Answer each question with at least 1.5 to 2 page, paper must be double spaced, composed in Times New Roman, font size 12, with no more than 1-inch margins
Question 1: Identify and profile a social movement organization or a company in any industry purporting “pro-social” motivations underlying their operations or some aspect of their operations. Your profile should include 1) the stated goals of the movement organization or company in the problem area they are addressing, 2) evaluation of their track record (i.e., are they accomplishing what they aim to accomplish and how are you making that evaluation – data would be good here), and 3) suggestions that you would make to the organization or company in order to increase their efficacy. Finally, spend some time 4) considering ways that the activities of the organization or company you have profiled could be expanded beyond the scope of a single organization or company (i.e., what lessons could be learned and applied in other movements or industries).
As an example to help you get started, check out this short video highlighting Patagonia’s on-site child care which is available for their employees (
Patagonia's 30-year "experiment" with on-site child care
You must cite at least three sources in your response with in-text citations and a references page (references page does not count towards response length). At least one of those sources must utilize data (if data directly relating to the organization or company isn’t available, find something to frame the problem).
Question 2: identify a social problem of your choice. After identifying the problem, I’d like for you to 1) identify key claimsmakers and counter-claimsmakers (I think you’ll find counterclaims even if you choose a valence issue). From there, 2) describe how these claimsmakers have contributed to changes in the problem over time (i.e., these changes could include perceptions, policies, actions, or things of that nature). Included in your discussion of these changes over time, consider 3) macro/structural level concerns regarding the issue as well as micro level applications (i.e., who are the problems workers and subjects involved with your problem). Finally, 4) forecast how you think these dynamics will continue to develop moving forward.
You must cite at least three sources in your response with in-text citations and a references page (references page does not count towards response length). At least one of those sources must utilize data.