List your Commentary as you are writing to me, the instructor, not the manager
5) Then List your questions for the manager.
6) Then Re-write the requirement for clearly. Some may require additional requirements.
7) Again, suggest any missing requirements
8) You do NOT have to create a test plan, or formal requirements document. We are just looking to
provide an exercise to assess and improve requirements.
9) Post to Canvas by due day listed on the assignment.
Use Microsoft Excel to Create a Calculator to provide our sales team a tool to determine a loan payment
amount for our vehicles. Please follow these requirements:
1) Provide a cell to enter the car cost and price
2) Provide a cell to enter any interest rate in either decimal or integer values
3) Provide a cell to enter the length of the loan
4) Provide a payment amount for various terms
5) Use a clear and readable font
6) Code the spreadsheet so only the input cells can be modified and the sales team cannot update the
any other cells.
7) Provide messages for bad input
8) Provide a print option to print results with the name
9) Store the completed excel file on a directory that can be accessed
10) Complete this task by the end of the month